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Divine: Horoscope, Tarot 2022
Divine päivittäiseen horoskooppiin, kasvoanalyysiin, tarotin online-vastauksiin, kädentaitoon.
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Version History

  • Version3.0

    Divine päivittäiseen horoskooppiin, kasvoanalyysiin, tarotin online-vastauksiin, kädentaitoon.

    Update Log

    -Update: daily fortune, face scan, palmistry.
    -Some bugs fixed.

    App Description

    Divine: Horoskooppi & Tarot 2022 on vuoden 2022 odotetuin ennustamissovellus. Saat:
    - Tänään / huomenna / tällä viikolla / tässä kuussa / 2022 horoskooppi,
    - Samaan aikaan tekoäly voi skannata kasvosi nähdäkseen kasvosi, analysoida kasvojen omaisuuksiasi,
    - AI kämmenlukuanalyysi
    - Tarot-ammattimainen korttijoukko, tarot-mestari ratkaisee kortit verkossa, tietää menneisyyden, nykyisyyden, tulevaisuuden tunne-/ammatti-/terveystilanteesi Arvopalvelu, ammattitaitoisen tiimin rakentama.

    Divine: Horoskooppi, Tarot 2022 voit saada:
    -Kaikilla horoskooppimerkeilläsi, mukaan lukien Oinas, Härkä, Kaksoset, Syöpä, Leijona, Neitsyt, Vaaka, Skorpioni, Jousimies, Mosaiikki, Vesimies ja Kalat, kaikilla on erittäin yksityiskohtaiset kuvaukset ja kauniit horoskooppihahmot, miehistä ja naisista riippumatta.
    • Päivittäinen horoskooppi (mukaan lukien vuoden horoskooppi)
    • Viikkohoroskooppi
    • Kuukausihoroskooppi
    • Zodiac-yhteensopivuushoroskooppi:
    - Horoskooppiraportit vuosille 2021 ja 2022, jotka on suunniteltu erityisesti sinulle
    - Paranna ihmissuhdettasi sinun ja kumppanisi positiivisten ja negatiivisten horoskooppiominaisuuksien syvällisen analyysin perusteella ja löydä sopiva ratkaisu viimeisen 28 päivän suhdeoppaamme kautta.

    - Kasvojen salaisuus: 1. Luo älykkäällä tekoälyskannauksella ammattimaisin kasvoanalyysiraportti sinulle 2. AI-tietojen avulla voit tunnistaa kaltaisimmin julkkiskasvot

    - Kädentaito: Avaa kädestälaskua kuuluisan kädestälaskumme avulla ymmärtääksesi kolme tulkintaa sydämen, pään ja elämän kiraalisuusskannauksista. Mielen ja luonnon lukemat havainnollistavat rakkautta, ystävyyttä ja avioliittoa, kun taas kämmenellä olevat lukemat keskittyvät uraan, menestykseen ja vaurauteen. Lifeline antaa sinulle käsityksen terveydestä ja energiasta. Skannaa vain kämmenesi ja anna sovelluksen lukea kämmenen viivoja löytääksesi persoonallisuutesi.

    - Tarot-korttien lukeminen: Käytämme ammattimaisimpia tarot-kortteja, kutsumme tarot-mestareita analysoimaan verkossa ja voit konsultoida milloin tahansa tilaamalla. 22 Big Akanan ja ammattikorttien kautta saat tietoa rakkaudesta, ihmissuhteista ja taloudellisesta tilanteesta. Terveydentila ja muut Tarot-lukemat menneisyydestä, nykyisyydestä ja tulevaisuudesta.
    - Löydä ihanteellinen kumppani, tarkista avioliiton yhteensopivuus ja harkitse horoskoopin yhteensopivuutta harmonisen ja onnellisen suhteen luomiseksi.
    - Löydä sopivin tähdistö astrologian yhteensopivuuden avulla, tee elämästäsi parempi käsitys tähdistöstäsi ja käytä tähdistöjen yhteensopivuuden tarkistusta.
    - Tiedä kaikki astrologiasta, oikeasta horoskoopista, horoskooppimerkeistä, horoskooppikukista, horoskooppimuodoista, horoskoopin napaisuudesta, horoskoopin sukupolven kivistä, planeetoista astrologiassa, tähdistä astrologiassa, horoskooppielementeistä jne.

    Tilaus vaatii joitain lisäominaisuuksia. Tarjoamme automaattisesti uusiutuvat tilaukset, mukaan lukien kolmen päivän ilmaisen kokeilujakson ja ensimmäisen viikon alennuksen, ja voit tilata ja nauttia lisäominaisuuksista. Jos olet valmis tilaamaan sovelluksemme, veloitamme Google Play -tilisi 24 tunnin kuluessa tilausjakson päättymisestä ja voimme uusia tilausmaksun. Tilauksen jälkeen voit myös peruuttaa tilauksen milloin tahansa Google Playn asetuksista.
    Nykyinen tilaushinta on ensimmäisen viikon jälkeen 4,49 dollaria, uusiminen 6,49 dollaria viikossa, 9,99 dollaria kuukaudessa, 19,99 dollaria vuodessa ja ilmainen kokeilujakso ensimmäiset kolme päivää. Hinnat ovat Yhdysvaltain dollareissa, Yhdysvalloissa
    Se voi olla erilainen muissa maissa.

    Tietosuojakäytäntö: https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/privacy_policy.html
    Palveluehdot: https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/terms_of_service.html

  • Version2.9

    Divine päivittäiseen horoskooppiin, kasvoanalyysiin, tarotin online-vastauksiin, kädentaitoon.

    Update Log

    -Update: daily fortune, face scan, palmistry.
    -Some bugs fixed.

    App Description

    Divine: Horoscope & Tarot 2022 is the most anticipated divination app in 2022. You can get:
    - Today/tomorrow/this week/this month/ 2022 horoscope,
    - At the same time, AI can scan your face to see your face, analyze your facial fortune,
    - AI palm reading analysis
    - Tarot professional card array, tarot master solves the cards online, knows your past, present, future emotional/professional/health conditions Value service, built by a professional team.

    Divine: Horoscope, Tarot 2022 you can get:
    -All your zodiac signs, including Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Mosaic, Aquarius and Pisces, all have very detailed descriptions and beautiful zodiac characters , Regardless of men and women.
    • Daily horoscope (including year's horoscope)
    • Weekly horoscope
    • Monthly Horoscope
    • Zodiac compatibility horoscope:
    - Horoscope reports for 2021 and 2022 specially formulated for you
    - Improve your interpersonal relationship based on an in-depth analysis of the positive and negative zodiac characteristics of you and your partner, and find a suitable solution through our final 28-day relationship guide.

    - Face secret: 1. Through AI intelligent scanning, generate a most professional facial analysis report for you 2. Through AI data to identify the celebrity face most like you

    - Palmistry: Unlock your palmistry through our famous palmistry to understand the three interpretations of heart, head and life chirality scans. Mind and nature readings illustrate love, friendship and marriage, while the readings on the palm focus on career, success and wealth. Lifeline gives you an understanding of health and energy. Just scan your palm and let the app read the lines of your palm to discover your personality.

    - Tarot card reading: We use the most professional tarot cards, invite tarot masters to analyze online, and you can consult at any time by subscribing. Through 22 Big Akana and professional card arrays, you can get information about love, interpersonal relationships, and financial status. Health status and other Tarot readings about the past, present and future.
    - Find the ideal partner, check the compatibility of the marriage, and consider the compatibility of the zodiac to establish a harmonious and happy relationship.
    - Find the most suitable matching constellation through astrology compatibility, make your life better understand your constellation and use constellation compatibility check.
    - Know all about astrology, correct horoscope, zodiac symbols, zodiac flowers, zodiac shapes, zodiac polarity, zodiac generation stones, planets in astrology, stars in astrology, zodiac elements, etc.

    Subscription requires some advanced features. We provide auto-renewing subscriptions, including three-day free trial and first week discount, and you can subscribe and enjoy advanced features. If you are willing to subscribe to our app, we will charge your Google Play account within 24 hours after the end of the subscription period and can renew the subscription fee. After subscribing, you can also cancel the subscription at any time using the Google Play settings.
    The current subscription price is After the first week $4.49, renew at $6.49 per week, $9.99 per month, $19.99 per year and free trial for the first three days. Prices are in U.S. dollars, in the U.S.
    It may be different in other countries.

    Privacy Policy:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/privacy_policy.html
    Terms of Service:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/terms_of_service.html

  • Version2.8

    Jumalallinen päivittäiselle horoskoopille, kasvojen analysoinnille ja Tarotin online-vastauksille

    Update Log

    -Update: daily fortune, face scan, palmistry.
    -Some bugs fixed.

    App Description

    Divine: Horoscope \u0026 Tarot 2021 is the most anticipated divination app in 2021. You can get:
    - Today/tomorrow/this week/this month/ 2021 horoscope,
    - At the same time, AI can scan your face to see your face, analyze your facial fortune,
    - AI palm reading analysis
    - Tarot professional card array, tarot master solves the cards online, knows your past, present, future emotional/professional/health conditions Value service, built by a professional team.
    Divine: Horoscope, Tarot 2021 you can get:
    -All your zodiac signs, including Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Mosaic, Aquarius and Pisces, all have very detailed descriptions and beautiful zodiac characters , Regardless of men and women.
    • Daily horoscope (including year\u0027s horoscope)
    • Weekly horoscope
    • Monthly Horoscope
    • Zodiac compatibility horoscope:
    - Horoscope reports for 2020 and 2021 specially formulated for you
    - Improve your interpersonal relationship based on an in-depth analysis of the positive and negative zodiac characteristics of you and your partner, and find a suitable solution through our final 28-day relationship guide.
    - Face secret: 1. Through AI intelligent scanning, generate a most professional facial analysis report for you 2. Through AI data to identify the celebrity face most like you
    - Palmistry: Unlock your palmistry through our famous palmistry to understand the three interpretations of heart, head and life chirality scans. Mind and nature readings illustrate love, friendship and marriage, while the readings on the palm focus on career, success and wealth. Lifeline gives you an understanding of health and energy. Just scan your palm and let the app read the lines of your palm to discover your personality.
    - Tarot card reading: We use the most professional tarot cards, invite tarot masters to analyze online, and you can consult at any time by subscribing. Through 22 Big Akana and professional card arrays, you can get information about love, interpersonal relationships, and financial status. Health status and other Tarot readings about the past, present and future.
    - Find the ideal partner, check the compatibility of the marriage, and consider the compatibility of the zodiac to establish a harmonious and happy relationship.
    - Find the most suitable matching constellation through astrology compatibility, make your life better understand your constellation and use constellation compatibility check.
    - Know all about astrology, correct horoscope, zodiac symbols, zodiac flowers, zodiac shapes, zodiac polarity, zodiac generation stones, planets in astrology, stars in astrology, zodiac elements, etc.
    Subscription requires some advanced features. We provide auto-renewing subscriptions, including three-day free trial and first week discount, and you can subscribe and enjoy advanced features. If you are willing to subscribe to our app, we will charge your Google Play account within 24 hours after the end of the subscription period and can renew the subscription fee. After subscribing, you can also cancel the subscription at any time using the Google Play settings.
    The current subscription price is After the first week $4.49, renew at $6.49 per week, $9.99 per month, $19.99 per year and free trial for the first three days. Prices are in U.S. dollars, in the U.S.
    It may be different in other countries.

    Privacy Policy:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/privacy_policy.html
    Terms of Service:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/terms_of_service.html

  • Version2.7

    Jumalallinen päivittäiselle horoskoopille, kasvojen analysoinnille ja Tarotin online-vastauksille

    Update Log

    -Update: daily fortune, face scan, palmistry.
    -Add star constellation function.
    -Support Arabic language

    App Description

    Divine: Horoscope \u0026 Tarot 2021 is the most anticipated divination app in 2021. You can get:
    - Today/tomorrow/this week/this month/ 2021 horoscope,
    - At the same time, AI can scan your face to see your face, analyze your facial fortune,
    - AI palm reading analysis
    - Tarot professional card array, tarot master solves the cards online, knows your past, present, future emotional/professional/health conditions Value service, built by a professional team.
    Divine: Horoscope, Tarot 2021 you can get:
    -All your zodiac signs, including Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Mosaic, Aquarius and Pisces, all have very detailed descriptions and beautiful zodiac characters , Regardless of men and women.
    • Daily horoscope (including year\u0027s horoscope)
    • Weekly horoscope
    • Monthly Horoscope
    • Zodiac compatibility horoscope:
    - Horoscope reports for 2020 and 2021 specially formulated for you
    - Improve your interpersonal relationship based on an in-depth analysis of the positive and negative zodiac characteristics of you and your partner, and find a suitable solution through our final 28-day relationship guide.
    - Face secret: 1. Through AI intelligent scanning, generate a most professional facial analysis report for you 2. Through AI data to identify the celebrity face most like you
    - Palmistry: Unlock your palmistry through our famous palmistry to understand the three interpretations of heart, head and life chirality scans. Mind and nature readings illustrate love, friendship and marriage, while the readings on the palm focus on career, success and wealth. Lifeline gives you an understanding of health and energy. Just scan your palm and let the app read the lines of your palm to discover your personality.
    - Tarot card reading: We use the most professional tarot cards, invite tarot masters to analyze online, and you can consult at any time by subscribing. Through 22 Big Akana and professional card arrays, you can get information about love, interpersonal relationships, and financial status. Health status and other Tarot readings about the past, present and future.
    - Find the ideal partner, check the compatibility of the marriage, and consider the compatibility of the zodiac to establish a harmonious and happy relationship.
    - Find the most suitable matching constellation through astrology compatibility, make your life better understand your constellation and use constellation compatibility check.
    - Know all about astrology, correct horoscope, zodiac symbols, zodiac flowers, zodiac shapes, zodiac polarity, zodiac generation stones, planets in astrology, stars in astrology, zodiac elements, etc.
    Subscription requires some advanced features. We provide auto-renewing subscriptions, including three-day free trial and first week discount, and you can subscribe and enjoy advanced features. If you are willing to subscribe to our app, we will charge your Google Play account within 24 hours after the end of the subscription period and can renew the subscription fee. After subscribing, you can also cancel the subscription at any time using the Google Play settings.
    The current subscription price is After the first week $4.49, renew at $6.49 per week, $9.99 per month, $19.99 per year and free trial for the first three days. Prices are in U.S. dollars, in the U.S.
    It may be different in other countries.

    Privacy Policy:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/privacy_policy.html
    Terms of Service:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/terms_of_service.html

  • Version2.6

    Jumalallinen päivittäiselle horoskoopille, kasvojen analysoinnille ja Tarotin online-vastauksille

    Update Log

    -Update: daily fortune, face scan, palmistry.
    -Add star constellation function.
    -Support Arabic language

    App Description

    Divine: Horoscope \u0026 Tarot 2021 is the most anticipated divination app in 2021. You can get:
    - Today/tomorrow/this week/this month/ 2021 horoscope,
    - At the same time, AI can scan your face to see your face, analyze your facial fortune,
    - AI palm reading analysis
    - Tarot professional card array, tarot master solves the cards online, knows your past, present, future emotional/professional/health conditions Value service, built by a professional team.
    Divine: Horoscope, Tarot 2021 you can get:
    -All your zodiac signs, including Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Mosaic, Aquarius and Pisces, all have very detailed descriptions and beautiful zodiac characters , Regardless of men and women.
    • Daily horoscope (including year\u0027s horoscope)
    • Weekly horoscope
    • Monthly Horoscope
    • Zodiac compatibility horoscope:
    - Horoscope reports for 2020 and 2021 specially formulated for you
    - Improve your interpersonal relationship based on an in-depth analysis of the positive and negative zodiac characteristics of you and your partner, and find a suitable solution through our final 28-day relationship guide.
    - Face secret: 1. Through AI intelligent scanning, generate a most professional facial analysis report for you 2. Through AI data to identify the celebrity face most like you
    - Palmistry: Unlock your palmistry through our famous palmistry to understand the three interpretations of heart, head and life chirality scans. Mind and nature readings illustrate love, friendship and marriage, while the readings on the palm focus on career, success and wealth. Lifeline gives you an understanding of health and energy. Just scan your palm and let the app read the lines of your palm to discover your personality.
    - Tarot card reading: We use the most professional tarot cards, invite tarot masters to analyze online, and you can consult at any time by subscribing. Through 22 Big Akana and professional card arrays, you can get information about love, interpersonal relationships, and financial status. Health status and other Tarot readings about the past, present and future.
    - Find the ideal partner, check the compatibility of the marriage, and consider the compatibility of the zodiac to establish a harmonious and happy relationship.
    - Find the most suitable matching constellation through astrology compatibility, make your life better understand your constellation and use constellation compatibility check.
    - Know all about astrology, correct horoscope, zodiac symbols, zodiac flowers, zodiac shapes, zodiac polarity, zodiac generation stones, planets in astrology, stars in astrology, zodiac elements, etc.
    Subscription requires some advanced features. We provide auto-renewing subscriptions, including three-day free trial and first week discount, and you can subscribe and enjoy advanced features. If you are willing to subscribe to our app, we will charge your Google Play account within 24 hours after the end of the subscription period and can renew the subscription fee. After subscribing, you can also cancel the subscription at any time using the Google Play settings.
    The current subscription price is After the first week $4.49, renew at $6.49 per week, $9.99 per month, $19.99 per year and free trial for the first three days. Prices are in U.S. dollars, in the U.S.
    It may be different in other countries.

    Privacy Policy:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/privacy_policy.html
    Terms of Service:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/terms_of_service.html

  • Version2.5

    Jumalallinen päivittäiselle horoskoopille, kasvojen analysoinnille ja Tarotin online-vastauksille

    Update Log

    -Update: daily fortune, face scan, palmistry.
    -Add star constellation function.
    -Support Arabic language

    App Description

    Divine: Horoscope \u0026 Tarot 2021 is the most anticipated divination app in 2021. You can get:
    - Today/tomorrow/this week/this month/ 2021 horoscope,
    - At the same time, AI can scan your face to see your face, analyze your facial fortune,
    - AI palm reading analysis
    - Tarot professional card array, tarot master solves the cards online, knows your past, present, future emotional/professional/health conditions Value service, built by a professional team.
    Divine: Horoscope, Tarot 2021 you can get:
    -All your zodiac signs, including Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Mosaic, Aquarius and Pisces, all have very detailed descriptions and beautiful zodiac characters , Regardless of men and women.
    • Daily horoscope (including year\u0027s horoscope)
    • Weekly horoscope
    • Monthly Horoscope
    • Zodiac compatibility horoscope:
    - Horoscope reports for 2020 and 2021 specially formulated for you
    - Improve your interpersonal relationship based on an in-depth analysis of the positive and negative zodiac characteristics of you and your partner, and find a suitable solution through our final 28-day relationship guide.
    - Face secret: 1. Through AI intelligent scanning, generate a most professional facial analysis report for you 2. Through AI data to identify the celebrity face most like you
    - Palmistry: Unlock your palmistry through our famous palmistry to understand the three interpretations of heart, head and life chirality scans. Mind and nature readings illustrate love, friendship and marriage, while the readings on the palm focus on career, success and wealth. Lifeline gives you an understanding of health and energy. Just scan your palm and let the app read the lines of your palm to discover your personality.
    - Tarot card reading: We use the most professional tarot cards, invite tarot masters to analyze online, and you can consult at any time by subscribing. Through 22 Big Akana and professional card arrays, you can get information about love, interpersonal relationships, and financial status. Health status and other Tarot readings about the past, present and future.
    - Find the ideal partner, check the compatibility of the marriage, and consider the compatibility of the zodiac to establish a harmonious and happy relationship.
    - Find the most suitable matching constellation through astrology compatibility, make your life better understand your constellation and use constellation compatibility check.
    - Know all about astrology, correct horoscope, zodiac symbols, zodiac flowers, zodiac shapes, zodiac polarity, zodiac generation stones, planets in astrology, stars in astrology, zodiac elements, etc.
    Subscription requires some advanced features. We provide auto-renewing subscriptions, including three-day free trial and first week discount, and you can subscribe and enjoy advanced features. If you are willing to subscribe to our app, we will charge your Google Play account within 24 hours after the end of the subscription period and can renew the subscription fee. After subscribing, you can also cancel the subscription at any time using the Google Play settings.
    The current subscription price is After the first week $4.49, renew at $6.49 per week, $9.99 per month, $19.99 per year and free trial for the first three days. Prices are in U.S. dollars, in the U.S.
    It may be different in other countries.

    Privacy Policy:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/privacy_policy.html
    Terms of Service:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/terms_of_service.html

  • Version2.4

    Jumalallinen päivittäiselle horoskoopille, kasvojen analysoinnille ja Tarotin online-vastauksille

    Update Log

    -Update: daily fortune, face scan, palmistry.
    -Add star constellation function.
    -Support Arabic language

    App Description

    Divine: Horoscope \u0026 Tarot 2021 is the most anticipated divination app in 2021. You can get:
    - Today/tomorrow/this week/this month/ 2021 horoscope,
    - At the same time, AI can scan your face to see your face, analyze your facial fortune,
    - AI palm reading analysis
    - Tarot professional card array, tarot master solves the cards online, knows your past, present, future emotional/professional/health conditions Value service, built by a professional team.
    Divine: Horoscope, Tarot 2021 you can get:
    -All your zodiac signs, including Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Mosaic, Aquarius and Pisces, all have very detailed descriptions and beautiful zodiac characters , Regardless of men and women.
    • Daily horoscope (including year\u0027s horoscope)
    • Weekly horoscope
    • Monthly Horoscope
    • Zodiac compatibility horoscope:
    - Horoscope reports for 2020 and 2021 specially formulated for you
    - Improve your interpersonal relationship based on an in-depth analysis of the positive and negative zodiac characteristics of you and your partner, and find a suitable solution through our final 28-day relationship guide.
    - Face secret: 1. Through AI intelligent scanning, generate a most professional facial analysis report for you 2. Through AI data to identify the celebrity face most like you
    - Palmistry: Unlock your palmistry through our famous palmistry to understand the three interpretations of heart, head and life chirality scans. Mind and nature readings illustrate love, friendship and marriage, while the readings on the palm focus on career, success and wealth. Lifeline gives you an understanding of health and energy. Just scan your palm and let the app read the lines of your palm to discover your personality.
    - Tarot card reading: We use the most professional tarot cards, invite tarot masters to analyze online, and you can consult at any time by subscribing. Through 22 Big Akana and professional card arrays, you can get information about love, interpersonal relationships, and financial status. Health status and other Tarot readings about the past, present and future.
    - Find the ideal partner, check the compatibility of the marriage, and consider the compatibility of the zodiac to establish a harmonious and happy relationship.
    - Find the most suitable matching constellation through astrology compatibility, make your life better understand your constellation and use constellation compatibility check.
    - Know all about astrology, correct horoscope, zodiac symbols, zodiac flowers, zodiac shapes, zodiac polarity, zodiac generation stones, planets in astrology, stars in astrology, zodiac elements, etc.
    Subscription requires some advanced features. We provide auto-renewing subscriptions, including three-day free trial and first week discount, and you can subscribe and enjoy advanced features. If you are willing to subscribe to our app, we will charge your Google Play account within 24 hours after the end of the subscription period and can renew the subscription fee. After subscribing, you can also cancel the subscription at any time using the Google Play settings.
    The current subscription price is After the first week $4.49, renew at $6.49 per week, $9.99 per month, $19.99 per year and free trial for the first three days. Prices are in U.S. dollars, in the U.S.
    It may be different in other countries.

    Privacy Policy:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/privacy_policy.html
    Terms of Service:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/terms_of_service.html

  • Version2.3

    Jumalallinen päivittäiselle horoskoopille, kasvojen analysoinnille ja Tarotin online-vastauksille

    Update Log

    -Update: daily fortune, face scan, palmistry.
    -Add star constellation function.
    -Support Arabic language

    App Description

    Divine: Horoscope \u0026 Tarot 2021 is the most anticipated divination app in 2021. You can get:
    - Today/tomorrow/this week/this month/ 2021 horoscope,
    - At the same time, AI can scan your face to see your face, analyze your facial fortune,
    - AI palm reading analysis
    - Tarot professional card array, tarot master solves the cards online, knows your past, present, future emotional/professional/health conditions Value service, built by a professional team.
    Divine: Horoscope, Tarot 2021 you can get:
    -All your zodiac signs, including Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Mosaic, Aquarius and Pisces, all have very detailed descriptions and beautiful zodiac characters , Regardless of men and women.
    • Daily horoscope (including year\u0027s horoscope)
    • Weekly horoscope
    • Monthly Horoscope
    • Zodiac compatibility horoscope:
    - Horoscope reports for 2020 and 2021 specially formulated for you
    - Improve your interpersonal relationship based on an in-depth analysis of the positive and negative zodiac characteristics of you and your partner, and find a suitable solution through our final 28-day relationship guide.
    - Face secret: 1. Through AI intelligent scanning, generate a most professional facial analysis report for you 2. Through AI data to identify the celebrity face most like you
    - Palmistry: Unlock your palmistry through our famous palmistry to understand the three interpretations of heart, head and life chirality scans. Mind and nature readings illustrate love, friendship and marriage, while the readings on the palm focus on career, success and wealth. Lifeline gives you an understanding of health and energy. Just scan your palm and let the app read the lines of your palm to discover your personality.
    - Tarot card reading: We use the most professional tarot cards, invite tarot masters to analyze online, and you can consult at any time by subscribing. Through 22 Big Akana and professional card arrays, you can get information about love, interpersonal relationships, and financial status. Health status and other Tarot readings about the past, present and future.
    - Find the ideal partner, check the compatibility of the marriage, and consider the compatibility of the zodiac to establish a harmonious and happy relationship.
    - Find the most suitable matching constellation through astrology compatibility, make your life better understand your constellation and use constellation compatibility check.
    - Know all about astrology, correct horoscope, zodiac symbols, zodiac flowers, zodiac shapes, zodiac polarity, zodiac generation stones, planets in astrology, stars in astrology, zodiac elements, etc.
    Subscription requires some advanced features. We provide auto-renewing subscriptions, including three-day free trial and first week discount, and you can subscribe and enjoy advanced features. If you are willing to subscribe to our app, we will charge your Google Play account within 24 hours after the end of the subscription period and can renew the subscription fee. After subscribing, you can also cancel the subscription at any time using the Google Play settings.
    The current subscription price is After the first week $4.49, renew at $6.49 per week, $9.99 per month, $19.99 per year and free trial for the first three days. Prices are in U.S. dollars, in the U.S.
    It may be different in other countries.

    Privacy Policy:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/privacy_policy.html
    Terms of Service:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/terms_of_service.html

  • Version2.2

    Jumalallinen päivittäiselle horoskoopille, kasvojen analysoinnille ja Tarotin online-vastauksille

    Update Log

    -Update: daily fortune, face scan, palmistry.
    -Add star constellation function.

    App Description

    Divine: Horoscope \u0026 Tarot 2021 is the most anticipated divination app in 2021. You can get:
    - Today/tomorrow/this week/this month/ 2021 horoscope,
    - At the same time, AI can scan your face to see your face, analyze your facial fortune,
    - AI palm reading analysis
    - Tarot professional card array, tarot master solves the cards online, knows your past, present, future emotional/professional/health conditions Value service, built by a professional team.
    Divine: Horoscope, Tarot 2021 you can get:
    -All your zodiac signs, including Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Mosaic, Aquarius and Pisces, all have very detailed descriptions and beautiful zodiac characters , Regardless of men and women.
    • Daily horoscope (including year\u0027s horoscope)
    • Weekly horoscope
    • Monthly Horoscope
    • Zodiac compatibility horoscope:
    - Horoscope reports for 2020 and 2021 specially formulated for you
    - Improve your interpersonal relationship based on an in-depth analysis of the positive and negative zodiac characteristics of you and your partner, and find a suitable solution through our final 28-day relationship guide.
    - Face secret: 1. Through AI intelligent scanning, generate a most professional facial analysis report for you 2. Through AI data to identify the celebrity face most like you
    - Palmistry: Unlock your palmistry through our famous palmistry to understand the three interpretations of heart, head and life chirality scans. Mind and nature readings illustrate love, friendship and marriage, while the readings on the palm focus on career, success and wealth. Lifeline gives you an understanding of health and energy. Just scan your palm and let the app read the lines of your palm to discover your personality.
    - Tarot card reading: We use the most professional tarot cards, invite tarot masters to analyze online, and you can consult at any time by subscribing. Through 22 Big Akana and professional card arrays, you can get information about love, interpersonal relationships, and financial status. Health status and other Tarot readings about the past, present and future.
    - Find the ideal partner, check the compatibility of the marriage, and consider the compatibility of the zodiac to establish a harmonious and happy relationship.
    - Find the most suitable matching constellation through astrology compatibility, make your life better understand your constellation and use constellation compatibility check.
    - Know all about astrology, correct horoscope, zodiac symbols, zodiac flowers, zodiac shapes, zodiac polarity, zodiac generation stones, planets in astrology, stars in astrology, zodiac elements, etc.
    Subscription requires some advanced features. We provide auto-renewing subscriptions, including three-day free trial and first week discount, and you can subscribe and enjoy advanced features. If you are willing to subscribe to our app, we will charge your Google Play account within 24 hours after the end of the subscription period and can renew the subscription fee. After subscribing, you can also cancel the subscription at any time using the Google Play settings.
    The current subscription price is After the first week $4.49, renew at $6.49 per week, $9.99 per month, $19.99 per year and free trial for the first three days. Prices are in U.S. dollars, in the U.S.
    It may be different in other countries.

