Telepresence - VisualSupport RemoteCall allows support representatives and their customers to collaboratively support iOS devices (iPhones & iPads). Below are the necessary steps to use VisualSupport - RemoteCall. Test Instruction: [ PC Side ] 1. RemoteCall Install (Windows 10 PC Application) A. Open a web browser and move to: 2. Download the RemoteCall Installer. 3. Run the RemoteCall Installer. 4. Once installed, run RemoteCall. A. After that, run the program B. Please refer manual(page4 ~ 5) C. Manual: 5. Enter the user ID and password, then click ‘Login’. A. ID: appletest01 B. PW: 222222 6. Click 'Start' 7. Standby to Connect. [ Mobile Side ] 1. Launch the App A. Tap the ‘LG Telepresence’ icon to launch the application 2. Enter the 6-Digit Connection Code A. Enter the 6-Digit Connection Code(PC Connection Code) into the mobile app, then tap ‘OK’ 3. Tap ‘Agree’ to continue. A. Please refer manual(page7 ~ 8) B. Manual: For more information regarding the installation process or how to use LG telepresence - RemoteCall, please refer to the documents listed below. 1. RemoteCall Installer (PC Application) A. URL: 2. User Manual (For Testing Purposes) A. Manual: 3. Demo Video A. 4. DemoAccount(PC app ID/PW) A. ID : appletest01 B. PW : 222222