The Chinese five elements ("Wu Xing") is a conceptual scheme that many traditional Chinese fields used to explain a wide range of phenomena. For Example, geomancy, Feng shui, astrology, traditional Chinese medicine, music, military strategy and martial arts. The purpose of this application lets the user through the game to continued practice the relationship of the five elements ("mutual generation" and "mutual overcoming"). Ten computerized chess players have different skills. And they are waiting for your challenge. Download it and give it a try! [ Overcomes ] Metal overcomes Wood Wood overcomes Earth Earth overcomes Water Water overcomes Fire Fire overcomes Metal [ Generation] Metal generate Water Water generate Wood Wood generate Fire Fire generate Earth Earth generate Metal The "Five elements“ are Wood (木 mù), Fire (火 huǒ), Earth (土 tǔ), Metal (金 jīn), and Water (水 shuǐ). 中国五行八卦博大精心,本应用目的是通过游戏给用户不断练习五行相剋相生的关系。十一位棋手各有不同的技能,他们等着你们的挑战。快点下载来试试吧! 五行相克:金克木,木克土,土克水,水克火,火克金 五行相生:金生水、水生木、木生火、火生土、土生金