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MobiDB Database - relational d
Relaatiotietokantasovellus pilvisynkronoinnilla. Hallitse työtä, liiketoimintaa, harrastusta
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Version History

  • Version12.0.5.460

    Relaatiotietokantasovellus pilvisynkronoinnilla. Hallitse työtä, liiketoimintaa, harrastusta

    Update Log

    API upgraded;

    App Description

    MobiDB-tietokanta on solmu- ja matalan koodin automatisointityökalu liiketoiminnan automatisointiin ja muistiinpanojen järjestämiseen. MobiDB-tietokanta on offline-tietokantasovellus, jossa on pilvisynkronointi. Se sopii hyvin yritysautomaatioon, harrastusten ja työn hallintaan. MobiDB-tietokantaa voidaan käyttää tietokantojen luomiseen ja kokoelmien järjestämiseen, tyypillisen laskentataulukon tekemiseen. MobiDB-tietokanta ei ole pelkkä luettelo, vaan myös tehokas relaatiotietokantasovellus ja taulukkolaskentaohjelma. Pystyt suunnittelemaan ammattimaisia ​​relaatiotietokantoja sisäkkäisillä alatasoilla ja taulukkosuhteilla.
    Pilvisynkronointi muuttaa MobiDB-tietokannan tiimitietokannaksi ja mahdollistaa laitteiden ja ihmisten välisen yhteistyön. MobiDB-tietokanta on täydellinen puku kenttätyöntekijöille. Se on paras tietokantaohjelmisto esineiden luettelointiin. Se tukee Geo GPS -koordinaatteja ja sopii geologeille, arkeologeille jne. MobiDB-tietokannan avulla voit seurata mukautettuja merkintöjä. Yli 20 kenttätyypillä voit seurata mitä tahansa tietoja ja se on täydellinen työkalu elämäsi ja työn järjestämiseen. Se on mukava kodin inventaarioon, asiakastietokantaan, CRM: ään, laskuihin ja sopii myös kulujen hallintaan, mittarilukemaan, terveyden sokeri- ja verenpainemittareiden hallintaan, erityyppisten kokoelmien järjestämiseen. Voit synkronoida tietokoneen, tabletin ja puhelimen (alustojen välinen Windows, Android, iOS).
    MobiDB: n liiketoimintasovellukset ovat erilaisia: inventaario, kotivarasto, CRM, projektinhallinta, tilausten hallinta, laskut, myynti ja asiakkaat, esineiden luettelointi, geologinen tutkimus, toimitus- ja kuriiripalvelut, urheilutiimien hallinta, korujen ja tavaroiden hallinta, tuoteluettelo, vuokraus kiinteistönhoito ja kiinteistöt, omaisuudenhoito, taidegallerian hallinta, budjetin suunnittelu ja kirjanpito.
    MobiDB-tietokannan henkilökohtaiseen käyttöön kuuluvat: kirjat, videopelit, henkilökohtainen talous, henkilökohtaisen taiteen kokoelman hallinta, lääketieteelliset tiedot (sokeritaso, verenpaine), lautapelien luettelointi (vankityrmät ja lohikäärmeet jne.), Suosikkielokuvat ja katselulista, todellistoluettelo, aikataulu ja aikataulu, kodin inventaario.
    CSV-tuonti mahdollistaa tiedonsiirron mobidb: n ja MS Accessin, Filemakerin, Excelin välillä. Tuo merkinnät csv: stä uuden taulukon luomiseksi tai olemassa oleviin taulukoihin. MobiDB-tietokannan avulla voit tehdä luettelon asiakkaistasi ja se on hyvä CRM. Hallinnoi asiakkaitasi puhelimellasi, käytä tietojasi tietokoneelta missä tahansa.
    Pilvisynkronointi mahdollistaa tietokantojen synkronoinnin ja useiden tilien yhteistyön.
    Nocode- ja lowcode-tietokanta
    Intuitiivinen visuaalinen suunnittelija auttaa sinua rakentamaan tietokannan olematta insinööri. Lowcode-ominaisuuksien avulla voidaan lisätä laskettavia kenttiä.
    Sisäänrakennettujen mallien joukko on hyvä alku tietueiden lisäämisen aloittamiseksi solmukohdetietokantaan.
    Järjestä ja analysoi tiedot laskentataulukossa
    Mobidb on tehokas kirjoitettu taulukkotaulukonäkymä. Kätevä ja räätälöity taulukkonäkymä helpottaa tietokannan tietojen analysointia ja käsittelyä. Järjestä, piilota / näytä sarakkeita, lajittele ja suodata useiden sarakkeiden mukaan, etsi dynaamisesti tarvittavia tietoja, jotta laskentataulukko vastaa analyyttisiä tarpeitasi. Kertyneet saldoraportit yhdistävät tietoja useista taulukoista ja tarjoavat kattavan tietonäkymän, joten näet edistyksesi tai mahdolliset ongelmat. Kaavioiden avulla voit visualisoida tietojasi tehokkaasti. Erilaisia ​​kaaviotyyppejä on saatavana: piirakka, viiva, palkki, spline.
    Ota tiimityö ja yhteistyö käyttöön
    Lataa tietokannat pilveen: Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, jaa tiimisi kanssa ja tee yhteistyötä. Kaikki muutokset ja tietojen manipulointi synkronoidaan kaikkien Android-, iOS- ja Windows 10 -käyttäjien laitteiden välillä.
    * Lähetä ideoita ja pyydä ominaisuuksia: https://mobidbdatabase.uservoice.com/forums/278766-general
    * Dokumentointi:
    * Seuraa meitä Facebookissa:
    * Seuraa meitä Twitterissä:
    * Tilaa YouTube-kanavamme:
    * Viitetiedot:
    Onnea ja onnea!

