This iMessage Sticker Pack App is for all the Die Hard Seattleites and Hockey Fans out there. This iMessage Sticker Pack is full of animated Seattle Kraken themed emojis, memes, emotes, and gestures. It also features accessibility compatible descriptions for all content to support our blind users. It's perfect for the trash talking hockey fan! Have an idea for a new sticker or any other requests? I regularly update the app and rotate it's content to keep it fresh. Leave your comments, suggestions and/or reviews on the App Store to let me know how I'm doing. PLEASE NOTE: This iMessage App is an "iOS Stick­er Pack", you will not see an icon for this app on your de­vices home screen. Stick­er Pack icons will ap­pear in your iMes­sage in­ter­face. If you don't see the app icon in iMes­sages, please fol­low these in­struc­tions to en­able the app: Open Mes­sages and tap to start a new mes­sage or open an ex­ist­ing thread. From the app draw­er (you’ll see a row of icons), tap “KRAKEN”. If you don’t see the icon, scroll to the far right and tap the icon with 3 dots. You’ll then be pre­sent­ed with all the stick­er packs on your de­vice, press “Edit” to en­able a stick­er and “+” to add it to your fa­vorites. Pro Tips: to "peel" and "stick" the stick­er you'd like to use... Press the the sticker you'd like to use, while holding down... drag it to wherever you'd like to "stick it" within your message thread. While still hold­ing the stick­er, use a sec­ond fin­ger to pinch to zoom in or out to in­crease or de­crease the size. While still hold­ing the stick­er, use a sec­ond fin­ger to ro­tate it in a dif­fer­ent di­rec­tion.