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Liiketoimintasuunnitelmat ja liikeideoita varten "Yrittäjä Mindset"
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Version History

  • Version2024-06-01

    Liiketoimintasuunnitelmat ja liikeideoita varten "Yrittäjä Mindset"

    Update Log

    Thank you for all the feedback.
    New updates are;
    * Fixed crashing bug
    * Added preview
    * Community
    * Business Growth Strategy

    App Description

    Yrittäjän menestyminen edellyttää yrittäjäajattelua, jolla on kyky luoda liikeideoita ja luoda pitkäaikainen menestys yrityksen käynnistämisessä.

    Luku 1: Miksi perustaa yritys?
    Opi syitä, miksi on tärkeää perustaa oma yritys ja miksi sinun pitäisi voittaa aloittamisen pelko. Tarvitset vain liikeideoita

    Luku 2: Kumppanuuden aloittaminen
    Kumppanuuden perustaminen on loistava tapa parantaa mahdollisuuksiasi menestyä liiketoiminnassa. Katso vain ympärillesi, ihmisillä oli liikeideoita, joita he jakoivat ystävien kanssa, ja muutama vuosi myöhemmin menestys

    Luku 3: Kasvu yritykseksi
    Tässä vaiheessa se tarkoittaa, että meillä on oikeat liikeideat. Markkinat ja kysyntä ovat kasvaneet, meidän on tiedettävä, mitä meidän pitäisi tehdä saadaksemme oikean joukkueen.

    Luku 4: Liiketoiminnan käyttöpääoma
    Pääoma ei ole vain rahaa. Opimme Capitalin perusteet, kuinka menestyä saamalla rahat käyttöön ja pitämällä kiinni liikeideoistamme.

    Luku 5: Liiketoiminnan aloittaminen
    Kun aloitat minkä tahansa yrityksen, sinun on aina varmistettava, että sinulla on kaikki työkalut valmiina. Opi kuinka liikeideat ja muut muuttuvat toimiksi yrityksen tuottoa ajatellen.

    Luku 6: Yritystalouden budjetointi
    Raha on jotain, jota sinun on opittava käyttämään liiketoiminnassa. Tutustu rakenteeseen ja paras aika luoda budjetti. Älä anna liikeideojesi mennä hukkaan.

    Luku 7: Kassavirran hallinta
    Kaikki menestyvät yritykset ovat hyvin tietoisia kassavirrasta. Olipa kyseessä Yhdysvaltain dollari, Euroopan euro, Ison-Britannian punta, Intian rupia, Ugandan shillinkejä, sinun on opittava kunnioittamaan rahaa, jotta yrityksesi menestyisi pitkään.

    Luku 8: Ongelmanratkaisutekniikat
    Jokaisessa liikeideassa on puute. Yrityksesi ongelmien käsitteleminen määrittää johtajuuskykysi, ja tämä pitää sinut aina kilpailun edellä.

    Luku 9: Esimerkkejä kannattavista ideoista
    Muutamia mahtavia liikeideoita, jotka voivat tehdä sinusta monimiljonäärin tai jopa miljardöörin, jos pelaat korttisi oikein.

    Suuret kiitokset:
    Freepikin suunnittelema tunnustus ominaisuudelle bg


    Ilmoita meille, jos tarvitset virheenkorjauksia. Kiitos.

    Saat lisätietoja vierailemalla verkkosivustollamme osoitteessa https://pajereviews.com
    Saat tukea osoitteesta https://pajereviews.com/contact/

    Toivon, että tämä sovellus lisää arvoa sinulle. Nautin todella sen koodaamisesta. Paje :) :P

  • Version2023-09-28

    Liiketoimintasuunnitelmat ja liikeideoita varten "Yrittäjä Mindset"

    Update Log

    Thank you for all the feedback.
    New updates are;
    * Fixed crashing bug
    * Added preview
    * Community
    * Business Growth Strategy

    App Description

    Mistään Yrittäjä onnistuisi, ne tarvitsevat yrittäjä ajattelutavan kanssa kyky luoda liikeideoita ja luoda pitkäaikainen menestys liiketoiminnan käynnistämiseen.