  • Version11.1.0.454

    Relaatiotietokantasovellus pilvisynkronoinnilla. Hallitse työtä, liiketoimintaa, harrastusta

    Update Log

    API upgraded;

    App Description

    MobiDB-tietokanta on solmu- ja matalan koodin automatisointityökalu liiketoiminnan automatisointiin ja muistiinpanojen järjestämiseen. MobiDB-tietokanta on offline-tietokantasovellus, jossa on pilvisynkronointi. Se sopii hyvin yritysautomaatioon, harrastusten ja työn hallintaan. MobiDB-tietokantaa voidaan käyttää tietokantojen luomiseen ja kokoelmien järjestämiseen, tyypillisen laskentataulukon tekemiseen. MobiDB-tietokanta ei ole pelkkä luettelo, vaan myös tehokas relaatiotietokantasovellus ja taulukkolaskentaohjelma. Pystyt suunnittelemaan ammattimaisia ​​relaatiotietokantoja sisäkkäisillä alatasoilla ja taulukkosuhteilla.
    Pilvisynkronointi muuttaa MobiDB-tietokannan tiimitietokannaksi ja mahdollistaa laitteiden ja ihmisten välisen yhteistyön. MobiDB-tietokanta on täydellinen puku kenttätyöntekijöille. Se on paras tietokantaohjelmisto esineiden luettelointiin. Se tukee Geo GPS -koordinaatteja ja sopii geologeille, arkeologeille jne. MobiDB-tietokannan avulla voit seurata mukautettuja merkintöjä. Yli 20 kenttätyypillä voit seurata mitä tahansa tietoja ja se on täydellinen työkalu elämäsi ja työn järjestämiseen. Se on mukava kodin inventaarioon, asiakastietokantaan, CRM: ään, laskuihin ja sopii myös kulujen hallintaan, mittarilukemaan, terveyden sokeri- ja verenpainemittareiden hallintaan, erityyppisten kokoelmien järjestämiseen. Voit synkronoida tietokoneen, tabletin ja puhelimen (alustojen välinen Windows, Android, iOS).
    MobiDB: n liiketoimintasovellukset ovat erilaisia: inventaario, kotivarasto, CRM, projektinhallinta, tilausten hallinta, laskut, myynti ja asiakkaat, esineiden luettelointi, geologinen tutkimus, toimitus- ja kuriiripalvelut, urheilutiimien hallinta, korujen ja tavaroiden hallinta, tuoteluettelo, vuokraus kiinteistönhoito ja kiinteistöt, omaisuudenhoito, taidegallerian hallinta, budjetin suunnittelu ja kirjanpito.
    MobiDB-tietokannan henkilökohtaiseen käyttöön kuuluvat: kirjat, videopelit, henkilökohtainen talous, henkilökohtaisen taiteen kokoelman hallinta, lääketieteelliset tiedot (sokeritaso, verenpaine), lautapelien luettelointi (vankityrmät ja lohikäärmeet jne.), Suosikkielokuvat ja katselulista, todellistoluettelo, aikataulu ja aikataulu, kodin inventaario.
    CSV-tuonti mahdollistaa tiedonsiirron mobidb: n ja MS Accessin, Filemakerin, Excelin välillä. Tuo merkinnät csv: stä uuden taulukon luomiseksi tai olemassa oleviin taulukoihin. MobiDB-tietokannan avulla voit tehdä luettelon asiakkaistasi ja se on hyvä CRM. Hallinnoi asiakkaitasi puhelimellasi, käytä tietojasi tietokoneelta missä tahansa.
    Pilvisynkronointi mahdollistaa tietokantojen synkronoinnin ja useiden tilien yhteistyön.
    Nocode- ja lowcode-tietokanta
    Intuitiivinen visuaalinen suunnittelija auttaa sinua rakentamaan tietokannan olematta insinööri. Lowcode-ominaisuuksien avulla voidaan lisätä laskettavia kenttiä.
    Sisäänrakennettujen mallien joukko on hyvä alku tietueiden lisäämisen aloittamiseksi solmukohdetietokantaan.
    Järjestä ja analysoi tiedot laskentataulukossa
    Mobidb on tehokas kirjoitettu taulukkotaulukonäkymä. Kätevä ja räätälöity taulukkonäkymä helpottaa tietokannan tietojen analysointia ja käsittelyä. Järjestä, piilota / näytä sarakkeita, lajittele ja suodata useiden sarakkeiden mukaan, etsi dynaamisesti tarvittavia tietoja, jotta laskentataulukko vastaa analyyttisiä tarpeitasi. Kertyneet saldoraportit yhdistävät tietoja useista taulukoista ja tarjoavat kattavan tietonäkymän, joten näet edistyksesi tai mahdolliset ongelmat. Kaavioiden avulla voit visualisoida tietojasi tehokkaasti. Erilaisia ​​kaaviotyyppejä on saatavana: piirakka, viiva, palkki, spline.
    Ota tiimityö ja yhteistyö käyttöön
    Lataa tietokannat pilveen: Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, jaa tiimisi kanssa ja tee yhteistyötä. Kaikki muutokset ja tietojen manipulointi synkronoidaan kaikkien Android-, iOS- ja Windows 10 -käyttäjien laitteiden välillä.
    * Lähetä ideoita ja pyydä ominaisuuksia: https://mobidbdatabase.uservoice.com/forums/278766-general
    * Dokumentointi:
    * Seuraa meitä Facebookissa:
    * Seuraa meitä Twitterissä:
    * Tilaa YouTube-kanavamme:
    * Viitetiedot:
    Onnea ja onnea!

