Book outdoor experiences or earn money hosting adventures on Lyfx. Whether you’re into hiking, snowboarding, scuba-diving, or just want to try something new, we have an amazing lineup of adventures that you can choose from. Local experts, in turn, can offer experiences designed according to their schedule and skills, set prices and start making money. ADVENTURERS: • Go on outdoor adventures designed and led by local experts. • Search for adventures by location, category, price, difficulty level, among other filters. • Join the outdoor community and meet like-minded fellow adventurers. • Cultivate your hobby or try new outdoor activities. • Get to know different outdoor escapes and destinations. • Choose to become a Local Expert at any time to start designing your own adventures. LOCAL EXPERTS: • Create detailed outdoor adventures using our intuitive, step by step in-app creation tool. • Start a simple business with no upfront cost. • Control your listings by selecting the most convenient available dates. • Create and manage multi-day adventures or custom expeditions. • Get in touch with guest with our in-app chat feature.