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Study Music - Memory Booster
Aplicație de creștere a creierului cu ritmuri binaurale și muzică offline pentru studiu.
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2024 years
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Version History

  • Version13.8.01

    Aplicație de creștere a creierului cu ritmuri binaurale și muzică offline pentru studiu.

    Update Log

    Fixed crashing on some devices.

    App Description

    Aplicație de creștere a creierului cu peste 8 milioane de descărcări.

    Nu te poți concentra pe munca ta? Studiați muzica 🎧 Memory Booster combină melodiile de înaltă calitate cu ritmurile binaurale și sunetele naturii, este o aplicație bazată pe știință care vă va motiva să rămâneți concentrat și să faceți lucrurile.

    Evitați amânarea cu Study Music și atingeți-vă obiectivele!

    A fi concentrat pentru perioade lungi de timp este greu. Atenția voastră este în mod constant distrusă în această lume a distragerilor. Selectați o categorie care se potrivește cel mai bine sarcinii dvs. sau gustului dvs. muzical. Pentru a rezolva probleme, selectați Rezolvare; pentru a memora informații noi, selectați Memorare și așa mai departe. Personalizați-vă muzica adăugând sunete naturale și unde alfa. În cele din urmă, adăugați temporizator pentru a începe sesiunea de studiu.

    Calmați-vă mintea și faceți lucrurile!

    • Schimbați-vă sesiunile de studiu neproductive la altele eficiente cu muzică calmantă.
    • Adăugați sunete de natură realiste pentru a vă transforma camera într-o pădure sau o plajă.
    • Ascultați offline sau transmiteți online.
    • Citiți fapte științifice interesante în timp ce studiați pentru a vă maximiza productivitatea.
    • Concentrați-vă pe o rutină zilnică și gestionați ADHD.
    • Adăugați bătăi binaurale pentru a vă stimula creierul.
    • Utilizați funcționalitatea temporizatorului pentru a lucra eficient. Combină pomodoro cu muzică!

    Study Music este aplicația de studiu la care visai!

    • 🎧 Cântece diferite pentru sarcini diferite, cum ar fi Focus, Study and Memorize și multe altele.
    • waves Undele alfa, sunetele de ploaie și sunetele naturii pot fi adăugate muzicii tale.
    • 🎓 Redare în fundal. Puteți utiliza alte aplicații sau puteți opri ecranul în timp ce redați muzică.
    • ⏯️ Comenzi de notificare pentru muzica ta.
    • interface Interfață simplă și design superb cu grafică de înaltă calitate.
    • 💡 Fiecare melodie are un fapt interesant de citit pentru a vă menține pe drumul cel bun.
    • ⏱️ Adăugați temporizator la muzica dvs. pentru a funcționa eficient.

    1-Ultimate Brain Booster
    2-Studiază gratuit cu muzică
    3-Ascultare offline sau streaming
    4-Sunete ale naturii și bătăi binaurale
    Timerul 5-Pomodoro vă ajută să vă concentrați
    6-Aflați fapte științifice rapide

    Întrebări frecvente

    Pentru ce sunt aceste melodii?
    Concentrarea este pentru a vă ajuta să vă concentrați, Studiul este pentru a vă ajuta atunci când studiați, Citiți este acolo pentru timpul dvs. de citire, Memorați este pentru a vă ajuta să memorați informații, Rezolvați este pentru rezolvarea problemelor și Meditați este pentru gândirea pașnică și meditația timpului .

    Cum se folosește?
    E simplu. Doar selectați muzica pentru sarcina dvs. și adăugați sunete naturale sau unde beta. De exemplu, dacă nu vă puteți concentra pe munca dvs. în mod corespunzător, puteți selecta muzica Focus și pur și simplu să vă faceți treaba. Vă recomandăm să folosiți aplicația în timp ce studiați, citiți, creați etc. Sau o puteți folosi în timp ce dormiți sau meditați, dacă doriți.

    Am nevoie de o conexiune la internet?
    Nu. Puteți utiliza Study Music fără conexiune la internet. Dar unele dintre melodii au nevoie de o conexiune la internet pentru a putea asculta.

    În ce măsură este Study Music - Memory Booster diferit de alte aplicații muzicale?
    Study Music este prima aplicație de muzică axată pe sarcini cognitive precum memorarea și rezolvarea problemelor. Îl actualizăm constant cu sugestiile dvs. pentru o experiență mai bună.

    Ce sunt bătăile binaurale? Cum mă afectează acest lucru?
    Bătăile binaurale sunt artefacte de procesare auditivă cauzate de stimuli fizici specifici. Acest efect a fost descoperit în 1839 de Heinrich Wilhelm Dove și a câștigat o mai mare conștientizare a publicului la sfârșitul secolului al XX-lea pe baza afirmațiilor venite din comunitatea de medicină alternativă că bătăile binaurale ar putea ajuta la inducerea relaxării, meditației, creativității, concentrării și a altor stări mentale dorite. Efectul asupra undelor cerebrale depinde de diferența de frecvență a fiecărei note.

    📫 Puteți trimite sugestiile dvs. la [email protected] sau pur și simplu lăsați o recenzie. Le citim pe toate; nu ezitați să ne spuneți ideile voastre.

    Urmăriți-ne pe Instagram: @theklikklak
    Urmăriți-ne pe Facebook: @theklikklak

    Klik Klak - Utku Gogen

  • Version13.8.00

    Aplicație de creștere a creierului cu ritmuri binaurale și muzică offline pentru studiu.

    App Description

    Aplicație de creștere a creierului cu peste 8 milioane de descărcări.

    Nu te poți concentra pe munca ta? Studiați muzica 🎧 Memory Booster combină melodiile de înaltă calitate cu ritmurile binaurale și sunetele naturii, este o aplicație bazată pe știință care vă va motiva să rămâneți concentrat și să faceți lucrurile.

    Evitați amânarea cu Study Music și atingeți-vă obiectivele!

    A fi concentrat pentru perioade lungi de timp este greu. Atenția voastră este în mod constant distrusă în această lume a distragerilor. Selectați o categorie care se potrivește cel mai bine sarcinii dvs. sau gustului dvs. muzical. Pentru a rezolva probleme, selectați Rezolvare; pentru a memora informații noi, selectați Memorare și așa mai departe. Personalizați-vă muzica adăugând sunete naturale și unde alfa. În cele din urmă, adăugați temporizator pentru a începe sesiunea de studiu.

    Calmați-vă mintea și faceți lucrurile!

    • Schimbați-vă sesiunile de studiu neproductive la altele eficiente cu muzică calmantă.
    • Adăugați sunete de natură realiste pentru a vă transforma camera într-o pădure sau o plajă.
    • Ascultați offline sau transmiteți online.
    • Citiți fapte științifice interesante în timp ce studiați pentru a vă maximiza productivitatea.
    • Concentrați-vă pe o rutină zilnică și gestionați ADHD.
    • Adăugați bătăi binaurale pentru a vă stimula creierul.
    • Utilizați funcționalitatea temporizatorului pentru a lucra eficient. Combină pomodoro cu muzică!

    Study Music este aplicația de studiu la care visai!

    • 🎧 Cântece diferite pentru sarcini diferite, cum ar fi Focus, Study and Memorize și multe altele.
    • waves Undele alfa, sunetele de ploaie și sunetele naturii pot fi adăugate muzicii tale.
    • 🎓 Redare în fundal. Puteți utiliza alte aplicații sau puteți opri ecranul în timp ce redați muzică.
    • ⏯️ Comenzi de notificare pentru muzica ta.
    • interface Interfață simplă și design superb cu grafică de înaltă calitate.
    • 💡 Fiecare melodie are un fapt interesant de citit pentru a vă menține pe drumul cel bun.
    • ⏱️ Adăugați temporizator la muzica dvs. pentru a funcționa eficient.

    1-Ultimate Brain Booster
    2-Studiază gratuit cu muzică
    3-Ascultare offline sau streaming
    4-Sunete ale naturii și bătăi binaurale
    Timerul 5-Pomodoro vă ajută să vă concentrați
    6-Aflați fapte științifice rapide

    Întrebări frecvente

    Pentru ce sunt aceste melodii?
    Concentrarea este pentru a vă ajuta să vă concentrați, Studiul este pentru a vă ajuta atunci când studiați, Citiți este acolo pentru timpul dvs. de citire, Memorați este pentru a vă ajuta să memorați informații, Rezolvați este pentru rezolvarea problemelor și Meditați este pentru gândirea pașnică și meditația timpului .

    Cum se folosește?
    E simplu. Doar selectați muzica pentru sarcina dvs. și adăugați sunete naturale sau unde beta. De exemplu, dacă nu vă puteți concentra pe munca dvs. în mod corespunzător, puteți selecta muzica Focus și pur și simplu să vă faceți treaba. Vă recomandăm să folosiți aplicația în timp ce studiați, citiți, creați etc. Sau o puteți folosi în timp ce dormiți sau meditați, dacă doriți.

    Am nevoie de o conexiune la internet?
    Nu. Puteți utiliza Study Music fără conexiune la internet. Dar unele dintre melodii au nevoie de o conexiune la internet pentru a putea asculta.

    În ce măsură este Study Music - Memory Booster diferit de alte aplicații muzicale?
    Study Music este prima aplicație de muzică axată pe sarcini cognitive precum memorarea și rezolvarea problemelor. Îl actualizăm constant cu sugestiile dvs. pentru o experiență mai bună.

    Ce sunt bătăile binaurale? Cum mă afectează acest lucru?
    Bătăile binaurale sunt artefacte de procesare auditivă cauzate de stimuli fizici specifici. Acest efect a fost descoperit în 1839 de Heinrich Wilhelm Dove și a câștigat o mai mare conștientizare a publicului la sfârșitul secolului al XX-lea pe baza afirmațiilor venite din comunitatea de medicină alternativă că bătăile binaurale ar putea ajuta la inducerea relaxării, meditației, creativității, concentrării și a altor stări mentale dorite. Efectul asupra undelor cerebrale depinde de diferența de frecvență a fiecărei note.

    📫 Puteți trimite sugestiile dvs. la [email protected] sau pur și simplu lăsați o recenzie. Le citim pe toate; nu ezitați să ne spuneți ideile voastre.

    Urmăriți-ne pe Instagram: @theklikklak
    Urmăriți-ne pe Facebook: @theklikklak

    Klik Klak - Utku Gogen

  • Version13.7.24

    Aplicație de creștere a creierului cu ritmuri binaurale și muzică offline pentru studiu.

    App Description

    Ultimate brain booster app with over 8 million downloads.

    Can't focus on your work? Study Music 🎧 Memory Booster combines high quality songs with binaural beats and nature sounds, it is a science-based app that will motivate you to stay focused and get things done.

    Avoid procrastination with Study Music and achieve your goals!

    Staying focused for long periods of time is hard. Your attention is constantly being diverted in this world of distractions. Select a category that fits best to your task or your music taste. To solve problems, select Solve; to memorize new information, just select Memorize and so on. Customize your music by adding nature sounds and alpha waves. Finally add timer to start your studying session.

    Calm your mind and get things done!

    • Change your unproductive study sessions to efficient ones with calming music.
    • Add realistic nature sounds to transform your room into a forest or a beach.
    • Listen offline or stream online.
    • Read interesting science facts while studying to maximize your productivity.
    • Concentrate on a daily routine and manage ADHD.
    • Add binaural beats to boost your brain.
    • Use timer functionality to work efficiently. Combine pomodoro with music!

    Study Music is the study app you've been dreaming about!

    • 🎧 Different songs for different tasks such as Focus, Study and Memorize and much more.
    • 🎵 Alpha waves, rain sounds, and nature sounds can be added to your music.
    • 🎓 Background playback. You can use other apps or turn off your screen while playing music.
    • ⏯️ Notification controls for your music.
    • 📚 Simple interface and gorgeous design with high-quality graphics.
    • 💡 Every song has an interesting fact to read to keep you on track.
    • ⏱️ Add timer to your music to work efficiently.

    1-Ultimate Brain Booster
    2-Study with music for free
    3-Offline listening or streaming
    4-Nature sounds and binaural beats
    5-Pomodoro timer helps you focus
    6-Learn quick science facts


    What are these songs for?
    Focus is for helping you to focus,Study is for assisting you when you are studying, Read is there for your reading time, Memorize is for helping you to memorize information, Solve is for problem-solving and Meditate is for peaceful thinking and meditating time.

    How to use it?
    It's simple. Just select the music for your task and add nature sounds or beta waves. For example, if you can't focus on your work properly you can select the Focus music and simply do your work. We recommend using the app while you are studying, reading, creating etc. Or you can use it while you are sleeping or meditating too if you want.

    Do I need an internet connection?
    No. You can use Study Music without an internet connection. But some of the songs need an internet connection in order for you to listen.

    How is Study Music - Memory Booster different from other music apps?
    Study Music is the first music app focused on cognitive tasks such as memorization and problem-solving. We are constantly updating it with your suggestions for a better experience.

    What are binaural beats? How does this affect me?
    Binaural beats are auditory processing artifacts caused by specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th century based on claims coming from the alternative medicine community that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity, focus and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each note.

    📫You can send your suggestions to [email protected] or simply leave a review. We read all of them; feel free to tell us your ideas.

    Follow us on Instagram: @theklikklak
    Follow us on Facebook: @theklikklak

    Klik Klak - Utku Gogen

  • Version13.7.23

    Aplicație de creștere a creierului cu ritmuri binaurale și muzică offline pentru studiu.

    App Description

    Ultimate brain booster app with over 8 million downloads.

    Can't focus on your work? Study Music 🎧 Memory Booster combines high quality songs with binaural beats and nature sounds, it is a science-based app that will motivate you to stay focused and get things done.

    Avoid procrastination with Study Music and achieve your goals!

    Staying focused for long periods of time is hard. Your attention is constantly being diverted in this world of distractions. Select a category that fits best to your task or your music taste. To solve problems, select Solve; to memorize new information, just select Memorize and so on. Customize your music by adding nature sounds and alpha waves. Finally add timer to start your studying session.

    Calm your mind and get things done!

    • Change your unproductive study sessions to efficient ones with calming music.
    • Add realistic nature sounds to transform your room into a forest or a beach.
    • Listen offline or stream online.
    • Read interesting science facts while studying to maximize your productivity.
    • Concentrate on a daily routine and manage ADHD.
    • Add binaural beats to boost your brain.
    • Use timer functionality to work efficiently. Combine pomodoro with music!

    Study Music is the study app you've been dreaming about!

    • 🎧 Different songs for different tasks such as Focus, Study and Memorize and much more.
    • 🎵 Alpha waves, rain sounds, and nature sounds can be added to your music.
    • 🎓 Background playback. You can use other apps or turn off your screen while playing music.
    • ⏯️ Notification controls for your music.
    • 📚 Simple interface and gorgeous design with high-quality graphics.
    • 💡 Every song has an interesting fact to read to keep you on track.
    • ⏱️ Add timer to your music to work efficiently.

    1-Ultimate Brain Booster
    2-Study with music for free
    3-Offline listening or streaming
    4-Nature sounds and binaural beats
    5-Pomodoro timer helps you focus
    6-Learn quick science facts


    What are these songs for?
    Focus is for helping you to focus,Study is for assisting you when you are studying, Read is there for your reading time, Memorize is for helping you to memorize information, Solve is for problem-solving and Meditate is for peaceful thinking and meditating time.

    How to use it?
    It's simple. Just select the music for your task and add nature sounds or beta waves. For example, if you can't focus on your work properly you can select the Focus music and simply do your work. We recommend using the app while you are studying, reading, creating etc. Or you can use it while you are sleeping or meditating too if you want.

    Do I need an internet connection?
    No. You can use Study Music without an internet connection. But some of the songs need an internet connection in order for you to listen.

    How is Study Music - Memory Booster different from other music apps?
    Study Music is the first music app focused on cognitive tasks such as memorization and problem-solving. We are constantly updating it with your suggestions for a better experience.

    What are binaural beats? How does this affect me?
    Binaural beats are auditory processing artifacts caused by specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th century based on claims coming from the alternative medicine community that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity, focus and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each note.

    📫You can send your suggestions to [email protected] or simply leave a review. We read all of them; feel free to tell us your ideas.

    Follow us on Instagram: @theklikklak
    Follow us on Facebook: @theklikklak

    Klik Klak - Utku Gogen

  • Version13.7.22

    Aplicație de creștere a creierului cu ritmuri binaurale și muzică offline pentru studiu.

    Update Log

    Bug fixes

    App Description

    ★ Ultimate brain booster app with over 8 million downloads.★
    Can\u0027t focus on your work? Study Music 🎧 Memory Booster combines high quality songs with binaural beats and nature sounds, it is a science-based app that will motivate you to stay focused and get things done.
    Avoid procrastination with Study Music and achieve your goals!
    Staying focused for long periods of time is hard. Your attention is constantly being diverted in this world of distractions. Select a category that fits best to your task or your music taste. To solve problems, select Solve; to memorize new information, just select Memorize and so on. Customize your music by adding nature sounds and alpha waves. Finally add timer to start your studying session.
    Calm your mind and get things done!
    • Change your unproductive study sessions to efficient ones with calming music.
    • Add realistic nature sounds to transform your room into a forest or a beach.
    • Listen offline or stream online.
    • Read interesting science facts while studying to maximize your productivity.
    • Concentrate on a daily routine and manage ADHD.
    • Add binaural beats to boost your brain.
    • Use timer functionality to work efficiently. Combine pomodoro with music!
    Study Music is the study app you\u0027ve been dreaming about!
    • 🎧 Different songs for different tasks such as Focus, Study and Memorize and much more.
    • 🎵 Alpha waves, rain sounds, and nature sounds can be added to your music.
    • 🎓 Background playback. You can use other apps or turn off your screen while playing music.
    • ⏯️ Notification controls for your music.
    • 📚 Simple interface and gorgeous design with high-quality graphics.
    • 💡 Every song has an interesting fact to read to keep you on track.
    • ⏱️ Add timer to your music to work efficiently.
    1-Ultimate Brain Booster
    2-Study with music for free
    3-Offline listening or streaming
    4-Nature sounds and binaural beats
    5-Pomodoro timer helps you focus
    6-Learn quick science facts
    What are these songs for?
    Focus is for helping you to focus,Study is for assisting you when you are studying, Read is there for your reading time, Memorize is for helping you to memorize information, Solve is for problem-solving and Meditate is for peaceful thinking and meditating time.
    How to use it?
    It\u0027s simple. Just select the music for your task and add nature sounds or beta waves. For example, if you can\u0027t focus on your work properly you can select the Focus music and simply do your work. We recommend using the app while you are studying, reading, creating etc. Or you can use it while you are sleeping or meditating too if you want.
    Do I need an internet connection?
    No. You can use Study Music without an internet connection. But some of the songs need an internet connection in order for you to listen.
    How is Study Music - Memory Booster different from other music apps?
    Study Music is the first music app focused on cognitive tasks such as memorization and problem-solving. We are constantly updating it with your suggestions for a better experience.
    What are binaural beats? How does this affect me?
    Binaural beats are auditory processing artifacts caused by specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th century based on claims coming from the alternative medicine community that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity, focus and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each note.
    📫You can send your suggestions to [email protected] or simply leave a review. We read all of them; feel free to tell us your ideas.
    Follow us on Instagram: @theklikklak
    Follow us on Facebook: @theklikklak
    Klik Klak - Utku Gogen

  • Version13.7.21

    Aplicație de creștere a creierului cu ritmuri binaurale și muzică offline pentru studiu.

    Update Log

    New songs are added.
    Category: Read

    App Description

    ★ Ultimate brain booster app with over 8 million downloads.★
    Can\u0027t focus on your work? Study Music 🎧 Memory Booster combines high quality songs with binaural beats and nature sounds, it is a science-based app that will motivate you to stay focused and get things done.
    Avoid procrastination with Study Music and achieve your goals!
    Staying focused for long periods of time is hard. Your attention is constantly being diverted in this world of distractions. Select a category that fits best to your task or your music taste. To solve problems, select Solve; to memorize new information, just select Memorize and so on. Customize your music by adding nature sounds and alpha waves. Finally add timer to start your studying session.
    Calm your mind and get things done!
    • Change your unproductive study sessions to efficient ones with calming music.
    • Add realistic nature sounds to transform your room into a forest or a beach.
    • Listen offline or stream online.
    • Read interesting science facts while studying to maximize your productivity.
    • Concentrate on a daily routine and manage ADHD.
    • Add binaural beats to boost your brain.
    • Use timer functionality to work efficiently. Combine pomodoro with music!
    Study Music is the study app you\u0027ve been dreaming about!
    • 🎧 Different songs for different tasks such as Focus, Study and Memorize and much more.
    • 🎵 Alpha waves, rain sounds, and nature sounds can be added to your music.
    • 🎓 Background playback. You can use other apps or turn off your screen while playing music.
    • ⏯️ Notification controls for your music.
    • 📚 Simple interface and gorgeous design with high-quality graphics.
    • 💡 Every song has an interesting fact to read to keep you on track.
    • ⏱️ Add timer to your music to work efficiently.
    1-Ultimate Brain Booster
    2-Study with music for free
    3-Offline listening or streaming
    4-Nature sounds and binaural beats
    5-Pomodoro timer helps you focus
    6-Learn quick science facts
    What are these songs for?
    Focus is for helping you to focus,Study is for assisting you when you are studying, Read is there for your reading time, Memorize is for helping you to memorize information, Solve is for problem-solving and Meditate is for peaceful thinking and meditating time.
    How to use it?
    It\u0027s simple. Just select the music for your task and add nature sounds or beta waves. For example, if you can\u0027t focus on your work properly you can select the Focus music and simply do your work. We recommend using the app while you are studying, reading, creating etc. Or you can use it while you are sleeping or meditating too if you want.
    Do I need an internet connection?
    No. You can use Study Music without an internet connection. But some of the songs need an internet connection in order for you to listen.
    How is Study Music - Memory Booster different from other music apps?
    Study Music is the first music app focused on cognitive tasks such as memorization and problem-solving. We are constantly updating it with your suggestions for a better experience.
    What are binaural beats? How does this affect me?
    Binaural beats are auditory processing artifacts caused by specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th century based on claims coming from the alternative medicine community that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity, focus and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each note.
    📫You can send your suggestions to [email protected] or simply leave a review. We read all of them; feel free to tell us your ideas.
    Follow us on Instagram: @theklikklak
    Follow us on Facebook: @theklikklak
    Klik Klak - Utku Gogen

  • Version13.7.20

    Aplicație de creștere a creierului cu ritmuri binaurale și muzică offline pentru studiu.

    Update Log

    *New songs are added.

    App Description

    ★ Ultimate brain booster app with over 8 million downloads.★
    Can\u0027t focus on your work? Study Music 🎧 Memory Booster combines high quality songs with binaural beats and nature sounds, it is a science-based app that will motivate you to stay focused and get things done.
    Avoid procrastination with Study Music and achieve your goals!
    Staying focused for long periods of time is hard. Your attention is constantly being diverted in this world of distractions. Select a category that fits best to your task or your music taste. To solve problems, select Solve; to memorize new information, just select Memorize and so on. Customize your music by adding nature sounds and alpha waves. Finally add timer to start your studying session.
    Calm your mind and get things done!
    • Change your unproductive study sessions to efficient ones with calming music.
    • Add realistic nature sounds to transform your room into a forest or a beach.
    • Listen offline or stream online.
    • Read interesting science facts while studying to maximize your productivity.
    • Concentrate on a daily routine and manage ADHD.
    • Add binaural beats to boost your brain.
    • Use timer functionality to work efficiently. Combine pomodoro with music!
    Study Music is the study app you\u0027ve been dreaming about!
    • 🎧 Different songs for different tasks such as Focus, Study and Memorize and much more.
    • 🎵 Alpha waves, rain sounds, and nature sounds can be added to your music.
    • 🎓 Background playback. You can use other apps or turn off your screen while playing music.
    • ⏯️ Notification controls for your music.
    • 📚 Simple interface and gorgeous design with high-quality graphics.
    • 💡 Every song has an interesting fact to read to keep you on track.
    • ⏱️ Add timer to your music to work efficiently.
    1-Ultimate Brain Booster
    2-Study with music for free
    3-Offline listening or streaming
    4-Nature sounds and binaural beats
    5-Pomodoro timer helps you focus
    6-Learn quick science facts
    What are these songs for?
    Focus is for helping you to focus,Study is for assisting you when you are studying, Read is there for your reading time, Memorize is for helping you to memorize information, Solve is for problem-solving and Meditate is for peaceful thinking and meditating time.
    How to use it?
    It\u0027s simple. Just select the music for your task and add nature sounds or beta waves. For example, if you can\u0027t focus on your work properly you can select the Focus music and simply do your work. We recommend using the app while you are studying, reading, creating etc. Or you can use it while you are sleeping or meditating too if you want.
    Do I need an internet connection?
    No. You can use Study Music without an internet connection. But some of the songs need an internet connection in order for you to listen.
    How is Study Music - Memory Booster different from other music apps?
    Study Music is the first music app focused on cognitive tasks such as memorization and problem-solving. We are constantly updating it with your suggestions for a better experience.
    What are binaural beats? How does this affect me?
    Binaural beats are auditory processing artifacts caused by specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th century based on claims coming from the alternative medicine community that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity, focus and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each note.
    📫You can send your suggestions to [email protected] or simply leave a review. We read all of them; feel free to tell us your ideas.
    Follow us on Instagram: @theklikklak
    Follow us on Facebook: @theklikklak
    Klik Klak - Utku Gogen

  • Version13.7.19

    Aplicație de creștere a creierului cu ritmuri binaurale și muzică offline pentru studiu.

    Update Log

    *New songs are added
    *UI changes
    -Volume indicator is changed.

    App Description

    ★ Ultimate brain booster app with over 8 million downloads.★
    Can\u0027t focus on your work? Study Music 🎧 Memory Booster combines high quality songs with binaural beats and nature sounds, it is a science-based app that will motivate you to stay focused and get things done.
    Avoid procrastination with Study Music and achieve your goals!
    Staying focused for long periods of time is hard. Your attention is constantly being diverted in this world of distractions. Select a category that fits best to your task or your music taste. To solve problems, select Solve; to memorize new information, just select Memorize and so on. Customize your music by adding nature sounds and alpha waves. Finally add timer to start your studying session.
    Calm your mind and get things done!
    • Change your unproductive study sessions to efficient ones with calming music.
    • Add realistic nature sounds to transform your room into a forest or a beach.
    • Listen offline or stream online.
    • Read interesting science facts while studying to maximize your productivity.
    • Concentrate on a daily routine and manage ADHD.
    • Add binaural beats to boost your brain.
    • Use timer functionality to work efficiently. Combine pomodoro with music!
    Study Music is the study app you\u0027ve been dreaming about!
    • 🎧 Different songs for different tasks such as Focus, Study and Memorize and much more.
    • 🎵 Alpha waves, rain sounds, and nature sounds can be added to your music.
    • 🎓 Background playback. You can use other apps or turn off your screen while playing music.
    • ⏯️ Notification controls for your music.
    • 📚 Simple interface and gorgeous design with high-quality graphics.
    • 💡 Every song has an interesting fact to read to keep you on track.
    • ⏱️ Add timer to your music to work efficiently.
    1-Ultimate Brain Booster
    2-Study with music for free
    3-Offline listening or streaming
    4-Nature sounds and binaural beats
    5-Pomodoro timer helps you focus
    6-Learn quick science facts
    What are these songs for?
    Focus is for helping you to focus,Study is for assisting you when you are studying, Read is there for your reading time, Memorize is for helping you to memorize information, Solve is for problem-solving and Meditate is for peaceful thinking and meditating time.
    How to use it?
    It\u0027s simple. Just select the music for your task and add nature sounds or beta waves. For example, if you can\u0027t focus on your work properly you can select the Focus music and simply do your work. We recommend using the app while you are studying, reading, creating etc. Or you can use it while you are sleeping or meditating too if you want.
    Do I need an internet connection?
    No. You can use Study Music without an internet connection. But some of the songs need an internet connection in order for you to listen.
    How is Study Music - Memory Booster different from other music apps?
    Study Music is the first music app focused on cognitive tasks such as memorization and problem-solving. We are constantly updating it with your suggestions for a better experience.
    What are binaural beats? How does this affect me?
    Binaural beats are auditory processing artifacts caused by specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th century based on claims coming from the alternative medicine community that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity, focus and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each note.
    📫You can send your suggestions to [email protected] or simply leave a review. We read all of them; feel free to tell us your ideas.
    Follow us on Instagram: @theklikklak
    Follow us on Facebook: @theklikklak
    Klik Klak - Utku Gogen

  • Version13.7.18

    Aplicație de creștere a creierului cu ritmuri binaurale și muzică offline pentru studiu.

    Update Log

    *New songs.
    *Bug fixes.

    App Description

    ★ Ultimate brain booster app with over 8 million downloads.★
    Can\u0027t focus on your work? Study Music 🎧 Memory Booster combines high quality songs with binaural beats and nature sounds, it is a science-based app that will motivate you to stay focused and get things done.
    Avoid procrastination with Study Music and achieve your goals!
    Staying focused for long periods of time is hard. Your attention is constantly being diverted in this world of distractions. Select a category that fits best to your task or your music taste. To solve problems, select Solve; to memorize new information, just select Memorize and so on. Customize your music by adding nature sounds and alpha waves. Finally add timer to start your studying session.
    Calm your mind and get things done!
    • Change your unproductive study sessions to efficient ones with calming music.
    • Add realistic nature sounds to transform your room into a forest or a beach.
    • Listen offline or stream online.
    • Read interesting science facts while studying to maximize your productivity.
    • Concentrate on a daily routine and manage ADHD.
    • Add binaural beats to boost your brain.
    • Use timer functionality to work efficiently. Combine pomodoro with music!
    Study Music is the study app you\u0027ve been dreaming about!
    • 🎧 Different songs for different tasks such as Focus, Study and Memorize and much more.
    • 🎵 Alpha waves, rain sounds, and nature sounds can be added to your music.
    • 🎓 Background playback. You can use other apps or turn off your screen while playing music.
    • ⏯️ Notification controls for your music.
    • 📚 Simple interface and gorgeous design with high-quality graphics.
    • 💡 Every song has an interesting fact to read to keep you on track.
    • ⏱️ Add timer to your music to work efficiently.
    1-Ultimate Brain Booster
    2-Study with music for free
    3-Offline listening or streaming
    4-Nature sounds and binaural beats
    5-Pomodoro timer helps you focus
    6-Learn quick science facts
    What are these songs for?
    Focus is for helping you to focus,Study is for assisting you when you are studying, Read is there for your reading time, Memorize is for helping you to memorize information, Solve is for problem-solving and Meditate is for peaceful thinking and meditating time.
    How to use it?
    It\u0027s simple. Just select the music for your task and add nature sounds or beta waves. For example, if you can\u0027t focus on your work properly you can select the Focus music and simply do your work. We recommend using the app while you are studying, reading, creating etc. Or you can use it while you are sleeping or meditating too if you want.
    Do I need an internet connection?
    No. You can use Study Music without an internet connection. But some of the songs need an internet connection in order for you to listen.
    How is Study Music - Memory Booster different from other music apps?
    Study Music is the first music app focused on cognitive tasks such as memorization and problem-solving. We are constantly updating it with your suggestions for a better experience.
    What are binaural beats? How does this affect me?
    Binaural beats are auditory processing artifacts caused by specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th century based on claims coming from the alternative medicine community that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity, focus and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each note.
    📫You can send your suggestions to [email protected] or simply leave a review. We read all of them; feel free to tell us your ideas.
    Follow us on Instagram: @theklikklak
    Follow us on Facebook: @theklikklak
    Klik Klak - Utku Gogen

  • Version13.7.17

    Aplicație de creștere a creierului cu ritmuri binaurale și muzică offline pentru studiu.

    Update Log

    *New online songs
    *Bug fixes
    -Improved stability.

    App Description

    ★ Ultimate brain booster app with over 8 million downloads.★
    Can\u0027t focus on your work? Study Music 🎧 Memory Booster combines high quality songs with binaural beats and nature sounds, it is a science-based app that will motivate you to stay focused and get things done.
    Avoid procrastination with Study Music and achieve your goals!
    Staying focused for long periods of time is hard. Your attention is constantly being diverted in this world of distractions. Select a category that fits best to your task or your music taste. To solve problems, select Solve; to memorize new information, just select Memorize and so on. Customize your music by adding nature sounds and alpha waves. Finally add timer to start your studying session.
    Calm your mind and get things done!
    • Change your unproductive study sessions to efficient ones with calming music.
    • Add realistic nature sounds to transform your room into a forest or a beach.
    • Listen offline or stream online.
    • Read interesting science facts while studying to maximize your productivity.
    • Concentrate on a daily routine and manage ADHD.
    • Add binaural beats to boost your brain.
    • Use timer functionality to work efficiently. Combine pomodoro with music!
    Study Music is the study app you\u0027ve been dreaming about!
    • 🎧 Different songs for different tasks such as Focus, Study and Memorize and much more.
    • 🎵 Alpha waves, rain sounds, and nature sounds can be added to your music.
    • 🎓 Background playback. You can use other apps or turn off your screen while playing music.
    • ⏯️ Notification controls for your music.
    • 📚 Simple interface and gorgeous design with high-quality graphics.
    • 💡 Every song has an interesting fact to read to keep you on track.
    • ⏱️ Add timer to your music to work efficiently.
    1-Ultimate Brain Booster
    2-Study with music for free
    3-Offline listening or streaming
    4-Nature sounds and binaural beats
    5-Pomodoro timer helps you focus
    6-Learn quick science facts
    What are these songs for?
    Focus is for helping you to focus,Study is for assisting you when you are studying, Read is there for your reading time, Memorize is for helping you to memorize information, Solve is for problem-solving and Meditate is for peaceful thinking and meditating time.
    How to use it?
    It\u0027s simple. Just select the music for your task and add nature sounds or beta waves. For example, if you can\u0027t focus on your work properly you can select the Focus music and simply do your work. We recommend using the app while you are studying, reading, creating etc. Or you can use it while you are sleeping or meditating too if you want.
    Do I need an internet connection?
    No. You can use Study Music without an internet connection. But some of the songs need an internet connection in order for you to listen.
    How is Study Music - Memory Booster different from other music apps?
    Study Music is the first music app focused on cognitive tasks such as memorization and problem-solving. We are constantly updating it with your suggestions for a better experience.
    What are binaural beats? How does this affect me?
    Binaural beats are auditory processing artifacts caused by specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th century based on claims coming from the alternative medicine community that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity, focus and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each note.
    📫You can send your suggestions to [email protected] or simply leave a review. We read all of them; feel free to tell us your ideas.
    Follow us on Instagram: @theklikklak
    Follow us on Facebook: @theklikklak
    Klik Klak - Utku Gogen

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