  • Version11.0.2.453

    Relaatiotietokantasovellus pilvisynkronoinnilla. Hallitse työtä, liiketoimintaa, harrastusta

    Update Log

    Added ability to "Enable search" in dropdown controls;
    Updated One Drive SDK;

    App Description

    MobiDB database is an nocode and lowcode automation tool to automate business and organize your notes. MobiDB database is an offline database app with cloud sync. It\u0027s a good fit for business automation, managing hobby and work. MobiDB database can be used for creating databases and organizing collections, making typed spreadsheet. MobiDB database is not only a plain list but also a powerful relational database app and spreadsheet app. You will be able to design professional relational databases with nested child tables and table relations.
    Cloud sync turns MobiDB database into a team database and enables collaboration between devices and people. MobiDB database is a perfect suit for field workers. It is the best database software for artifact cataloging. It supports Geo GPS coordinates and suits for geologists, archaeologists and etc. With MobiDB database you can track custom entries. With more then 20 field types you can keep track of any data and is a perfect tool to organize your life and work. It’s a nice for home inventory, customers database, CRM, invoices and also suits for managing spends, meter reading, controlling health sugar/blood pressure indicators, organizing different types of collections. You can sync between PC, Tablet and Phone (cross-platform Windows, Android, iOS).
    Business Applications of MobiDB is various: Inventory, Home inventory, CRM, Project management, Orders Management, Invoices, Sales and customers, Artifacts cataloguing, Geological exploration, Delivery and courier services, Managing sport teams, Jewelry and goods management, Products catalogue, Rental property management and real estate, Assets managements, Art gallery management, Budget planning and accounting.
    Personal use of MobiDB database includes: Books, Video Games, Personal Finance, Managing Personal Arts collection, Medical records (sugar level, blood pressure), Board games cataloguing (Dungeon and dragons etc.), Favourites movies and watchlist, todo-list, timetrack and timesheet, home inventory.
    CSV import enables data exchange between mobidb and MS Access, Filemaker, Excel. Import entries from csv to create a new table or to the existing tables. MobiDB database allows you to make a catalog of your customers and is good CRM. Manage your customers from your phone, access your data from PC wherever you are.
    Cloud sync enables database sync and multiple accounts collaboration.
    Nocode and lowcode database
    Intuitive visual designer will help you to build a database without being an engineer. Lowcode features allow to add calculable fields.
    A set of built-in templates is a good start to take start adding records to our nocode database.
    Organize and analize data in spreadsheet
    Mobidb is a has a powerful typed spreadsheet table view. Convenient and highly-customized spreadsheet view make it easy to analyze and manipulate database information. Reorder, hide/show columns, sort and filter by multiple columns, dynamically search for necessary information to make the spreadsheet address your analytical needs. Accumulated balance reports aggregates data from multiple tables and provide an exhaustive data view so, you are able to see your progress or possible issues. Charts enables you to visualize your data effectively. Different chart types are available: pie, line, bar, spline.
    Enable teamwork and collaboration
    Upload your databases to the cloud: Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, share with your team and collaborate. All changes and data manipulations will be synchronized across all user devices on Android, iOS and Windows 10.
    * Post ideas and request features: https://mobidbdatabase.uservoice.com/forums/278766-general
    * Documentation:
    * Follow us on Facebook:
    * Follow us on Twitter:
    * Subscribe to our YouTube channel:
    * Reference information:
    Good luck and best wishes!

