How to prepare for TEAS test effectively? Do you want to succeed in TEAS exam? Using Test of Essential Academic Skills TEAS flashcards will help you learn faster and remember more in a shorter time by showing flashcards just before you will forget them. TEAS Flashcards app has several learning modes: Study, Slide show, Matching, Memorize, Quiz to make the learning process for TEAS exam more exciting and fun. *** GREAT CONTENTS*** TEAS Flashcards app includes 1100 premade flashcards from 3 categories which cover all aspects of the Test of Essential Academic Skills exam Keys features: • Track study progress using Leitner system. • Display statistics for cards and games • Review schedule to help you review flashcards before they are expired. • Customize flashcards by selecting font, background and languages. • Text to speech to study flashcards without looking at screens. • Download unlimited flashcards to your devices for offline study • Customize text color and background color/images of cards For more information, please visit our Terms of Service: And check our Privacy Policy: