TELLA - MATHS FOR SMALL KIDS TELLA is an educational game for tablets that introduces children to basic maths through play. Created for 5-8 year olds, TELLA may also be enjoyed by younger or older kids. TELLA consists of several sets of games with tasks to be solved in a given order. The content can be easily customized by an adult – making tasks visible/invisible – providing the child with challenges that suit his or her skills. New tasks can be revealed as the child learns and masters each level. TELLA is designed to be used at school or at home – in the classroom or on the sofa. The game is developed by educators and funded by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training. TELLA is available in these languages: Norwegian (nynorsk/bokmål) Spanish English See the game website for further information about how to use TELLA: Developed by Bergen University College (Centre for New Media), Norway Statped Vest (national service for special needs education), Norway Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Campus d’Alcoi , Spain.