Resize image dimensions and compress the final file size Using native resizing functions available on your device, you can expect pretty fast processing times With the native share screen, you can save images into the camera roll, Files app (with renaming capabilities), send via email, use them in a printer, and many more options Rezzize allows you to resize images in three modes: • Aspect Ratio: Resize either height or width and let the app calculate the other dimension so it keeps the same aspect • Stretch: Choose any aspect and the image will fill the available space • Crop: Changing size will cut/add space. You can reposition the image to your liking in the available space Choose from three output formats: JPG, HEIC, and PNG. JPG and HEIC formats allow output quality to be reduced and getting a smaller file size Rezzize allows for batch processing (up to 100 images). You can apply general settings for all images or tweak each one individually *Batch processing functionality requires Pro version Privacy Policy: Terms of use