    Luku 1: Miksi aloittaa Business?
    Opi, miksi se on tärkeää aloittaa oman liiketoiminnan ja miksi sinun pitäisi voittaa pelko aloittanut. Kaikki mitä tarvitset ovat liikeideoita

    Luku 2: aloitus kumppanuus
    Aloittaminen Kumppanuus on hyvä tapa lisätä oman kertoimella onnistua liiketoimintaa. Katsokaapa ympärillenne, ihmiset olivat liikeideoiden he jakaa ystävien ja muutamaa vuotta myöhemmin menestys

    3 luku: kasvamassa Company
    Tässä vaiheessa se merkitsee, että meillä on oikeus liikeideoita. Markkinoiden ja kysynnän kasvaneen, meidän on tiedettävä, mitä meidän pitäisi tehdä, jotta oikea joukkue.

    Luku 4: Working Business Capital
    Pääoma ei ole vain rahaa. Me oppia perusasiat Capital, miten olla menestys ottaa rahaa työtä meille ja pitää kiinni meidän liikeideoita.

    5 luku: aloittaminen liiketoiminnan
    Käynnistettäessä liiketoimintaa, on aina varmistaa, että sinulla on kaikki työkalu valmiina. Saavat oppia miten liikeideoita et muunnetaan toimien yritysten voittoja mielessä.

    6 luku: budjetointi Rahoituskysely
    Rahaa on jotain sinun täytyy oppia käyttämään, kun liiketoimintaa. Oppia rakenne ja paras aika luoda budjetin. Älä anna liikeideoita mennä jätettä.

    Luku 7: hallinta kassavirta
    Kaikki menestyvät yritykset ovat hyvin tietoisia kassavirtaa. On se dollaria, Euroopan euroa, Ison-Britannian punta, Intian rupiaa, Ugandan shillinkiä, sinun täytyy oppia kunnioittamaan rahaa pitää yrityksesi onnistunut jo pitkään.

    Luku 8: ongelmanratkaisutekniikkaa
    Jokainen liikeidea on virhe se. Käsittely ongelmat yrityksesi määrittelee oman johtamistaidot ja tämä aina pitää sinut ennen kilpailua.

    Luku 9: Esimerkkejä Kannattava ideoita
    Muutama mahtava liikeideoita, jotka voivat tehdä sinulle monimiljonääri tai jopa miljardööri jos pelataan korttisi oikein.

    Monet kiitokset:
    Luonut Freepik luottoa ominaisuus BG

    Online Research

    Ilmoitathan meille, jos on mitään korjauksia tarvitaan. Kiitos.

    Toivottavasti tämä sovellus tuo arvoa sinulle. Olen truely nauttinut koodaus se. Paje :): P

  • Version2023-09-07

    Liiketoimintasuunnitelmat ja liikeideoita varten "Yrittäjä Mindset"

    Update Log

    Thank you for all the feedback.
    New updates are;
    * Resourceful links
    * Added preview
    * Community
    * Business Growth Strategy

    App Description

    Mistään Yrittäjä onnistuisi, ne tarvitsevat yrittäjä ajattelutavan kanssa kyky luoda liikeideoita ja luoda pitkäaikainen menestys liiketoiminnan käynnistämiseen.

    Luku 1: Miksi aloittaa Business?
    Opi, miksi se on tärkeää aloittaa oman liiketoiminnan ja miksi sinun pitäisi voittaa pelko aloittanut. Kaikki mitä tarvitset ovat liikeideoita

    Luku 2: aloitus kumppanuus
    Aloittaminen Kumppanuus on hyvä tapa lisätä oman kertoimella onnistua liiketoimintaa. Katsokaapa ympärillenne, ihmiset olivat liikeideoiden he jakaa ystävien ja muutamaa vuotta myöhemmin menestys

    3 luku: kasvamassa Company
    Tässä vaiheessa se merkitsee, että meillä on oikeus liikeideoita. Markkinoiden ja kysynnän kasvaneen, meidän on tiedettävä, mitä meidän pitäisi tehdä, jotta oikea joukkue.

    Luku 4: Working Business Capital
    Pääoma ei ole vain rahaa. Me oppia perusasiat Capital, miten olla menestys ottaa rahaa työtä meille ja pitää kiinni meidän liikeideoita.

    5 luku: aloittaminen liiketoiminnan
    Käynnistettäessä liiketoimintaa, on aina varmistaa, että sinulla on kaikki työkalu valmiina. Saavat oppia miten liikeideoita et muunnetaan toimien yritysten voittoja mielessä.

    6 luku: budjetointi Rahoituskysely
    Rahaa on jotain sinun täytyy oppia käyttämään, kun liiketoimintaa. Oppia rakenne ja paras aika luoda budjetin. Älä anna liikeideoita mennä jätettä.

    Luku 7: hallinta kassavirta
    Kaikki menestyvät yritykset ovat hyvin tietoisia kassavirtaa. On se dollaria, Euroopan euroa, Ison-Britannian punta, Intian rupiaa, Ugandan shillinkiä, sinun täytyy oppia kunnioittamaan rahaa pitää yrityksesi onnistunut jo pitkään.

    Luku 8: ongelmanratkaisutekniikkaa
    Jokainen liikeidea on virhe se. Käsittely ongelmat yrityksesi määrittelee oman johtamistaidot ja tämä aina pitää sinut ennen kilpailua.

    Luku 9: Esimerkkejä Kannattava ideoita
    Muutama mahtava liikeideoita, jotka voivat tehdä sinulle monimiljonääri tai jopa miljardööri jos pelataan korttisi oikein.

    Monet kiitokset:
    Luonut Freepik luottoa ominaisuus BG

    Online Research

    Ilmoitathan meille, jos on mitään korjauksia tarvitaan. Kiitos.

    Toivottavasti tämä sovellus tuo arvoa sinulle. Olen truely nauttinut koodaus se. Paje :): P

  • Version2023-01-02

    Liiketoimintasuunnitelmat ja liikeideoita varten "Yrittäjä Mindset"

    App Description

    For any Entrepreneur to be a success, they require an entrepreneur mindset with the ability to create business ideas and establish a long standing success in the business startup.

    Chapter 1: Why Start a Business?
    Learn the reasons why it is important to start your own business and why you should overcome the fear of getting started. All you need are the business ideas

    Chapter 2: Starting a Partnership
    Starting a Partnership is a great way of increasing your odds of succeeding in business. Just look around you, people had business ideas they shared with friends and a few years later success

    Chapter 3: Growing into a Company
    At this stage it implies that we have the right business ideas. Market and demand have increased, we need to know what we should do to get the right team.

    Chapter 4: Working Business Capital
    Capital isn’t just money. We will learn about the basics of Capital, how to be a success by having money work for us and keeping a hold on our business ideas.

    Chapter 5: Commencement of Business Activities
    When starting any business, you always have to make sure you have every tool ready. Get to learn about how business ideas et converted to actions with business profits in mind.

    Chapter 6: Budgeting Business Finances
    Money is something you have to learn to use when in business. Learn about the structure and the best time to create a Budget. Do not let your business ideas go to a waste.

    Chapter 7: Managing the Cash Flow
    All successful businesses are very mindful of Cash Flow. Be it US dollars, European euros, UK pounds, Indian Rupees, Ugandan shillings, you will have to learn to respect money to keep your business successful for a long time.

    Chapter 8: Problem Solving Techniques
    Every business idea has a flaw in it. Handling problems within your business will define your leadership abilities and this will always keep you ahead of competition.

    Chapter 9: Examples of Profitable Ideas
    A few awesome business ideas that could make you a multi-millionaire or even billionaire if you played your cards right.

    A lot of thanks go to:
    Designed by Freepik credit for feature bg

    Online Research

    Please inform us in case there are any bug fixes required. Thank you.

    I hope this app adds value to you. I truely enjoyed coding it. Paje :) :P

  • Version2022-10-24

    Liiketoimintasuunnitelmat ja liikeideoita varten "Yrittäjä Mindset"

    Update Log

    Thank you for all the feedback.
    New updates are;
    * Added preview
    * Community
    * Business Growth Strategy

    App Description

    For any Entrepreneur to be a success, they require an entrepreneur mindset with the ability to create business ideas and establish a long standing success in the business startup.

