GTEL PHONE 2 is a free, simple and secure calling and messaging app. It provides innovative telecommunication services for individuals and businesses from varying industries. GTEL PHONE offers virtual phone numbers with +374 (60) prefix for making high-quality local and international phone calls through the internet (WiFi or 3G / 4G) without using a SIM-card. Moreover, we have integrated the most up-to-date quality technologies into a single network to ensure that our clients always stay in touch. Advantages of the Application: 1. Reduced costs - Calling becomes more affordable with the usage of GTEL PHONE. 2. No limitations on making and/or receiving calls - You can call to any telephone number and make unlimited and FREE calls within GTEL PHONE network. 3. Flexibility - You can download the app and easily get your additional phone number. 4. Security and reliability - It is 100% secure and prevents information flow risks. 5. Dedicated support from GTEL PHONE