Welcome to Suggestify! With Suggestify, create image, text based interactive polls, ask for recommendations and get instant suggestion. Easy sign up • One click Sign up using Google account Create interactive polls • Create text/image based interactive polls. • Add up to 10 options. • Categorize your poll with the multiple hashtags. • Attach reference image (from gallery, camera or from our 4+ millions of image pool) • Set custom polls duration • Disable comments or sharing of the poll by others • Create private polls and share it with voters you want to get vote from • Hide voter details • Vote without having an app :) from any browser • Add passcode and secure your poll • Generate QR code and share it with voters Create unlimited surveys • Create beautiful surveys with unlimited questions • Multiple choice, checks, true/false and many more type of questions supported • Get response from the browser without having an app • Create private surveys to get response from defined users • Feature your surveys on main page to get more response Ask questions • Ask question or share interesting facts • Share URL or videos • Start a conversation or discuss on issues Create groups and have fun • Create public/private groups or join any group you find interesting, invite others. • Create polls related to group. • Chat room: chat with all members get your thoughts cleared. • Want to buy new phone? get a recommendation for travel destination? ask in appropriate group Share with all • Share the poll with your friends and family via your favourite tools: Facebook, WhatsApp, WeChat, Telegram, Messenger, Mail, Messages, and more. • By sharing weblink, voters can vote without the app :) Search • Search based on poll questions or hashtags and get the answers from the poll result Discuss on the poll • Discuss, comment with fellow voters on the poll • Direct a conversation by adding mentions ('@') Available in 8 Languages • Suggestify is available in English, Spanish, German, Russian, Turkish, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali. Don't worry we are adding ton of languages so stay tuned. • Suggestify auto-detects non-english language & gives an option to translate poll into English language Fully customisable app • Style avatar • App will change to dark or light mode based on your mobile operating system settings • Choose to show/hide poll live results or voter details • Prevent others from sharing your poll • Comprehensive setting options Privacy above all • Report any offensive post and Suggestify team will moderate • Block users from your feed • Block comments for your poll • Create post or poll as anonymous user • Set anonymous name YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWV3lkCNsEQUDIIHZoXwz0w Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Suggestify/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SuggestifyForYou Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suggestify_app/ Suggestify is still in early stage and we will be adding ton of features, as a user we need your continued support Thank you!