RORO aims to provide Chinese families world wide with professional and comprehensive online medical consultation services, as well as information and guidance for pregnancy and childcare. By installing RORO, you can get: ν Round-the-clock Online Medical Consultation No need to go out, no need to wait, and no more foreign language barriers. Dozens of China nationwide chief physicians and medical professors online, who are senior pediatricians, gynecologists and general practitioners, provide you with authoritative answers through VoIP (Internet phone) of RORO around the clock. ν Comprehensive Pregnancy and Childcare Information Provide scientific and practical pregnancy and parenting articles, information and tools online for your child to grow up in a loving and scientific environment. ν Relaxing and Fun Online Entertainment Keep you posted of the most real-time news and jokes every day to enrich your daily family fun time. ν Well-rounded Parent-child Events Besides listing in detail the information of parent-child events around you, RORO even creates an online sharing and interaction platform that makes parent-child relations more intimate and parents around the world easier to share their life. Welcome to contact us: Official Website: Official Weibo: Official WeChat: RORO Tech Official (WeChat ID: RORO-ONE)