Title: Vibrate 360: strong phone vibrator Vibrate 360: Is a strong efficient mobile vibrator app. It is extremely easy to operate, and all you have to do is choose your pattern, press the vibrating button, then sit back and relax! What we Offer: We have 15 specially designed phone vibrators and massage patterns included. Sunny Heart Wave Magic Dry Expand Refresh Breeze Rise Dramatic Heavy Snow Tingle Dotted Warn Will bring you a relaxing sensation in as little as 15 seconds Helps relieve neck pain Helps relieve headaches and cramps Lowers stress levels and boosts efficiency Provides patterns that aid your sleep Continuous vibration, until you press stop Intensity Levels: Currently we have the most powerful massager vibration app on the market. We have 3 levels of intensity to make sure all your needs are met. Soft: Great for meditation, headaches and breathing exercises Medium: Great for light massages, meditation, and lowers stress levels Hard: Great for muscle relief, for increasing blood flow, and also relieves pains such as neck pain We strive to be the best vibrator app currently on the market, and we will make sure to push out new updates to better our product and make the vibrations more intense than they already are. In this app you are able to choose from 15 patterns and 3 different vibration intensity levels to meet your needs. THANK YOU FOR DOWNLOADING AND SUPPORTING!!! Privacy Policy: https://uvibratemobileapp.wixsite.com/mysite Terms And Conditions: https://uvibratemobileapp.wixsite.com/termsandconditions