    Chapter 1: Why Start a Business?
    Learn the reasons why it is important to start your own business and why you should overcome the fear of getting started. All you need are the business ideas

    Chapter 2: Starting a Partnership
    Starting a Partnership is a great way of increasing your odds of succeeding in business. Just look around you, people had business ideas they shared with friends and a few years later success

    Chapter 3: Growing into a Company
    At this stage it implies that we have the right business ideas. Market and demand have increased, we need to know what we should do to get the right team.

    Chapter 4: Working Business Capital
    Capital isn’t just money. We will learn about the basics of Capital, how to be a success by having money work for us and keeping a hold on our business ideas.

    Chapter 5: Commencement of Business Activities
    When starting any business, you always have to make sure you have every tool ready. Get to learn about how business ideas et converted to actions with business profits in mind.

    Chapter 6: Budgeting Business Finances
    Money is something you have to learn to use when in business. Learn about the structure and the best time to create a Budget. Do not let your business ideas go to a waste.

    Chapter 7: Managing the Cash Flow
    All successful businesses are very mindful of Cash Flow. Be it US dollars, European euros, UK pounds, Indian Rupees, Ugandan shillings, you will have to learn to respect money to keep your business successful for a long time.

    Chapter 8: Problem Solving Techniques
    Every business idea has a flaw in it. Handling problems within your business will define your leadership abilities and this will always keep you ahead of competition.

    Chapter 9: Examples of Profitable Ideas
    A few awesome business ideas that could make you a multi-millionaire or even billionaire if you played your cards right.

    A lot of thanks go to:
    Designed by Freepik credit for feature bg

    Online Research

    Please inform us in case there are any bug fixes required. Thank you.

    I hope this app adds value to you. I truely enjoyed coding it. Paje :) :P

  • Version2022-09-10

    Liiketoimintasuunnitelmat ja liikeideoita varten "Yrittäjä Mindset"

    Update Log

    Thank you for all the feedback.
    New updates are;
    * Community
    * Business Growth Strategy

    App Description

    For any Entrepreneur to be a success, they require an entrepreneur mindset with the ability to create business ideas and establish a long standing success in the business startup.

    Chapter 1: Why Start a Business?
    Learn the reasons why it is important to start your own business and why you should overcome the fear of getting started. All you need are the business ideas

    Chapter 2: Starting a Partnership
    Starting a Partnership is a great way of increasing your odds of succeeding in business. Just look around you, people had business ideas they shared with friends and a few years later success

    Chapter 3: Growing into a Company
    At this stage it implies that we have the right business ideas. Market and demand have increased, we need to know what we should do to get the right team.

    Chapter 4: Working Business Capital
    Capital isn’t just money. We will learn about the basics of Capital, how to be a success by having money work for us and keeping a hold on our business ideas.

    Chapter 5: Commencement of Business Activities
    When starting any business, you always have to make sure you have every tool ready. Get to learn about how business ideas et converted to actions with business profits in mind.

    Chapter 6: Budgeting Business Finances
    Money is something you have to learn to use when in business. Learn about the structure and the best time to create a Budget. Do not let your business ideas go to a waste.

    Chapter 7: Managing the Cash Flow
    All successful businesses are very mindful of Cash Flow. Be it US dollars, European euros, UK pounds, Indian Rupees, Ugandan shillings, you will have to learn to respect money to keep your business successful for a long time.

    Chapter 8: Problem Solving Techniques
    Every business idea has a flaw in it. Handling problems within your business will define your leadership abilities and this will always keep you ahead of competition.

    Chapter 9: Examples of Profitable Ideas
    A few awesome business ideas that could make you a multi-millionaire or even billionaire if you played your cards right.

    A lot of thanks go to:
    Designed by Freepik credit for feature bg

    Online Research

    Please inform us in case there are any bug fixes required. Thank you.

    I hope this app adds value to you. I truely enjoyed coding it. Paje :) :P

  • Version2022-07-16

    Liiketoimintasuunnitelmat ja liikeideoita varten "Yrittäjä Mindset"

    App Description

    For any Entrepreneur to be a success, they require an entrepreneur mindset with the ability to create business ideas and establish a long standing success in the business startup.

