App for easy system betting tool (calculator) for your casino games and more! This app provides the following 9 betting system calculator. - Winner's system - 31 Parlay - Anti-Martingale (Parlay) - Cocomo - D’Alembert - Great Martingale - Labouchere (Cancellation) - Martingale - Oscar’s Grind Easy to use: 1. Chose a system from the menu 2. Start your actual games such as Baccarat, Roulette, Black Jack and more. 3. Tap WIN or LOSE button to show next bet amount Features: - Unit of bet can be changed - App shows basic data such as # of games, # of rounds (# of completion of system bet), win ratio... - Create number sequences in Labouchere system as you like. - Save bet history - Thousand separator can be changed - You can reference Basic Strategy for Black Jack. To view it, tap a note icon next to History icon at the top right corner of In each system screen. Notice: Please note that the system bet does not guarantee profit although it provides a logical way of betting to attempt to control profit and loss. Please use it at your own risk. Sound effect used in this app is from:OtoLogic(