ezyorganizer: ORGANIZE YOUR TODOs … NOW WITH VOICE CONTROL Do you ever have these thoughts ? ...... What’s my schedule today? What time is my gym session? When do the kids need to be at practice? When do we need to pay the builder / tradesperson? ...and how much? Did my client pay me last week? What’s the address of the restaurant for mum’s birthday next week? Did I pay the gardener last week? Did my children finish their tasks this morning? When does our warranty run out & what number do I call for warranty support? If so, ezyorganizer gives you all everything you need to help you stay on top of your todo's and keep your busy life organized, simple and easy to use. HANDS FREE Not only that, but do it all HANDS FREE with VOICE CONTROL! Spend more time doing what comes naturally, and use your voice to tell the app what you want to do, and it will perform the actions for you. Don't swipe... don't type... just speak. Making it even easier for you to plan and organise your todo's. HANDY DISPLAY Our handy display will quickly show you the information that matters most.. how does my spending compare to budget?, am I on track to complete my goals?, how many times have I completed a recurring todo?, who's sharing my calendar?, ... and much more. ALERTS & REMINDERS Never miss an important todo, appointment or task... set alerts to remind you. TAGS AND SEARCH Organise your todos using tags... combined with our powerful search, your todos are always just a click away and easy to find... no matter how many you have. SHARE YOUR CALENDAR You can share and track your calendar and plans with family, friends, colleagues, manage suppliers or contractors, stay in touch with instructors, teachers, literally ANYONE... ezyorganizer makes sure you’re in control and synched with those that really matter. QUICK START TODO TEMPLATES And we help you get started with predefined todo templates for everything from APPOINTMENTS, WEDDINGS, HOME RENOVATIONS, HOLIDAYS to events, activities, hobbies and kids schedules.... or you can make your own. WEDDINGS, BIRTHDAYS & EVENTS. Let ezyorganizer help you effectively plan for any event…. weddings, birthdays, conferences, parties, trips, or a family project. Create your plan, assign to-dos, manage budgets, track status, communicate to attendees and then rest easy, your event is organized & under control. HOME RENOVATIONS Ezyorganizer can even help you with complicated, long-term projects such as Home Builds & Renovations... offering homeowners, professionals, contractors and realtors complete control of their plans. Manage and keep track of progress, know the budget, track payments, send real time messages, monitor the quality of work, ezyorganizer reduces your stress & keeps you in charge. Be more in control of your home build or renovation project, easily communicate with professionals, builders, contractors and tradespersons. Design a plan, share progress and avoid delays. HOBBIES, LESSONS, GIGS AND SPORTS. Any activity you are involved in, plan and keep track of everything: hobbies, gigs, kids tutoring, sports or music lessons. Use the calendar to diarise your sessions, track payments made or due, chat with your family, client, teacher, store files and invoices and more. Chat and communicate with everyone and anyone, keep your diary organized and stay in control of your life! * subscription required, but no payment required during your first 7 days TRIAL, cancel at any time, pricing may vary slightly due to local taxes and currency conversion at time of purchase. Contact: [email protected]