The Multichain Wallet for Web3 supports all EVM / Substrate / CosmosSDK based and other mainstream blockchains. EVM: Ethereum, BNBChain, Polygon, Optimistic Ethereum, Arbitrum, Moonbeam, Fantom, Avalanche, and more. Substrate: Polkadot, Kusama, Statemine, Acala, Bifrost, Parallel, ChainX, and more. CosmosSDK: CosmosHub, IRISnet, Secret Network, Kava, Band Protocol, and more. Mainstream: Bitcoin, Solana, Arweave, Filecoin, Flow, Tron, Near, and more. Features: - Create wallets in-app, allowing you to store, receive, and transfer tokens easily in a 'one-stop shop' experience with an up-to-date tutorial - Monitor your portfolio and track earnings from anywhere, plus earn rewards without leaving the wallet - Secure your assets with Private Keys, Mnemonic Phrases, and more If you'd like to learn more about our service or if you have any questions, you can find us at: Official Website: Twitter: @Mathwallet