  • Version10.3.2.450

    Relaatiotietokantasovellus pilvisynkronoinnilla. Hallitse työtä, liiketoimintaa, harrastusta

    Update Log

    Bug with chart and dates;
    Correct record is opened via relation control;
    Crash in the designer control properties on some devices;
    System file picker is used in order to support latest Android changes;
    Rating crash when step 0 is specified;

    App Description

    MobiDB database is an nocode and lowcode automation tool to automate business and organize your notes. MobiDB database is an offline database app with cloud sync. It\u0027s a good fit for business automation, managing hobby and work. MobiDB database can be used for creating databases and organizing collections, making typed spreadsheet. MobiDB database is not only a plain list but also a powerful relational database app and spreadsheet app. You will be able to design professional relational databases with nested child tables and table relations.
    Cloud sync turns MobiDB database into a team database and enables collaboration between devices and people. MobiDB database is a perfect suit for field workers. It is the best database software for artifact cataloging. It supports Geo GPS coordinates and suits for geologists, archaeologists and etc. With MobiDB database you can track custom entries. With more then 20 field types you can keep track of any data and is a perfect tool to organize your life and work. It’s a nice for home inventory, customers database, CRM, invoices and also suits for managing spends, meter reading, controlling health sugar/blood pressure indicators, organizing different types of collections. You can sync between PC, Tablet and Phone (cross-platform Windows, Android, iOS).
    Business Applications of MobiDB is various: Inventory, Home inventory, CRM, Project management, Orders Management, Invoices, Sales and customers, Artifacts cataloguing, Geological exploration, Delivery and courier services, Managing sport teams, Jewelry and goods management, Products catalogue, Rental property management and real estate, Assets managements, Art gallery management, Budget planning and accounting.
    Personal use of MobiDB database includes: Books, Video Games, Personal Finance, Managing Personal Arts collection, Medical records (sugar level, blood pressure), Board games cataloguing (Dungeon and dragons etc.), Favourites movies and watchlist, todo-list, timetrack and timesheet, home inventory.
    CSV import enables data exchange between mobidb and MS Access, Filemaker, Excel. Import entries from csv to create a new table or to the existing tables. MobiDB database allows you to make a catalog of your customers and is good CRM. Manage your customers from your phone, access your data from PC wherever you are.
    Cloud sync enables database sync and multiple accounts collaboration.
    Nocode and lowcode database
    Intuitive visual designer will help you to build a database without being an engineer. Lowcode features allow to add calculable fields.
    A set of built-in templates is a good start to take start adding records to our nocode database.
    Organize and analize data in spreadsheet
    Mobidb is a has a powerful typed spreadsheet table view. Convenient and highly-customized spreadsheet view make it easy to analyze and manipulate database information. Reorder, hide/show columns, sort and filter by multiple columns, dynamically search for necessary information to make the spreadsheet address your analytical needs. Accumulated balance reports aggregates data from multiple tables and provide an exhaustive data view so, you are able to see your progress or possible issues. Charts enables you to visualize your data effectively. Different chart types are available: pie, line, bar, spline.
    Enable teamwork and collaboration
    Upload your databases to the cloud: Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, share with your team and collaborate. All changes and data manipulations will be synchronized across all user devices on Android, iOS and Windows 10.
    * Post ideas and request features: https://mobidbdatabase.uservoice.com/forums/278766-general
    * Documentation:
    * Follow us on Facebook:
    * Follow us on Twitter:
    * Subscribe to our YouTube channel:
    * Reference information:
    Good luck and best wishes!