    Chapter 1: Why Start a Business?
    Learn the reasons why it is important to start your own business and why you should overcome the fear of getting started. All you need are the business ideas

    Chapter 2: Starting a Partnership
    Starting a Partnership is a great way of increasing your odds of succeeding in business. Just look around you, people had business ideas they shared with friends and a few years later success

    Chapter 3: Growing into a Company
    At this stage it implies that we have the right business ideas. Market and demand have increased, we need to know what we should do to get the right team.

    Chapter 4: Working Business Capital
    Capital isn’t just money. We will learn about the basics of Capital, how to be a success by having money work for us and keeping a hold on our business ideas.

    Chapter 5: Commencement of Business Activities
    When starting any business, you always have to make sure you have every tool ready. Get to learn about how business ideas et converted to actions with business profits in mind.

    Chapter 6: Budgeting Business Finances
    Money is something you have to learn to use when in business. Learn about the structure and the best time to create a Budget. Do not let your business ideas go to a waste.

    Chapter 7: Managing the Cash Flow
    All successful businesses are very mindful of Cash Flow. Be it US dollars, European euros, UK pounds, Indian Rupees, Ugandan shillings, you will have to learn to respect money to keep your business successful for a long time.

    Chapter 8: Problem Solving Techniques
    Every business idea has a flaw in it. Handling problems within your business will define your leadership abilities and this will always keep you ahead of competition.

    Chapter 9: Examples of Profitable Ideas
    A few awesome business ideas that could make you a multi-millionaire or even billionaire if you played your cards right.

    A lot of thanks go to:
    Designed by Freepik credit for feature bg

    Online Research

    Please inform us in case there are any bug fixes required. Thank you.

    I hope this app adds value to you. I truely enjoyed coding it. Paje :) :P

  • Version2022-04-14

    Liiketoimintasuunnitelmat ja liikeideoita varten "Yrittäjä Mindset"

    App Description

    For any Entrepreneur to be a success, they require an entrepreneur mindset with the ability to create business ideas and establish a long standing success in the business startup.

    Chapter 1: Why Start a Business?
    Learn the reasons why it is important to start your own business and why you should overcome the fear of getting started. All you need are the business ideas

    Chapter 2: Starting a Partnership
    Starting a Partnership is a great way of increasing your odds of succeeding in business. Just look around you, people had business ideas they shared with friends and a few years later success

    Chapter 3: Growing into a Company
    At this stage it implies that we have the right business ideas. Market and demand have increased, we need to know what we should do to get the right team.

    Chapter 4: Working Business Capital
    Capital isn’t just money. We will learn about the basics of Capital, how to be a success by having money work for us and keeping a hold on our business ideas.

    Chapter 5: Commencement of Business Activities
    When starting any business, you always have to make sure you have every tool ready. Get to learn about how business ideas et converted to actions with business profits in mind.

    Chapter 6: Budgeting Business Finances
    Money is something you have to learn to use when in business. Learn about the structure and the best time to create a Budget. Do not let your business ideas go to a waste.

    Chapter 7: Managing the Cash Flow
    All successful businesses are very mindful of Cash Flow. Be it US dollars, European euros, UK pounds, Indian Rupees, Ugandan shillings, you will have to learn to respect money to keep your business successful for a long time.

    Chapter 8: Problem Solving Techniques
    Every business idea has a flaw in it. Handling problems within your business will define your leadership abilities and this will always keep you ahead of competition.

    Chapter 9: Examples of Profitable Ideas
    A few awesome business ideas that could make you a multi-millionaire or even billionaire if you played your cards right.

    A lot of thanks go to:
    Designed by Freepik credit for feature bg

    Online Research

    Please inform us in case there are any bug fixes required. Thank you.

    I hope this app adds value to you. I truely enjoyed coding it. Paje :) :P

  • Version2022-02-02
    Size:Varies with device

    Liiketoimintasuunnitelmat ja liikeideoita varten "Yrittäjä Mindset"

    Update Log

    Thank you for all the feedback.
    New updates are;
    * Dark Mode in App Settings
    * Hindi Translation is now available
    * Added FAQ page
    * Fixed bugs

    App Description

    For any Entrepreneur to be a success, they require an entrepreneur mindset with the ability to create business ideas and establish a long standing success in the business startup.
    Chapter 1: Why Start a Business?
    Learn the reasons why it is important to start your own business and why you should overcome the fear of getting started. All you need are the business ideas
    Chapter 2: Starting a Partnership
    Starting a Partnership is a great way of increasing your odds of succeeding in business. Just look around you, people had business ideas they shared with friends and a few years later success
    Chapter 3: Growing into a Company
    At this stage it implies that we have the right business ideas. Market and demand have increased, we need to know what we should do to get the right team.
    Chapter 4: Working Business Capital
    Capital isn’t just money. We will learn about the basics of Capital, how to be a success by having money work for us and keeping a hold on our business ideas.
    Chapter 5: Commencement of Business Activities
    When starting any business, you always have to make sure you have every tool ready. Get to learn about how business ideas et converted to actions with business profits in mind.
    Chapter 6: Budgeting Business Finances
    Money is something you have to learn to use when in business. Learn about the structure and the best time to create a Budget. Do not let your business ideas go to a waste.
    Chapter 7: Managing the Cash Flow
    All successful businesses are very mindful of Cash Flow. Be it US dollars, European euros, UK pounds, Indian Rupees, Ugandan shillings, you will have to learn to respect money to keep your business successful for a long time.
    Chapter 8: Problem Solving Techniques
    Every business idea has a flaw in it. Handling problems within your business will define your leadership abilities and this will always keep you ahead of competition.
    Chapter 9: Examples of Profitable Ideas
    A few awesome business ideas that could make you a multi-millionaire or even billionaire if you played your cards right.
    A lot of thanks go to:
    Designed by Freepik credit for feature bg
    Online Research
    Please inform us in case there are any bug fixes required. Thank you.
    I hope this app adds value to you. I truely enjoyed coding it. Paje :) :P

  • Version2021-10-09
    Size:Varies with device

    Liiketoimintasuunnitelmat ja liikeideoita varten "Yrittäjä Mindset"

    Update Log

    Thank you for all the feedback.
    Here is updated Version Tesana 5.1
    * FIXED Inability to Open Chapters for Android 10+
    * RE-EDITTED Content
    * REPLACED with Adaptive Anchor banner ads
    * MODIFIED User Interface
    * ADDED Feedback Feature
    * REDUCED apk size to 3 MBs

    App Description

    For any Entrepreneur to be a success, they require an entrepreneur mindset with the ability to create business ideas and establish a long standing success in the business startup.
    Chapter 1: Why Start a Business?
    Learn the reasons why it is important to start your own business and why you should overcome the fear of getting started. All you need are the business ideas
    Chapter 2: Starting a Partnership
    Starting a Partnership is a great way of increasing your odds of succeeding in business. Just look around you, people had business ideas they shared with friends and a few years later success
    Chapter 3: Growing into a Company
    At this stage it implies that we have the right business ideas. Market and demand have increased, we need to know what we should do to get the right team.
    Chapter 4: Working Business Capital
    Capital isn’t just money. We will learn about the basics of Capital, how to be a success by having money work for us and keeping a hold on our business ideas.
    Chapter 5: Commencement of Business Activities
    When starting any business, you always have to make sure you have every tool ready. Get to learn about how business ideas et converted to actions with business profits in mind.
    Chapter 6: Budgeting Business Finances
    Money is something you have to learn to use when in business. Learn about the structure and the best time to create a Budget. Do not let your business ideas go to a waste.
    Chapter 7: Managing the Cash Flow
    All successful businesses are very mindful of Cash Flow. Be it US dollars, European euros, UK pounds, Indian Rupees, Ugandan shillings, you will have to learn to respect money to keep your business successful for a long time.
    Chapter 8: Problem Solving Techniques
    Every business idea has a flaw in it. Handling problems within your business will define your leadership abilities and this will always keep you ahead of competition.
    Chapter 9: Examples of Profitable Ideas
    A few awesome business ideas that could make you a multi-millionaire or even billionaire if you played your cards right.
    A lot of thanks go to:
    Designed by Freepik credit for feature bg
    Online Research
    Please inform us in case there are any bug fixes required. Thank you.
    I hope this app adds value to you. I truely enjoyed coding it. Paje :) :P

    • 1
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