The NYS Canal Corporation is testing a new way to make it easier for boaters to travel through its lock and lift bridges and record information on boats using those facilities. For the test project, the app is limited in use at six Canal facilities—four locks (Champlain-1, Erie-8, Erie-24, Cayuga-Seneca-1) and two lift bridges (Fairport and Middleport). These locations were selected to gather app feedback from a diverse group of Canal boaters and Canal Operations staff across the state. After downloading the free app, the user creates a one-time account for their boat or for multiple boats. As they travel the waterways, and if their location service is activated (recommended) on their smartphone, they will be alerted when approaching one of the six pilot facilities and asked if they would like to transit the facility. If the user clicks yes, a message is sent to the facility (lock or lift bridge) operator alerting them to a boater requesting to pass through the lock or lift bridge. The operator acknowledges the request and prepares the facility for passage. Once a boater passes through the facility, the boat’s information (time of transit, length, registration number, type of boat, etc.) is added to the Canals data system removing the manual steps previously used to record a passage. No personal data is recorded. Testing the app allows the NYS Canal Corp. to learn how this technology will benefit boaters and Canal staff, will identify any issues prior to expanding the use of the app and will collect feedback.