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Renz - Make New Friends
Meet People, Talk, Vibe & More
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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Banned for a mistake

By docuwjbr   

i got banned for my age being a year older without me realizing it then putting in my bio that i am 14. i’ve been trying to get unbanned all day and this is my first time using it. i don’t think i’ll ever use it again. i’ve tried changing it but all it did was get me banned again. this app is B to the S.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/09/2024

Hey! Thanks for the feedback, it appears your account may have failed verification and we are strict about this in order to keep the community safe 💛 If you would like to regain access to your account please email us from the banned screen! Also, we are constantly working to grow the app so you can find more friends to connect with, please be sure to update your rating to make the app more popular! 🔥

07/08/2024 03:52:54
Flop ahh app

By 178licia   

I got banned for no reason

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/09/2024

Hey! Thanks for the feedback, it appears your account may have failed verification and we are strict about this in order to keep the community safe 💛 If you would like to regain access to your account please email us from the banned screen! Also, we are constantly working to grow the app so you can find more friends to connect with, please be sure to update your rating to make the app more popular! 🔥

07/07/2024 23:49:07
Bout renz

By Alicenamirr   

renz is a very good app but my account got banned and I’m trying to create another account it keep saying I should disconnect my VPN mean while I’ve to use VPN because of my location pls can you do something about that

07/07/2024 14:04:01
Really weird conversations and app issues

By Julesdoesntknow   

Not only did I have a dude saying he wanted to “lick my tummy” keep in mind we are minors. I also had issues with the app usage. It’s very confusing and is hard to navigate. And when you go to delete your account it’s hard to tell what button to click since it says I wanna take a break and then another button before it says to delete account. Overall very disappointed with my experience and will probably never use an app like this again

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/09/2024

We take reports very seriously, please tap the three dots on the right of a user's profile to report and block them. This type of behaviour is prohibited on Renz. We are committed to providing a safe and respectful online environment as per our community guidelines: https://www.renz.app/community-and-safety-guidelines. Also, if you still need help deleting your account please email us at [email protected]

07/03/2024 23:57:50

By bevgmail.com   

I got banned for no reason and I literally followed the guidelines

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/09/2024

Hey! Thanks for the feedback, it appears your account may have failed verification and we are strict about this in order to keep the community safe 💛 If you would like to regain access to your account please email us from the banned screen! Also, we are constantly working to grow the app so you can find more friends to connect with, please be sure to update your rating to make the app more popular! 🔥

07/03/2024 18:06:22
Pretty good

By GTownKid_51   

Lowkey kinda fire man but there is a lot of bots and there bio says “this is my ex”

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/04/2024

We take reports very seriously, please tap the three dots on the right of a user's profile to report and block them. This type of behaviour is prohibited on Renz. We are committed to providing a safe and respectful online environment as per our community guidelines: https://www.renz.app/community-and-safety-guidelines.

07/02/2024 17:27:27
Money hungry

By Chimokem   

If they didn’t put everything behind a paywall even though the vast majority of these users are minors and most likely won’t pay for anything then this rating would definitely be higher.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/04/2024

Hey, the app is free and purchasing is optional if you would like extra connections. We are also constantly working to improve and grow the app so you can find more friends to connect with, please be sure to update your rating to make the app more popular! 🔥

07/02/2024 01:11:52

By TDfrm.407   

Just made an account I’m not even done making it and I’m already having an issue with the verification they saying it’s an issue with My account like huh??? The account not even made yet dog 😂

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/04/2024

Hey! It appears your account may have failed verification and we are strict about this in order to keep the community safe 💛 If you would like to regain access to your account please email us from the banned screen! Also, please be sure to update your rating to make the app more popular! 🔥

06/30/2024 22:52:37
Made friends!

By TTVPalthadure   

See I personally don't have friends. At first I thought it was a dating app but no people are just herebyo make friends and sometimes more then that. I made my bio without a problem and made more friends then I would ever have made in person! Love this app would give a 6/5 if possible

06/29/2024 18:44:58

By christomlimfan   

Can the app producers delete my account for me? I can’t get past the verification screen and it’s saying my account is banned for no reason ? I’ve been on it before but not against the rules ? Please just take my account and down and fully delete it !! I’ve had no problems with this app until now.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/04/2024

Hey! Thanks for the feedback, it appears your account may have failed verification and we are strict about this in order to keep the community safe 💛 If you would like to regain access to your account please email us from the banned screen! Also, we are constantly working to grow the app so you can find more friends to connect with, please be sure to update your rating to make the app more popular! 🔥

06/29/2024 05:51:04
No data yet.No data yet.
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