Where is your car? With PosCar you can save your car's location when you park and you can find it later. Is your car in the garage? It will not be a problem! Likewise, you can share the location on Social Networks directly by WhatsApp. Do you use the car with family members? You can share your virtual vehicle with as many family members as you want and they can also see where you left your vehicle. If you wish, you can send them a notification at the time of parking. Save a photo of the parking Are you in an garage? Take a picture of the car's location and this way will not require use of the mobile's GPS. You can also add notes to explain in more detail where the vehicle is located. Parking meter When you save the vehicle's location you can set the time limit to remain with the car in that place. You can also set an alarm to receive a warning before the indicated time. Do you have more than 1 car? You can create 1 or more virtual cars and each one can save the location and the corresponding drivers.