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Sesame Search & Shortcuts
Pencarian universal untuk Android! Cepat luncurkan semuanya! Mitra Nova + Hyperion
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2024 years
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Version History

  • Version3.7.0

    Pencarian universal untuk Android! Cepat luncurkan semuanya! Mitra Nova + Hyperion

    Update Log

    Version 3.7.0 (2022-06-03, build 15807):
    - Updates Sesame for Android R and Android S compatibility
    - Adds support for new Android file permissions: some users will need to re-grant Device Files permission :(
    - Re-writes Twitch integration for new Twitch API
    - Fixes Backup/Restore functionality

    Full history: https://sesame.ninja/release_notes.txt

    App Description

    Wijen adalah pencarian universal yang kuat di Android. Ini terintegrasi dengan peluncur Anda, belajar dari Anda, dan membuat ratusan pintasan pribadi. Dengan pencarian universal Sesame, semuanya berjarak 1 atau 2 ketukan!

    "Wijen akan mengubah cara Anda menggunakan ponsel" - Android Tanpa Filter

    "Aplikasi yang harus dimiliki" - TechRadar

    Lihat kemitraan Nova Launcher kami: https://help.teslacoilapps.com/sesame

    • 100+ pintasan ditambahkan ke perangkat Anda
    • UI pencarian yang dapat disesuaikan sepenuhnya
    • Belajar dari Anda
    • Telusuri dengan lusinan aplikasi menggunakan Google Autosugesti
    • Pencarian Cepat yang dirancang untuk bekerja dalam 1 atau 2 ketukan. Ini cocok dengan huruf pertama dari kata-kata. Mengetik “S” “B” akan membawa “Spotify: The Beatles” ke atas. Karena itu belajar darimu, lain kali hanya "S" yang akan melakukannya
    • Integrasi API ke Spotify, YouTube, Kalender, Peta, Slack, Reddit, Telegram, dan lainnya
    • Mendeteksi warna dan gaya wallpaper itu sendiri
    • Cari file perangkat
    • Alat canggih untuk membuat pintasan sendiri
    • Bekerja dengan semua peluncur dan memiliki kemitraan khusus dengan Peluncur Nova & Hyperion
    • Kami tidak menyimpan atau menjual data Anda
    • Uji coba gratis tanpa batas. Hanya bayar jika Anda memutuskan itu sepadan!

    Kami Percaya...
    • Menggesek, mengetuk, dan menunggu layar dimuat lambat
    • UI pencarian universal dapat memperbaiki masalah ini
    • Android selalu dimaksudkan sebagai sistem terbuka
    • Data mentah untuk membangun pencarian universal yang paling kuat ada di sana, tetapi tidak ada yang menggabungkannya menjadi pengalaman yang mulus
    • Menghormati data pengguna = kesuksesan jangka panjang. Data Anda tetap ada di perangkat Anda. Kami tidak menyimpannya. Kami tidak menjualnya. (lihat pengecualian untuk perbaikan bug di bawah)
    • Kami menghasilkan uang dengan membuat produk yang bagus. Wijen adalah pembelian sukarela 100%
    • Dalam pengembangan yang berpusat pada pengguna: www.reddit.com/r/sesame

    Daftar Pintasan
    Pintasan yang dimuat sebelumnya
    • Kontak dengan satu sentuhan untuk menelepon, mengirim SMS, atau email
    • File perangkat
    • Percakapan WhatsApp (bukan percakapan grup)
    • Pengaturan (19 yang berguna)
    • Pintasan Google (Penerbangan saya, dll.)
    • Yelp (42 pencarian umum)
    • Opsi Pencarian Cepat untuk aplikasi (kontrol ini di Preferensi)

    Pintasan aplikasi Android 7.1
    • Di-backport hingga 5.0 perangkat
    • CATATAN: kami hanya dapat mengakses pintasan "Dinamis" 7.1 jika Anda memiliki Nova Launcher

    Buat pintasan Anda sendiri untuk ratusan aplikasi

    Mendukung pintasan widget/peluncur

    Integrasi API:
    • Spotify: Semua album, artis, dan daftar putar di Perpustakaan Anda
    • Slack: tim dan saluran Anda
    • Tasker: semua tugas Anda. Ini memungkinkan Anda membuat tindakan kompleks di Tasker dan meluncurkannya dengan mudah dengan cepat.
    • Reddit: subreddit Anda. Bekerja untuk semua aplikasi Reddit.
    • Telegram: percakapan Anda
    • YouTube: langganan, saluran, tonton nanti
    • Kalender: acara mendatang
    • Peta: tempat Anda dan peta yang disimpan

    Akses puluhan mesin pencari!
    • Opsi pencarian dan Google Autosugesti muncul saat Anda mengetik
    • Ketuk ikon untuk meluncurkan pencarian Anda
    • Ini berfungsi untuk lusinan aplikasi seperti Maps, Spotify, Netflix, Evernote, Chrome, DuckDuckGo, dan lainnya
    • Pencarian terkini disimpan sebagai jalan pintas selama 21 hari
    • Anda dapat mengontrol semua ini di Pengaturan Sesame

    Uji Coba Tak Terbatas + Pesan Pengingat
    • Wijen memiliki uji coba tak terbatas berfitur lengkap
    • Setelah 14 hari, jika Anda menggunakan aplikasi tetapi belum membayar, Anda akan melihat pesan singkat setiap kali Anda menggunakan pintasan

    Penggunaan Data
    • Wijen membutuhkan data untuk membuat pintasannya, tetapi tidak ada data ini yang keluar dari perangkat Anda. Kami tidak mengumpulkan atau menjual data Anda
    • Crash Reporting (Beta only): Jika Anda adalah penguji Beta, Sesame akan mengumpulkan data kerusakan saat terjadi kesalahan. Kami hanya menggunakan ini untuk memperbaiki bug. Anda dapat memilih keluar dari pelaporan kerusakan di Pengaturan Sesame > Data debug

    Sesame Universal Search dibuat oleh Steve Blackwell dan Phil Wall. Kami harap Anda menyukainya. Beri tahu kami jika ada yang bisa kami lakukan untuk memperbaikinya :)

    Email [email protected]

  • Version3.6.7

    Pencarian universal untuk Android! Cepat luncurkan semuanya! Mitra Nova + Hyperion

    Update Log

    Version 3.6.7 (2021-10-28, build 15350):
    - updates Spotify integration to include podcasts
    - updates background work for better efficiency
    - updates In-App Billing library
    - fixes background ANR from old Lock Screen code
    Full history: https://sesame.ninja/release_notes.txt

    App Description

    Sesame is a powerful universal search on Android. It integrates with your launcher, learns from you, and makes hundreds of personal shortcuts. With Sesame universal search, everything is 1 or 2 taps away!
    \"Sesame will change how you use your phone\" - Android Unfiltered
    \"A must have app\" - TechRadar
    See our Nova Launcher partnership: https://help.teslacoilapps.com/sesame

    • 100+ shortcuts added to your device
    • Fully customizable, gorgeous search UI
    • Learns from you
    • Search with dozens of apps using Google Autosuggestions
    • Fast Search that\u0027s designed to work in 1 or 2 taps. It matches the first letters of words. Typing “S” “B” will bring “Spotify: The Beatles” to the top. Since it learns from you, next time just “S” will do
    • API integrations to Spotify, YouTube, Calendar, Maps, Slack, Reddit, Telegram and more
    • Detects wallpaper colors and styles itself
    • Powerful tools to make your own shortcuts
    • Works with all launchers and has a special partnership with Nova \u0026 Hyperion Launchers
    • We don\u0027t store or sell your data
    • Unlimited free trial. Only pay if you decide it\u0027s worth it!

    We Believe...
    • Swiping, tapping, and waiting for screens to load is slow
    • A universal search UI can fix this problem
    • Android was always meant to be an open system
    • The raw data to build the most powerful universal search is there, but no one has stitched it together into a smooth experience
    • Respecting user data \u003d long term success. Your data stays on your device. We don’t store it. We don\u0027t sell it. (see exceptions for bug fixing below)
    • We make money by making a good product. Sesame is a 100% voluntary purchase
    • In user centered development: www.reddit.com/r/sesame

    List of Shortcuts
    Preloaded shortcuts
    • Contacts with one touch to call, text, or email
    • WhatsApp conversations (not group ones though)
    • Settings (19 useful ones)
    • Google Shortcuts (My flights, etc.)
    • Yelp (42 common searches)
    • Quick Search options for apps (control this in Preferences)
    Android 7.1 app shortcuts
    • Backported all the way to 5.0 devices
    • NOTE: we can only access the \"Dynamic\" 7.1 shortcuts if you have Nova Launcher
    Create your own shortcuts for hundreds of apps
    Supports widget/launcher shortcuts
    API integrations:
    • Spotify: All albums, artists, and playlists in your Library
    • Slack: your teams and channels
    • Tasker: all your tasks. This let’s you build complex actions in Tasker and quick launch them easily.
    • Reddit: your subreddits. Works for all Reddit apps.
    • Telegram: you conversations
    • YouTube: subscriptions, channels, watch later
    • Calendar: upcoming events
    • Maps: your places and saved maps
    Access dozens of search engines!
    • Search options and Google Autosuggestions appear as you type
    • Tap an icon to launch your search
    • This works for dozens of apps like Maps, Spotify, Netflix, Evernote, Chrome, DuckDuckGo and more
    • Recent searches are saved as shortcuts for 21 days
    • You can control all of this in Sesame Settings

    Unlimited Trial + Reminder Message
    • Sesame has a full featured unlimited trial
    • After 14 days, if you are using the app but haven’t paid, you’ll see a brief message each time you use a shortcut

    Data Usage
    • Sesame needs data to make it\u0027s shortcuts, but none of this data leaves your device. We do not collect or sell your data
    • Crash Reporting (Beta only): If you are a Beta tester, Sesame will collect crash data when an error occurs. We only use this to fix bugs. You can opt out of crash reporting in Sesame Settings \u003e Debug data
    Sesame Universal Search is made by Steve Blackwell and Phil Wall. We hope you like it. Let us know if there’s anything we can do to improve it :)
    Email [email protected]

  • Version3.6.6

    Pencarian universal untuk Android! Cepat luncurkan semuanya! Mitra Nova + Hyperion

    Update Log

    Version 3.6.6 (2021-06-28, build 15090):
    - fixes missing shortcuts on Nova7
    Full history: https://sesame.ninja/release_notes.txt

    App Description

    Sesame is a powerful universal search on Android. It integrates with your launcher, learns from you, and makes hundreds of personal shortcuts. With Sesame universal search, everything is 1 or 2 taps away!
    \"Sesame will change how you use your phone\" - Android Unfiltered
    \"A must have app\" - TechRadar
    See our Nova Launcher partnership: https://help.teslacoilapps.com/sesame

    • 100+ shortcuts added to your device
    • Fully customizable, gorgeous search UI
    • Learns from you
    • Search with dozens of apps using Google Autosuggestions
    • Fast Search that\u0027s designed to work in 1 or 2 taps. It matches the first letters of words. Typing “S” “B” will bring “Spotify: The Beatles” to the top. Since it learns from you, next time just “S” will do
    • API integrations to Spotify, YouTube, Calendar, Maps, Slack, Reddit, Telegram and more
    • Detects wallpaper colors and styles itself
    • Powerful tools to make your own shortcuts
    • Works with all launchers and has a special partnership with Nova \u0026 Hyperion Launchers
    • We don\u0027t store or sell your data
    • Unlimited free trial. Only pay if you decide it\u0027s worth it!

    We Believe...
    • Swiping, tapping, and waiting for screens to load is slow
    • A universal search UI can fix this problem
    • Android was always meant to be an open system
    • The raw data to build the most powerful universal search is there, but no one has stitched it together into a smooth experience
    • Respecting user data \u003d long term success. Your data stays on your device. We don’t store it. We don\u0027t sell it. (see exceptions for bug fixing below)
    • We make money by making a good product. Sesame is a 100% voluntary purchase
    • In user centered development: www.reddit.com/r/sesame

    List of Shortcuts
    Preloaded shortcuts
    • Contacts with one touch to call, text, or email
    • WhatsApp conversations (not group ones though)
    • Settings (19 useful ones)
    • Google Shortcuts (My flights, etc.)
    • Yelp (42 common searches)
    • Quick Search options for apps (control this in Preferences)
    Android 7.1 app shortcuts
    • Backported all the way to 5.0 devices
    • NOTE: we can only access the \"Dynamic\" 7.1 shortcuts if you have Nova Launcher
    Create your own shortcuts for hundreds of apps
    Supports widget/launcher shortcuts
    API integrations:
    • Spotify: All albums, artists, and playlists in your Library
    • Slack: your teams and channels
    • Tasker: all your tasks. This let’s you build complex actions in Tasker and quick launch them easily.
    • Reddit: your subreddits. Works for all Reddit apps.
    • Telegram: you conversations
    • YouTube: subscriptions, channels, watch later
    • Calendar: upcoming events
    • Maps: your places and saved maps
    Access dozens of search engines!
    • Search options and Google Autosuggestions appear as you type
    • Tap an icon to launch your search
    • This works for dozens of apps like Maps, Spotify, Netflix, Evernote, Chrome, DuckDuckGo and more
    • Recent searches are saved as shortcuts for 21 days
    • You can control all of this in Sesame Settings

    Unlimited Trial + Reminder Message
    • Sesame has a full featured unlimited trial
    • After 14 days, if you are using the app but haven’t paid, you’ll see a brief message each time you use a shortcut

    Data Usage
    • Sesame needs data to make it\u0027s shortcuts, but none of this data leaves your device. We do not collect or sell your data
    • Crash Reporting (Beta only): If you are a Beta tester, Sesame will collect crash data when an error occurs. We only use this to fix bugs. You can opt out of crash reporting in Sesame Settings \u003e Debug data
    Sesame Universal Search is made by Steve Blackwell and Phil Wall. We hope you like it. Let us know if there’s anything we can do to improve it :)
    Email [email protected]

  • Version3.6.5

    Pencarian universal untuk Android! Cepat luncurkan semuanya! Mitra Nova + Hyperion

    Update Log

    Version 3.6.5 (2021-06-06, build 15074):
    - fixes Slack shortcuts following their API changes
    Full history: https://sesame.ninja/release_notes.txt

    App Description

    Sesame is a powerful universal search on Android. It integrates with your launcher, learns from you, and makes hundreds of personal shortcuts. With Sesame universal search, everything is 1 or 2 taps away!
    \"Sesame will change how you use your phone\" - Android Unfiltered
    \"A must have app\" - TechRadar
    See our Nova Launcher partnership: https://help.teslacoilapps.com/sesame

    • 100+ shortcuts added to your device
    • Fully customizable, gorgeous search UI
    • Learns from you
    • Search with dozens of apps using Google Autosuggestions
    • Fast Search that\u0027s designed to work in 1 or 2 taps. It matches the first letters of words. Typing “S” “B” will bring “Spotify: The Beatles” to the top. Since it learns from you, next time just “S” will do
    • API integrations to Spotify, YouTube, Calendar, Maps, Slack, Reddit, Telegram and more
    • Detects wallpaper colors and styles itself
    • Powerful tools to make your own shortcuts
    • Works with all launchers and has a special partnership with Nova \u0026 Hyperion Launchers
    • We don\u0027t store or sell your data
    • Unlimited free trial. Only pay if you decide it\u0027s worth it!

    We Believe...
    • Swiping, tapping, and waiting for screens to load is slow
    • A universal search UI can fix this problem
    • Android was always meant to be an open system
    • The raw data to build the most powerful universal search is there, but no one has stitched it together into a smooth experience
    • Respecting user data \u003d long term success. Your data stays on your device. We don’t store it. We don\u0027t sell it. (see exceptions for bug fixing below)
    • We make money by making a good product. Sesame is a 100% voluntary purchase
    • In user centered development: www.reddit.com/r/sesame

    List of Shortcuts
    Preloaded shortcuts
    • Contacts with one touch to call, text, or email
    • WhatsApp conversations (not group ones though)
    • Settings (19 useful ones)
    • Google Shortcuts (My flights, etc.)
    • Yelp (42 common searches)
    • Quick Search options for apps (control this in Preferences)
    Android 7.1 app shortcuts
    • Backported all the way to 5.0 devices
    • NOTE: we can only access the \"Dynamic\" 7.1 shortcuts if you have Nova Launcher
    Create your own shortcuts for hundreds of apps
    Supports widget/launcher shortcuts
    API integrations:
    • Spotify: All albums, artists, and playlists in your Library
    • Slack: your teams and channels
    • Tasker: all your tasks. This let’s you build complex actions in Tasker and quick launch them easily.
    • Reddit: your subreddits. Works for all Reddit apps.
    • Telegram: you conversations
    • YouTube: subscriptions, channels, watch later
    • Calendar: upcoming events
    • Maps: your places and saved maps
    Access dozens of search engines!
    • Search options and Google Autosuggestions appear as you type
    • Tap an icon to launch your search
    • This works for dozens of apps like Maps, Spotify, Netflix, Evernote, Chrome, DuckDuckGo and more
    • Recent searches are saved as shortcuts for 21 days
    • You can control all of this in Sesame Settings

    Unlimited Trial + Reminder Message
    • Sesame has a full featured unlimited trial
    • After 14 days, if you are using the app but haven’t paid, you’ll see a brief message each time you use a shortcut

    Data Usage
    • Sesame needs data to make it\u0027s shortcuts, but none of this data leaves your device. We do not collect or sell your data
    • Crash Reporting (Beta only): If you are a Beta tester, Sesame will collect crash data when an error occurs. We only use this to fix bugs. You can opt out of crash reporting in Sesame Settings \u003e Debug data
    Sesame Universal Search is made by Steve Blackwell and Phil Wall. We hope you like it. Let us know if there’s anything we can do to improve it :)
    Email [email protected]

  • Version3.6.4

    Pencarian universal untuk Android! Cepat luncurkan semuanya! Mitra Nova + Hyperion

    Update Log

    Version 3.6.4 (2021-02-02, build 15061):
    - adds fix for Device Files shortcuts
    - adds small fix for Niagara Launcher integration
    Full history: https://sesame.ninja/release_notes.txt

    App Description

    Sesame is a powerful universal search on Android. It integrates with your launcher, learns from you, and makes hundreds of personal shortcuts. With Sesame universal search, everything is 1 or 2 taps away!
    "Sesame will change how you use your phone" - Android Unfiltered
    "A must have app" - TechRadar
    See our Nova Launcher partnership: https://help.teslacoilapps.com/sesame

    • 100+ shortcuts added to your device
    • Fully customizable, gorgeous search UI
    • Learns from you
    • Search with dozens of apps using Google Autosuggestions
    • Fast Search that's designed to work in 1 or 2 taps. It matches the first letters of words. Typing “S” “B” will bring “Spotify: The Beatles” to the top. Since it learns from you, next time just “S” will do
    • API integrations to Spotify, YouTube, Calendar, Maps, Slack, Reddit, Telegram and more
    • Detects wallpaper colors and styles itself
    • Powerful tools to make your own shortcuts
    • Works with all launchers and has a special partnership with Nova & Hyperion Launchers
    • We don't store or sell your data
    • Unlimited free trial. Only pay if you decide it's worth it!

    We Believe...
    • Swiping, tapping, and waiting for screens to load is slow
    • A universal search UI can fix this problem
    • Android was always meant to be an open system
    • The raw data to build the most powerful universal search is there, but no one has stitched it together into a smooth experience
    • Respecting user data = long term success. Your data stays on your device. We don’t store it. We don't sell it. (see exceptions for bug fixing below)
    • We make money by making a good product. Sesame is a 100% voluntary purchase
    • In user centered development: www.reddit.com/r/sesame

    List of Shortcuts
    Preloaded shortcuts
    • Contacts with one touch to call, text, or email
    • WhatsApp conversations (not group ones though)
    • Settings (19 useful ones)
    • Google Shortcuts (My flights, etc.)
    • Yelp (42 common searches)
    • Quick Search options for apps (control this in Preferences)
    Android 7.1 app shortcuts
    • Backported all the way to 5.0 devices
    • NOTE: we can only access the "Dynamic" 7.1 shortcuts if you have Nova Launcher
    Create your own shortcuts for hundreds of apps
    Supports widget/launcher shortcuts
    API integrations:
    • Spotify: All albums, artists, and playlists in your Library
    • Slack: your teams and channels
    • Tasker: all your tasks. This let’s you build complex actions in Tasker and quick launch them easily.
    • Reddit: your subreddits. Works for all Reddit apps.
    • Telegram: you conversations
    • YouTube: subscriptions, channels, watch later
    • Calendar: upcoming events
    • Maps: your places and saved maps
    Access dozens of search engines!
    • Search options and Google Autosuggestions appear as you type
    • Tap an icon to launch your search
    • This works for dozens of apps like Maps, Spotify, Netflix, Evernote, Chrome, DuckDuckGo and more
    • Recent searches are saved as shortcuts for 21 days
    • You can control all of this in Sesame Settings

    Unlimited Trial + Reminder Message
    • Sesame has a full featured unlimited trial
    • After 14 days, if you are using the app but haven’t paid, you’ll see a brief message each time you use a shortcut

    Data Usage
    • Sesame needs data to make it's shortcuts, but none of this data leaves your device. We do not collect or sell your data
    • Crash Reporting (Beta only): If you are a Beta tester, Sesame will collect crash data when an error occurs. We only use this to fix bugs. You can opt out of crash reporting in Sesame Settings > Debug data
    Sesame Universal Search is made by Steve Blackwell and Phil Wall. We hope you like it. Let us know if there’s anything we can do to improve it :)
    Email [email protected]

  • Version3.6.3

    Pencarian universal untuk Android! Cepat luncurkan semuanya! Mitra Nova + Hyperion

    Update Log

    Version 3.6.3 (2020-05-13, build 15010):
    - fixes Spotify Quick Search functionality
    - fixes occasional bug with Contact Actions emails/phones
    - updates translations
    Full history: https://sesame.ninja/release_notes.txt

    App Description

    Sesame is a powerful universal search on Android. It integrates with your launcher, learns from you, and makes hundreds of personal shortcuts. With Sesame universal search, everything is 1 or 2 taps away!
    "Sesame will change how you use your phone" - Android Unfiltered
    "A must have app" - TechRadar
    See our Nova Launcher partnership: https://help.teslacoilapps.com/sesame

    • 100+ shortcuts added to your device
    • Fully customizable, gorgeous search UI
    • Learns from you
    • Search with dozens of apps using Google Autosuggestions
    • Fast Search that's designed to work in 1 or 2 taps. It matches the first letters of words. Typing “S” “B” will bring “Spotify: The Beatles” to the top. Since it learns from you, next time just “S” will do
    • API integrations to Spotify, YouTube, Calendar, Maps, Slack, Reddit, Telegram and more
    • Detects wallpaper colors and styles itself
    • Powerful tools to make your own shortcuts
    • Works with all launchers and has a special partnership with Nova & Hyperion Launchers
    • We don't store or sell your data
    • Unlimited free trial. Only pay if you decide it's worth it!

    We Believe...
    • Swiping, tapping, and waiting for screens to load is slow
    • A universal search UI can fix this problem
    • Android was always meant to be an open system
    • The raw data to build the most powerful universal search is there, but no one has stitched it together into a smooth experience
    • Respecting user data = long term success. Your data stays on your device. We don’t store it. We don't sell it. (see exceptions for bug fixing below)
    • We make money by making a good product. Sesame is a 100% voluntary purchase
    • In user centered development: www.reddit.com/r/sesame

    List of Shortcuts
    Preloaded shortcuts
    • Contacts with one touch to call, text, or email
    • WhatsApp conversations (not group ones though)
    • Settings (19 useful ones)
    • Google Shortcuts (My flights, etc.)
    • Yelp (42 common searches)
    • Quick Search options for apps (control this in Preferences)
    Android 7.1 app shortcuts
    • Backported all the way to 5.0 devices
    • NOTE: we can only access the "Dynamic" 7.1 shortcuts if you have Nova Launcher
    Create your own shortcuts for hundreds of apps
    Supports widget/launcher shortcuts
    API integrations:
    • Spotify: All albums, artists, and playlists in your Library
    • Slack: your teams and channels
    • Tasker: all your tasks. This let’s you build complex actions in Tasker and quick launch them easily.
    • Reddit: your subreddits. Works for all Reddit apps.
    • Telegram: you conversations
    • YouTube: subscriptions, channels, watch later
    • Calendar: upcoming events
    • Maps: your places and saved maps
    Access dozens of search engines!
    • Search options and Google Autosuggestions appear as you type
    • Tap an icon to launch your search
    • This works for dozens of apps like Maps, Spotify, Netflix, Evernote, Chrome, DuckDuckGo and more
    • Recent searches are saved as shortcuts for 21 days
    • You can control all of this in Sesame Settings

    Unlimited Trial + Reminder Message
    • Sesame has a full featured unlimited trial
    • After 14 days, if you are using the app but haven’t paid, you’ll see a brief message each time you use a shortcut

    Data Usage
    • Sesame needs data to make it's shortcuts, but none of this data leaves your device. We do not collect or sell your data
    • Crash Reporting (Beta only): If you are a Beta tester, Sesame will collect crash data when an error occurs. We only use this to fix bugs. You can opt out of crash reporting in Sesame Settings > Debug data
    Sesame Universal Search is made by Steve Blackwell and Phil Wall. We hope you like it. Let us know if there’s anything we can do to improve it :)
    Email [email protected]