  • Version10.1.10.447

    Relaatiotietokantasovellus pilvisynkronoinnilla. Hallitse työtä, liiketoimintaa, harrastusta

    Update Log

    bug fix (including date input);

    App Description

    MobiDB database is an nocode and lowcode automation tool to automate business and organize your notes. MobiDB database is an offline database app with cloud sync. It's a good fit for business automation, managing hobby and work. MobiDB database can be used for creating databases and organizing collections, making typed spreadsheet. MobiDB database is not only a plain list but also a powerful relational database app and spreadsheet app. You will be able to design professional relational databases with nested child tables and table relations.
    Cloud sync turns MobiDB database into a team database and enables collaboration between devices and people. MobiDB database is a perfect suit for field workers. It is the best database software for artifact cataloging. It supports Geo GPS coordinates and suits for geologists, archaeologists and etc. With MobiDB database you can track custom entries. With more then 20 field types you can keep track of any data and is a perfect tool to organize your life and work. It’s a nice for home inventory, customers database, CRM, invoices and also suits for managing spends, meter reading, controlling health sugar/blood pressure indicators, organizing different types of collections. You can sync between PC, Tablet and Phone (cross-platform Windows, Android, iOS).
    Business Applications of MobiDB is various: Inventory, Home inventory, CRM, Project management, Orders Management, Invoices, Sales and customers, Artifacts cataloguing, Geological exploration, Delivery and courier services, Managing sport teams, Jewelry and goods management, Products catalogue, Rental property management and real estate, Assets managements, Art gallery management, Budget planning and accounting.
    Personal use of MobiDB database includes: Books, Video Games, Personal Finance, Managing Personal Arts collection, Medical records (sugar level, blood pressure), Board games cataloguing (Dungeon and dragons etc.), Favourites movies and watchlist, todo-list, timetrack and timesheet, home inventory.
    CSV import enables data exchange between mobidb and MS Access, Filemaker, Excel. Import entries from csv to create a new table or to the existing tables. MobiDB database allows you to make a catalog of your customers and is good CRM. Manage your customers from your phone, access your data from PC wherever you are.
    Cloud sync enables database sync and multiple accounts collaboration.
    Nocode and lowcode database
    Intuitive visual designer will help you to build a database without being an engineer. Lowcode features allow to add calculable fields.
    A set of built-in templates is a good start to take start adding records to our nocode database.
    Organize and analize data in spreadsheet
    Mobidb is a has a powerful typed spreadsheet table view. Convenient and highly-customized spreadsheet view make it easy to analyze and manipulate database information. Reorder, hide/show columns, sort and filter by multiple columns, dynamically search for necessary information to make the spreadsheet address your analytical needs. Accumulated balance reports aggregates data from multiple tables and provide an exhaustive data view so, you are able to see your progress or possible issues. Charts enables you to visualize your data effectively. Different chart types are available: pie, line, bar, spline.
    Enable teamwork and collaboration
    Upload your databases to the cloud: Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, share with your team and collaborate. All changes and data manipulations will be synchronized across all user devices on Android, iOS and Windows 10.
    * Post ideas and request features: https://mobidbdatabase.uservoice.com/forums/278766-general
    * Documentation:
    * Follow us on Facebook:
    * Follow us on Twitter:
    * Subscribe to our YouTube channel:
    * Reference information:
    Good luck and best wishes!

  • Version10.1.9.446

    Relaatiotietokantasovellus pilvisynkronoinnilla. Hallitse työtä, liiketoimintaa, harrastusta

    Update Log

    bug fix (including date input);

    App Description

    MobiDB database is an offline database app with cloud sync, it's a good fit creating catalog and organizing collections. MobiDB database is not only a plain catalog but also a powerful relational database app and you will be able to design complex relational databases with nested child tables and table relations.
    Cloud sync turns MobiDB database into a team database and catalog and enables collaboration between devices and people. MobiDB database is a perfect suit for field workers. It is the best database software for artifact cataloging. It supports Geo GPS coordinates and suits for geologists, archaeologists and etc. to track custom entries. With more then 20 field types you can keep track of any data and is a perfect tool to organize your life and work. It’s a nice catalog for home inventory, customers database, invoices and also suits for managing spends, meter reading, controlling health sugar/blood pressure indicators, organizing different types of collection. You can sync between PC, Tablet and Phone (cross-platform Windows, Android, iOS).
    Design complex relational databases and catalogs with MobiDB database app with professional forms, customized entries, complicated calculations and aggregation reports. Export to Excel, PDF and CSV allows the use of database information in external apps.
    csv import enables data exchange between mobidb and MS Access, Filemaker, Excel. It's a Tap Forms and Bento analog available across platforms. Import entries from csv to create a new table or to the existing tables. MobiDB database allows you to make a catalog of your customers and is good CRM. Manage your customers from your phone access your data from PC wherever you are.
    Cloud sync enables database sync and multiple accounts collaboration.
    Creating a database have never been easier
    Intuitive tap forms designer will help you organize information on your screen in an attractive and readable manner. If you know Bento or tap forms you will find our designer familiar. Organize your data in catalog in the best layout it deserves.
    A set of built-in templates is a good start to take start adding records to our catalog database.
    Organize and analyze data
    Convenient and highly-customized tables make it easy to analyze and manipulate catalogs of the database information. Reorder, hide/show columns, sort and filter by multiple columns, dynamically search for necessary information to make the table address your analytical needs. Accumulated balance reports aggregates data from multiple tables and provide an exhaustive data view so, you are able to see your progress or possible issues. Charts enables you to visualize your date effectively. Charts are highly customized and support multiple series. Different types of chart are available: pie, line, bar, spline.
    Enable teamwork and collaboration
    Upload your databases to the cloud: Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, share with your team and collaborate. All changes and data manipulations will be synchronized across all users’ devices on Android, iOS and Windows 10.
    Use MobiDB Database app to
    * store personal information of your collections, recipes, to-do lists, etc.;
    * keep track of your business related data: customer database, orders, invoices, products list, receipts;
    * manage projects, track tasks progress, assign responsible persons, and invoice customers;
    * create and manage company inventories, home inventory;
    * catalog artifacts, take scientific notes in the field for Geo tags for archaeologists and geologists;
    * manage rented property;
    * create custom databases;
    * Post ideas and request features: https://mobidbdatabase.uservoice.com/forums/278766-general
    * Documentation:
    * Follow us on Facebook:
    * Follow us on Twitter:
    * Subscribe to our YouTube channel:
    * Reference information:
    Good luck and best wishes!

  • Version10.1.8.445

    Relaatiotietokantasovellus pilvisynkronoinnilla. Hallitse työtä, liiketoimintaa, harrastusta

    Update Log

    Duplicate table structure fixed;
    Shortcuts crash fixed;
    Improved navigation and startup performance;
    Crash with address control is fixed;

    App Description

    MobiDB database is an offline database app with cloud sync, it's a good fit creating catalog and organizing collections. MobiDB database is not only a plain catalog but also a powerful relational database app and you will be able to design complex relational databases with nested child tables and table relations.
    Cloud sync turns MobiDB database into a team database and catalog and enables collaboration between devices and people. MobiDB database is a perfect suit for field workers. It is the best database software for artifact cataloging. It supports Geo GPS coordinates and suits for geologists, archaeologists and etc. to track custom entries. With more then 20 field types you can keep track of any data and is a perfect tool to organize your life and work. It’s a nice catalog for home inventory, customers database, invoices and also suits for managing spends, meter reading, controlling health sugar/blood pressure indicators, organizing different types of collection. You can sync between PC, Tablet and Phone (cross-platform Windows, Android, iOS).
    Design complex relational databases and catalogs with MobiDB database app with professional forms, customized entries, complicated calculations and aggregation reports. Export to Excel, PDF and CSV allows the use of database information in external apps.
    csv import enables data exchange between mobidb and MS Access, Filemaker, Excel. It's a Tap Forms and Bento analog available across platforms. Import entries from csv to create a new table or to the existing tables. MobiDB database allows you to make a catalog of your customers and is good CRM. Manage your customers from your phone access your data from PC wherever you are.
    Cloud sync enables database sync and multiple accounts collaboration.
    Creating a database have never been easier
    Intuitive tap forms designer will help you organize information on your screen in an attractive and readable manner. If you know Bento or tap forms you will find our designer familiar. Organize your data in catalog in the best layout it deserves.
    A set of built-in templates is a good start to take start adding records to our catalog database.
    Organize and analyze data
    Convenient and highly-customized tables make it easy to analyze and manipulate catalogs of the database information. Reorder, hide/show columns, sort and filter by multiple columns, dynamically search for necessary information to make the table address your analytical needs. Accumulated balance reports aggregates data from multiple tables and provide an exhaustive data view so, you are able to see your progress or possible issues. Charts enables you to visualize your date effectively. Charts are highly customized and support multiple series. Different types of chart are available: pie, line, bar, spline.
    Enable teamwork and collaboration
    Upload your databases to the cloud: Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, share with your team and collaborate. All changes and data manipulations will be synchronized across all users’ devices on Android, iOS and Windows 10.
    Use MobiDB Database app to
    * store personal information of your collections, recipes, to-do lists, etc.;
    * keep track of your business related data: customer database, orders, invoices, products list, receipts;
    * manage projects, track tasks progress, assign responsible persons, and invoice customers;
    * create and manage company inventories, home inventory;
    * catalog artifacts, take scientific notes in the field for Geo tags for archaeologists and geologists;
    * manage rented property;
    * create custom databases;
    * Post ideas and request features: https://mobidbdatabase.uservoice.com/forums/278766-general
    * Documentation:
    * Follow us on Facebook:
    * Follow us on Twitter:
    * Subscribe to our YouTube channel:
    * Reference information:
    Good luck and best wishes!

  • Version10.1.7.444

    Relaatiotietokantasovellus pilvisynkronoinnilla. Hallitse työtä, liiketoimintaa, harrastusta

    Update Log

    Shortcuts crash fixed;
    Improved navigation and startup performance;
    Crash with address control is fixed;

    App Description

    MobiDB database is an offline database app with cloud sync, it's a good fit creating catalog and organizing collections. MobiDB database is not only a plain catalog but also a powerful relational database app and you will be able to design complex relational databases with nested child tables and table relations.
    Cloud sync turns MobiDB database into a team database and catalog and enables collaboration between devices and people. MobiDB database is a perfect suit for field workers. It is the best database software for artifact cataloging. It supports Geo GPS coordinates and suits for geologists, archaeologists and etc. to track custom entries. With more then 20 field types you can keep track of any data and is a perfect tool to organize your life and work. It’s a nice catalog for home inventory, customers database, invoices and also suits for managing spends, meter reading, controlling health sugar/blood pressure indicators, organizing different types of collection. You can sync between PC, Tablet and Phone (cross-platform Windows, Android, iOS).
    Design complex relational databases and catalogs with MobiDB database app with professional forms, customized entries, complicated calculations and aggregation reports. Export to Excel, PDF and CSV allows the use of database information in external apps.
    csv import enables data exchange between mobidb and MS Access, Filemaker, Excel. It's a Tap Forms and Bento analog available across platforms. Import entries from csv to create a new table or to the existing tables. MobiDB database allows you to make a catalog of your customers and is good CRM. Manage your customers from your phone access your data from PC wherever you are.
    Cloud sync enables database sync and multiple accounts collaboration.
    Creating a database have never been easier
    Intuitive tap forms designer will help you organize information on your screen in an attractive and readable manner. If you know Bento or tap forms you will find our designer familiar. Organize your data in catalog in the best layout it deserves.
    A set of built-in templates is a good start to take start adding records to our catalog database.
    Organize and analyze data
    Convenient and highly-customized tables make it easy to analyze and manipulate catalogs of the database information. Reorder, hide/show columns, sort and filter by multiple columns, dynamically search for necessary information to make the table address your analytical needs. Accumulated balance reports aggregates data from multiple tables and provide an exhaustive data view so, you are able to see your progress or possible issues. Charts enables you to visualize your date effectively. Charts are highly customized and support multiple series. Different types of chart are available: pie, line, bar, spline.
    Enable teamwork and collaboration
    Upload your databases to the cloud: Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, share with your team and collaborate. All changes and data manipulations will be synchronized across all users’ devices on Android, iOS and Windows 10.
    Use MobiDB Database app to
    * store personal information of your collections, recipes, to-do lists, etc.;
    * keep track of your business related data: customer database, orders, invoices, products list, receipts;
    * manage projects, track tasks progress, assign responsible persons, and invoice customers;
    * create and manage company inventories, home inventory;
    * catalog artifacts, take scientific notes in the field for Geo tags for archaeologists and geologists;
    * manage rented property;
    * create custom databases;
    * Post ideas and request features: https://mobidbdatabase.uservoice.com/forums/278766-general
    * Documentation:
    * Follow us on Facebook:
    * Follow us on Twitter:
    * Subscribe to our YouTube channel:
    * Reference information:
    Good luck and best wishes!

  • Version10.1.3.440

    Relaatiotietokantasovellus pilvisynkronoinnilla. Hallitse työtä, liiketoimintaa, harrastusta

    Update Log

    Decimal separator bug fixed

    App Description

    MobiDB database is an offline database app with cloud sync, it's a good fit creating catalog and organizing collections. MobiDB database is not only a plain catalog but also a powerful relational database app and you will be able to design complex relational databases with nested child tables and table relations.
    Cloud sync turns MobiDB database into a team database and catalog and enables collaboration between devices and people. MobiDB database is a perfect suit for field workers. It is the best database software for artifact cataloging. It supports Geo GPS coordinates and suits for geologists, archaeologists and etc. to track custom entries. With more then 20 field types you can keep track of any data and is a perfect tool to organize your life and work. It’s a nice catalog for home inventory, customers database, invoices and also suits for managing spends, meter reading, controlling health sugar/blood pressure indicators, organizing different types of collection. You can sync between PC, Tablet and Phone (cross-platform Windows, Android, iOS).
    Design complex relational databases and catalogs with MobiDB database app with professional forms, customized entries, complicated calculations and aggregation reports. Export to Excel, PDF and CSV allows the use of database information in external apps.
    csv import enables data exchange between mobidb and MS Access, Filemaker, Excel. It's a Tap Forms and Bento analog available across platforms. Import entries from csv to create a new table or to the existing tables. MobiDB database allows you to make a catalog of your customers and is good CRM. Manage your customers from your phone access your data from PC wherever you are.
    Cloud sync enables database sync and multiple accounts collaboration.
    Creating a database have never been easier
    Intuitive tap forms designer will help you organize information on your screen in an attractive and readable manner. If you know Bento or tap forms you will find our designer familiar. Organize your data in catalog in the best layout it deserves.
    A set of built-in templates is a good start to take start adding records to our catalog database.
    Organize and analyze data
    Convenient and highly-customized tables make it easy to analyze and manipulate catalogs of the database information. Reorder, hide/show columns, sort and filter by multiple columns, dynamically search for necessary information to make the table address your analytical needs. Accumulated balance reports aggregates data from multiple tables and provide an exhaustive data view so, you are able to see your progress or possible issues. Charts enables you to visualize your date effectively. Charts are highly customized and support multiple series. Different types of chart are available: pie, line, bar, spline.
    Enable teamwork and collaboration
    Upload your databases to the cloud: Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, share with your team and collaborate. All changes and data manipulations will be synchronized across all users’ devices on Android, iOS and Windows 10.
    Use MobiDB Database app to
    * store personal information of your collections, recipes, to-do lists, etc.;
    * keep track of your business related data: customer database, orders, invoices, products list, receipts;
    * manage projects, track tasks progress, assign responsible persons, and invoice customers;
    * create and manage company inventories, home inventory;
    * catalog artifacts, take scientific notes in the field for Geo tags for archaeologists and geologists;
    * manage rented property;
    * create custom databases;
    * Post ideas and request features: https://mobidbdatabase.uservoice.com/forums/278766-general
    * Documentation:
    * Follow us on Facebook:
    * Follow us on Twitter:
    * Subscribe to our YouTube channel:
    * Reference information:
    Good luck and best wishes!

  • Version10.1.2.438

    Relaatiotietokantasovellus pilvisynkronoinnilla. Hallitse työtä, liiketoimintaa, harrastusta

    Update Log

    Crash during app resume

    App Description

    MobiDB database is an offline database app with cloud sync, it's a good fit creating catalog and organizing collections. MobiDB database is not only a plain catalog but also a powerful relational database app and you will be able to design complex relational databases with nested child tables and table relations.
    Cloud sync turns MobiDB database into a team database and catalog and enables collaboration between devices and people. MobiDB database is a perfect suit for field workers. It is the best database software for artifact cataloging. It supports Geo GPS coordinates and suits for geologists, archaeologists and etc. to track custom entries. With more then 20 field types you can keep track of any data and is a perfect tool to organize your life and work. It’s a nice catalog for home inventory, customers database, invoices and also suits for managing spends, meter reading, controlling health sugar/blood pressure indicators, organizing different types of collection. You can sync between PC, Tablet and Phone (cross-platform Windows, Android, iOS).
    Design complex relational databases and catalogs with MobiDB database app with professional forms, customized entries, complicated calculations and aggregation reports. Export to Excel, PDF and CSV allows the use of database information in external apps.
    csv import enables data exchange between mobidb and MS Access, Filemaker, Excel. It's a Tap Forms and Bento analog available across platforms. Import entries from csv to create a new table or to the existing tables. MobiDB database allows you to make a catalog of your customers and is good CRM. Manage your customers from your phone access your data from PC wherever you are.
    Cloud sync enables database sync and multiple accounts collaboration.
    Creating a database have never been easier
    Intuitive tap forms designer will help you organize information on your screen in an attractive and readable manner. If you know Bento or tap forms you will find our designer familiar. Organize your data in catalog in the best layout it deserves.
    A set of built-in templates is a good start to take start adding records to our catalog database.
    Organize and analyze data
    Convenient and highly-customized tables make it easy to analyze and manipulate catalogs of the database information. Reorder, hide/show columns, sort and filter by multiple columns, dynamically search for necessary information to make the table address your analytical needs. Accumulated balance reports aggregates data from multiple tables and provide an exhaustive data view so, you are able to see your progress or possible issues. Charts enables you to visualize your date effectively. Charts are highly customized and support multiple series. Different types of chart are available: pie, line, bar, spline.
    Enable teamwork and collaboration
    Upload your databases to the cloud: Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, share with your team and collaborate. All changes and data manipulations will be synchronized across all users’ devices on Android, iOS and Windows 10.
    Use MobiDB Database app to
    * store personal information of your collections, recipes, to-do lists, etc.;
    * keep track of your business related data: customer database, orders, invoices, products list, receipts;
    * manage projects, track tasks progress, assign responsible persons, and invoice customers;
    * create and manage company inventories, home inventory;
    * catalog artifacts, take scientific notes in the field for Geo tags for archaeologists and geologists;
    * manage rented property;
    * create custom databases;
    * Post ideas and request features: https://mobidbdatabase.uservoice.com/forums/278766-general
    * Documentation:
    * Follow us on Facebook:
    * Follow us on Twitter:
    * Subscribe to our YouTube channel:
    * Reference information:
    Good luck and best wishes!