QR Code Reader & Scanner, even generate your own QR Code! Instant scan & send! QR Code Reader & Scanner is a super easy QRReader for your phone. Functions include scan qr code instantly, save scan history, generate/create qr code with Web URL & text, and in-app-browser! Super-fast instant Code Scan & sharing utilities will make your reading way easier, and even with functions of creating QR Code itself, lots of opportunities for your phone! ** FUNCTION 1. Instant QR Code Reader & Scanner Scan and check the scanned data instantly in a second. 2. Code Generator Instantly create QR Code with Web URL or Text, and save as a image or share it to others over SNS. 3. Scanned & Generated History Check scanned/generated history of your code for easier access. Deletion mode available! Super simple & easy-to-use beautiful QR Code Reader & Scanner is this app!