Love by Bloom, The Modern Matchmaker Bloom is for long-term serious relationships. We help make finding your lifelong partner simple by truly understanding who you are, what's important to you, and matching you with someone special who is compatible. In a world where swiping is the norm and intentions are ambiguous, Bloom is focused on building real genuine connections where the quality of matches is our most important metric - not quantity. Bloom is the best place to find your life-long partner by... - Being a personal matchmaker, not just an app. Unlike others, we're strong believers that in order to genuinely help you find the true love of your life we can't do it simply through an algorithm in an app. Whether it is the personal curation or the option to get your profile reviewed and edited by our incredible team or even our always-available matchmaker who is a real person to help with conversations and suggestions, we pride ourselves in being part of your journey whenever you need it. - Emphasizing on your story, not just the highlights. At Bloom, we believe every profile that a member sees should give them the opportunity to see beyond the pictures and catchphrases, and truly learn about the individual they have in front of them at that moment of time. Dating is tough and putting yourself out there is not often the easiest so if you're going to do it, we want to make absolute sure that a good level of your story and who you are is authentically told. - Focusing on the quality and not the quantity. With only 1 "Like" a day and a limited number of compatible members suggested to you per day, we prioritize only members who we believe are compatible to you to be available in your Discover's tab. No more limitless swiping and save yourself time. Know that every "Like' you send is intentional and that every "Like" you receive is sincere - and we think that's a good start to a potential fairytale relationship. - Emphasizing the magic of voice. The way you sound when you get excited, the tone you exhibit when you're curious, and the laughter you accidentally sneak in when chatting through voice are small but incredibly important details that get missed when sending text messages. You can learn a lot about someone through voice and that extra layer of personality helps create an additional layer of connection - and that's why we believe in it and we're excited for you to use it too. With that said, we're also still a young and nimble team who are incredibly eager to meet and talk to you! We want to hear all your feedback, stories, and your ideas on how to make Bloom better. This is just the beginning and we're excited that a few years from now that we'll be hearing about how you and your partner met on Bloom. Thank you for joining us on this journey! Support: [email protected] Terms of Service: Privacy Policy: