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Battle Draw: PvP War Strategy
Epic Army Fight RTS action!
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By Hydrus_   

Not PvP. Game title and description is a lie.

07/15/2024 09:36:39
The matching isn’t fair

By BigFluffWallace   

So I like the game. I like the concept of the game. As you start to play and build your team, it starts to put you against people that are 2-3 times stronger then you. In order for you to win you have to watch a video to either get double power or some kind of extra power up. I don’t agree with this. If you made the matching more equal the game would be more enjoyable. I actually really like it but I’m starting to really dislike it because of the unfair matching. Fix this please and I’ll change my review to 5 stars. If you don’t I’ll just delete the game indefinitely.

07/14/2024 15:27:02
Very poor rating match ups

By Valplas   

Kept putting me against players with 600+ ratings while I was still building my rating. I was around 300. Kept losing. Not fun to lose 4 in a row due to your opponent having overwhelming superior strength. I’m an experienced gamer, not the best but no chump either. Maybe they just want you to watch the power up adds. Sorry, not gonna work for me.

07/12/2024 14:47:55
Broken matchmaking

By LionsPride360   

The game gets super repetitive for sure, but I still enjoyed it up until the matchmaking became completely broken There’s no reason why I should be getting matched against players 2x my level unless they are trying to force you to buy cards, but all that’s going to do is increase your level and put you against even harder opponents.

07/10/2024 14:33:44
Unfair Matching all the time

By 2jjesj   

I really don’t understand why it always find the opponents that have everything at least 10 levels higher than mine. My matches opponents so far today all have everything 20+ levels higher than mine.

07/10/2024 00:18:37
Same thing over and over

By 𝐠𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢   

In the beginning it’s quite fun and gameplay seems very well thought out until you notice by your 5th game it’s all AI. When you finish the first map they pair you up against over powered ai with troops 15 levels higher then yours. It just gets very repetitive and there really is much more too the game then battling higher level ai opponents. Game would be fun with some tweaks and definitely more add ons like upgrading your castle for a stronger defense. Perks too add too your troops. Extra towers too protect your main tower (upgrades). Also get rid of the spells!

07/06/2024 05:01:21
Money grabber

By Meowhdawg   

You need to spend money to advance, I’ve spent so much and I still can’t advanced. The set me against people 1200+ more than me. I can’t believe I spent money on this……

07/06/2024 00:22:08
Good game -1 part

By Five Star VP   

I love how you can have different types of troops, but my only complaint is the spells. I could be absolutely demolishing someone with a massive army and then he kills all my troops with a meteor. At that point I just beat him strategically, which is the whole point of the game, but he now wins because of a non-realistic card. Please get rid of the spells, or make them weaker to where they don’t kill troops, just damages them.

07/04/2024 16:28:34

By xolosperroloco   

Game is nice but sooo many adds

07/03/2024 11:24:57
Really wanted to like this

By Josh_SF5   

Fun concept, NOT fun execution. I feel like with some tweaks to the gameplay mechanism this game could be really great. My biggest complaint is that upgrading my units doesn’t get me anywhere — the opponents are always matched to your level, so the gameplay never feels different. What’s the point of watching ads or spending money if upgrading makes no difference?

07/01/2024 15:28:46
No data yet.No data yet.
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