SafeMapp is an application based on GPS geolocation technology that aims to reduce the number of crimes committed on public roads as well as attacks on civilians committed daily in different parts of the world, all thanks to the cooperation between human beings. SafeMapp operation is very simple: In any dangerous situation in which the app user may find himself, he can press the central alarm button on the main interface of the App and send a distress signal to all users Nearby within a determined radius of action, once these users receive the distress signal, they can see the real-time position of the user in danger and help him by following the closest route automatically generated to reach the user's position. Main features of version 1.0: REGISTRATION OF USERS IN THE DATABASE: All safemapp users will be registered by email and will appear in our database. USER PROFILE: With the creation of the SafeMapp account, a user profile will be created that can be modified at any time. SENDING THE ALARM SIGNAL: Each time a user is in danger, they will press the button and nearby users will be automatically notified. ACTION RATIO: The action radius of the alarm sent can be viewed REAL-TIME POSITION: Users who receive the alarm will be able to access the location of the pardon in danger in real time. AUTOMATIC ROUTE: Accepting the alarm signal will automatically trace the fastest route to reach the person in distress. HELP REQUESTS: There is a separate screen in the application to view requests for help from third parties.