Make ad blocking a breeze in Safari. Download Breezeblock to get rid of annoying ads, stop sites from tracking you, and speed up your browsing experience. Load pages faster while simultaneously cutting back on your data usage while using Safari. BACKGROUND UPDATES Automatic, high quality block list updates ensure you stay one step ahead of advertisers. Via iCloud, Breezeblock will automatically update and refresh your block list without you needing to do anything. TODAY WIDGET Quick access from inside notification center lets you choose what content to block without leaving your current app. LATEST TECHNOLOGY Utilizing technology only available in iOS 9, you can trust Breezeblock to efficiently, quickly, and safely block ads and other content around the web. THE POWER TO CHOOSE Choose what you want to block, when you want to block it. Choose from blocking ads, tracking sites, social media buttons, and media. Block any combination of these at any time. FOCUS ON CONTENT Stop loading annoying ads and place the focus back on the content you care about.