Browse, view, upload and manage SmugMug photos and videos Warning to iOS 8.0 - 8.3 users: Due to an unknown bug, the app can't login to your account. In order to fix the issue, update to iOS 8.4 or greater. Features - Upload photos and videos to an existing or new gallery - Cache gallery list - Gallery search - Edit/delete an existing gallery - Remove photos from an existing gallery - Edit an existing photo's meta info - View galleries of your friends, family and fans - Manage your friends and family - View all-time popular photos - View today's popular photos - View popular photos in a SmugMug category - View public geo-tagged photos - View the galleries of a public photo - Add a SmugMug user as friend or family - View/make comment of a photo - View a photo's meta info - View a photo's location on map if geo-location is available - Photo slideshow - Photo/video download - Share a photo or an album via Google+, email, Twitter, Facebook, and Sina Weibo (iOS 6.x or greater) - Collect a photo into your galleries - Sharegroups support -- Add, edit and delete a sharegroup -- Add and remove an album to/from a sharegroup -- Share your sharegroups by email, Google+, Facebook, Twitter and Sina Weibo (iOS 6.x or greater) -- Add your friends' sharegroups by using sharegroup tag & password -- Add your friends' sharegroups directly from email shared by the app ****** The app is not developed by SmugMug