Loop Is the Social Media App Of The Future. We make it easy for you to discover what's happening in the community while also staying safe using Loops Geo-Maping Technology. * Voice Calling *Video Calling *Featured Stories *Fully Integrated 3D Mapping * SMS Texting *Add Friends *Find Out Whats happening in your area *Stay In Touch With Family * Any feedback? Contact us at [email protected] or tweet us @streetgenius_ The Loop APP is app very different from other social media mobile apps. It has built in crime reports and crime statistics in which users can access via “Loop Map”. Users of this application will be able to see what types of crime is being committed in a given neighborhood and also will be able to single out certain crimes such as murders, rape, and burglary via “Loop Map” and public post. There will also be section on the app in which the map will show all sex offenders in a given area and be able to view pictures of sex offenders as well. Here are a few distinct features that “Loop” will help you do • Uses are able to post when they see suspicious activity and also mark it on the map • Suspicious activity is classified in several categories all which have separate icons on the map • High crime areas are marked and distinguished • Users would be able to interact with each other via message post & live message feeds • The Loop app is a glorified interactive crime map in which users are able to communicate with each other and also post information about their neighborhood