    Privacy Policy:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/privacy_policy.html
    Terms of Service:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/terms_of_service.html

  • Version2.1

    Jumalallinen päivittäiselle horoskoopille, kasvojen analysoinnille ja Tarotin online-vastauksille

    Update Log

    -Update: daily fortune, face scan, palmistry.
    -Add star constellation function.

    App Description

    Divine: Horoscope \u0026 Tarot 2021 is the most anticipated divination app in 2021. You can get:
    - Today/tomorrow/this week/this month/ 2021 horoscope,
    - At the same time, AI can scan your face to see your face, analyze your facial fortune,
    - AI palm reading analysis
    - Tarot professional card array, tarot master solves the cards online, knows your past, present, future emotional/professional/health conditions Value service, built by a professional team.
    Divine: Horoscope, Tarot 2021 you can get:
    -All your zodiac signs, including Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Mosaic, Aquarius and Pisces, all have very detailed descriptions and beautiful zodiac characters , Regardless of men and women.
    • Daily horoscope (including year\u0027s horoscope)
    • Weekly horoscope
    • Monthly Horoscope
    • Zodiac compatibility horoscope:
    - Horoscope reports for 2020 and 2021 specially formulated for you
    - Improve your interpersonal relationship based on an in-depth analysis of the positive and negative zodiac characteristics of you and your partner, and find a suitable solution through our final 28-day relationship guide.
    - Face secret: 1. Through AI intelligent scanning, generate a most professional facial analysis report for you 2. Through AI data to identify the celebrity face most like you
    - Palmistry: Unlock your palmistry through our famous palmistry to understand the three interpretations of heart, head and life chirality scans. Mind and nature readings illustrate love, friendship and marriage, while the readings on the palm focus on career, success and wealth. Lifeline gives you an understanding of health and energy. Just scan your palm and let the app read the lines of your palm to discover your personality.
    - Tarot card reading: We use the most professional tarot cards, invite tarot masters to analyze online, and you can consult at any time by subscribing. Through 22 Big Akana and professional card arrays, you can get information about love, interpersonal relationships, and financial status. Health status and other Tarot readings about the past, present and future.
    - Find the ideal partner, check the compatibility of the marriage, and consider the compatibility of the zodiac to establish a harmonious and happy relationship.
    - Find the most suitable matching constellation through astrology compatibility, make your life better understand your constellation and use constellation compatibility check.
    - Know all about astrology, correct horoscope, zodiac symbols, zodiac flowers, zodiac shapes, zodiac polarity, zodiac generation stones, planets in astrology, stars in astrology, zodiac elements, etc.
    Subscription requires some advanced features. We provide auto-renewing subscriptions, including three-day free trial and first week discount, and you can subscribe and enjoy advanced features. If you are willing to subscribe to our app, we will charge your Google Play account within 24 hours after the end of the subscription period and can renew the subscription fee. After subscribing, you can also cancel the subscription at any time using the Google Play settings.
    The current subscription price is After the first week $4.49, renew at $6.49 per week, $9.99 per month, $19.99 per year and free trial for the first three days. Prices are in U.S. dollars, in the U.S.
    It may be different in other countries.

    Privacy Policy:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/privacy_policy.html
    Terms of Service:https://idevsze.com/Divine/html/terms_of_service.html

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