The Cartograph app views Mapsforge offline vector maps, offline raster maps, and online/WMS maps. It supports tracking, route search, overlays, hillshading, reliefs, track drawing, and has many other features. Cartograph Maps 3 is available here: ### Features ### - User interface languages: Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Traditional Chinese. - View Mapsforge offline vector maps (including v5 format). - Full support for Mapsforge styling/render themes (including hillshading) and layers. - Offline raster maps: Locus SQLite maps, MBTiles, TwoWays/CompeGPS RMAP*, Oruxmaps SQLite*. - Online map support (including WMS - Web Map Service maps), e.g. OpenStreetMap, OpenCycleMap, OpenSeaMap, WikiMedia hillshading, etc. - Import online maps easily from files: "". - Offline hillshading (from HGT elevation data). - Offline relief shading. - Offline slope maps (experimental). - Contour lines (Mapsforge maps). - Worldwide, free offline maps. - Support for Mapsforge multi-maps (multiple .map files stitched into a single map). - Night/day mode. - GPS Track recording. - Manual track drawing and editing. - GPX import and export (basic KML/KMZ import support). - Import of photos with EXIF tags as waypoints. - Import of KMZ photo series. - Import Google Maps POIs/Places using Google Takeout data export function. - Upload tracks to - Route altitude profile and elevation/slope visualization. - Online route search. - Live tracking and polling (using custom server,, or Cartograph server). - Support for Mapsforge POIs, offline POI search, and dynamic POI loading. - Scalable interface (e.g. to increase button sizes). - Compass. - Units: Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit, metric, imperial, nautic. - Decimal and degree coordinate modes. - Supports Mapsforge multi-language maps and POIs. - Map import: iOS 11 File Browser, Wifi upload, iTunes file sharing, internal download manager, and import using "Open in" from 3rd party apps like Safari, Chrome, DropBox, etc. - Voice/sound alerts along routes and waypoints. *EXPERIMENTAL* - drinking water sources. - Customizable user interface color (dark, light, and colors) and size. - 3D map snapshot view for an overview over the current map region. * RMAP and Oruxmaps use various map projections and support is experimental. Please contact us if a map does not work so that we can add support for your projection. Further information: Getting started: Help&Tutorial: Facebook: User manual: YouTube how-to videos: Please drop us a line if you have questions or feature requests: ### Maps ### - Offline Map Downloader ( - very good maps for outdoor activities.