Wego helps YOU to Get Inspired, Explore, and Plan Trips like never before! Download the best travel app for booking cheap flights & hotels today! It’s totally free to use. *Highlights* *Full price transparency* Specifically designed to help you find the lowest travel costs available online, Wego displays the total airfare or hotel rates clearly and upfront. By displaying taxes, surcharges and other associated fees, there are no surprises when you make your booking. *Search & Book* Wego app provides best-in-class search & booking experience — the user experience is fast and intuitive, you get to compare flights & hotel rates from a comprehensive list of airlines, hotel brands and travel agents — plus there’s a wide range of filtering & sorting options so you find exactly what you’re looking for. *Explore All Destinations* Wego comes packed with features that help you Get Inspired, Explore & Plan Trips like never before -- you can browse all possible destinations by popularity, weekend trips, visa requirements, cheap deals and themes -- this is perfect if you feel like travelling but do not have a particular place in mind yet. *Plan The Best Time To Fly* You can easily find the cheapest months to fly to a destination by using Wego’s Price Trends feature (powered by our price prediction model). Price Trends shows you the lowest fares found in each month (for the period of the next 12 months), and from there you can easily select from a big range of flight deals. *The Most Comprehensive Hotel Reviews* Wego provides you with the most comprehensive set of hotel reviews — we’ve aggregated hotel reviews from all the top sources, TrustYou, Booking.com, Foursquare, HolidayIQ and TripAdvisor — and presented it to you in one place, so that you can quickly and easily find out what all other users are saying about any hotels you wish to stay in. *Featured In The Top New & Tech Publications* Wego has been highlighted in many of the top news & tech publications in MENA, APAC & around the world, some of these include Techcrunch, Tech In Asia, Sky News Arabia, The Australian, CNBC Asia, Arabian Business, Khaleej Times, Al Bayan, Al Arabiya, and many more. *Earn Cashback When You Shop, Dine & Travel* [Currently available in UAE & Egypt] We've integrated MENA's favourite cashback app, ShopCash, right into the Wego app. This is great news, because now you can earn cashback on all your purchases, whether it be flights, hotels, online shopping or dining at your favourite restaurant. All of the cashback goes into your virtual wallet, which you can then withdraw for real money! *More Awesome Features For YOU* • Available in over 20 languages - English, Arabic, Hindi, Bahasa Indonesia, French, Chinese and many more • Siri shortcuts - quickly search hotel tonight or access Wego exclusive deals with voice commands. • Integrated with “The Entertainer” to bring you more offers for food & beverages, leisure & attractions, and beauty & wellness. • Recent searches - Wego saves them for you, so there’s no need to re-enter details • Full-featured hotel listings with latest rates, photos, amenities and guest reviews. • Hotel mapping functionality - find the perfect hotel combining price, location, star rating and guest reviews scores neatly presented on a map • Receive Price Alerts by email for that trip you’re planning