Genes & Diseases app provides comprehensive information about Genes, its functions and their relevant data from NIH databases   Features: -Search Any Gene name or diseases name in search bar Gene Name Search -Data search will display Gene normal function, Health conditions, genetics changes -Gene location on chromosome -Other names of the gene if any -Any other additional information if available -You can also view protein structure or gene sequence Disease Name Search -General information about the Disease -Frequency of disease -Causes of disease -Genetics inheritance -Diagnosis and management related information -Other names for disease condition -Any other information if available -Genes that are relavent or published data information also available -Chromosomes and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) information Genes & Disease App also provides *Easy to check any health information that are available on NIH website *Other external website, that are available to show relavent information *Easy to export displayed data PDF *Easy to Share on social network or email *Connect us on social media *Contact Us for feedback *Help section is available for tutorials