The IOS Serial Monitor solution for the LightBlue™ Bean from Punch Through Design. Bean Console is an input/output console to be used with the LightBlue™ Bean Bluetooth LE micro-controller board from Punch Through Design. The app allows you to communicate with the LightBlue Bean from a Bluetooth LE-capable IOS device the way you would from the Serial Monitor within the Arduino IDE. However, the app also provides functionality not found in the Arduino IDE's Serial Monitor. If you do not have a LightBlue™ Bean micro-controller board from Punch Through Design and a BLE-capable IOS device then you do not need this app. For information on (or to purchase) the LightBlue Bean visit v1.0.0 - Initial Release -------------------------------------------- FEATURES: - Displays Serial() messages from the LightBlue Bean's arduino sketch. - Can send data to the LightBlue Bean's arduino sketch - Read's the LightBlue Bean's five scratch characteristics - Monitors for changes to the LightBlue Bean's five scratch characteristics - Can toggle the LightBlue Bean's arduino module's power on/off - Can set or clear the LightBlue Bean's pairing PIN