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Please allow selected group SMS push notifications

By Helari   

I’m in a few groups but only want to receive push notifications from 2 of them. One of them is a group of kids who spam each other all
Day and I don’t want to receive those messages. However if I turn off notifications I turn it off for all of the groups I belong to. It would be great if I could select the groups I wanted to be notified of updates and the rest turn off. Thank you

07/15/2024 11:00:04
edit button

By Thunder4ever   

We need a edit button to edit posts

07/14/2024 23:52:06
Previous review Deleted

By NicAlves98   

I used to love this app. I use it daily. But the more they update it, the worse it gets. You use to be able to do things like bold or italicize text, you could set group photos as gifs, set your own “like” emoji, and a plethora of other things. Now, you can’t even respond to texts through the notification, which is SO ridiculously inconvenient. I don’t want to have to go to the app every time I want to respond to a message. Not to mention, the app is starting to look like Teams. I don’t want another Teams. I already have Teams, and I hate it. Please let us respond to texts from the notification again. And please stop taking away the best features of the app. Only not 1 star because I use it all the time and there’s no other app other than discord that allows you to create groups like this one does.

07/14/2024 21:38:28
App runs you slow to be usable

By AlexFluffyWise164910   

Ever since they added the AI feature the app freezes and is slow to respond, so bad that it’s unusable

07/14/2024 19:49:03
What happened with the update?

By jojoooo:3   

I've been using group me for years for various chats and never had an issue. Recently, however, I signed out briefly and now I can't get back into my account. It keeps saying "something went wrong try again." Someone I know is also having the same issue, but be was creating a new account. Whatever is going on, yall need to fix it expeditiously and make it easier to contact you for help.

07/14/2024 18:10:43
Can’t use app

By thais rubio   

I got this app for a sport thing and t wont let me accept the privacy policy and the terms of conditions

07/14/2024 14:24:07
New Update Really Buggy

By we are reviews   

I wanna preface this by saying that this was a great app and I would recommend it. But ever since the new update it’s been super glitchy and buggy. Making it hard to even respond or sometimes open chats and folders. I loved the app and used it all the time, but now it’s just a hassle and hard to navigate. Hope this issues gets resolved soon.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/15/2024

Hello! Thank you for leaving a review. Sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues - if the issues are still persisting can you please submit that specific feedback? You can find that under the profile dashboard ---> Help Center---> Give Feedback.
Thank you again for your patience! Have a great rest of your day!

07/13/2024 20:37:18
Open a new GroupMe account for me

By ggrdma   

I’ve been trying for hours and I can find my logo but it will not send

07/13/2024 14:02:25
Update please

By jmontgomery   

My group me has been working great but I think it needs an update, when I go check for updated conversations it will not update. Please fix.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/15/2024

Hello! Thank you for leaving a review. Sorry to hear that you are experiencing a bug with your updated conversations- if the issues are still persisting can you please submit that specific feedback? You can find that under the profile dashboard ---> Help Center---> Give Feedback.

Thank you again for your patience!

07/12/2024 18:55:31
new updates are awful

By thefakelinmanuel   

the app is SO SLOW ever since the update when microsoft was added to the home login screen. i’ve used this app for 12 years with no issues until now. please improve the speed!!!!!

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/15/2024

Hello! Thank you for leaving a review and for being a longtime user of GroupMe. Sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues - if the issues are still persisting can you please submit that specific feedback? You can find that under the profile dashboard ---> Help Center---> Give Feedback.

Thank you again for your patience! Have a great rest of your day!

07/12/2024 07:41:12
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