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ViaMichelin GPS, Maps, Traffic
GPS Navigation, Routes, Traffic Information, Danger Zones, Enhanced Map
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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In older versions of Viamichelin was possible to show statistics about total kilometers on motorways and other roads. Now it is gone. As I prefer driving on motorways, it was a nice feature which helped me to plan the road. It is a disappointment, that features are being removed from the software.

06/17/2024 06:43:45

Been my companion for many journeys. Now it is not working. Why ?! Tried reinstalling but freezes on the logo. Pity ... App update working now. Thanks.

0 0
06/16/2024 03:16:08

I can't get anything out of it other than "We haven't found any itineraries. Can you modify your search?" Google maps finds one in milliseconds.

0 0
By Darren
06/11/2024 17:10:41

I am very disappointed. The app never retaines your log in nor the metrics or your car, the directions are imprecise, it's difficult to see the next steps, to find the next steps you need to scroll through several pages, that dangerous if you are driving. you can't see/set up what you want to see at the main screen, like distance, time, arrival time duration.. etc. If you switch app or lose network it loses the itinerary I used to like the app the revamp had destroyed the whole concept.

0 0
06/10/2024 04:04:47

What happened to the caravan option?

0 0
06/10/2024 01:26:53

New update!!! Nothing works

0 0
06/07/2024 23:45:01

This has been my go to route planner for ever....the latest update has simply ruined it! I can no longer plan a route that avoids both tolls and vignettes it's either/or making cross border route planning completely useless! Tried resorting to the website but the same change has been made there too :(

1 0
06/07/2024 15:50:30

After all these years You took out the option for caravans making this useless for a large amount of people.

1 0
06/05/2024 22:03:02

Used to such a great navigation app when in Europe. Now, it just fills your screen with useless other dross (even when filtered out). Why was it changed? Ahh yes, advertising

0 0
06/05/2024 14:32:30

Now I can't sign in, after clicking on sign in goes to open a new window in the browser by auto redirects to the app. without signin 🤷 Is there an option for towing? as costs are more for fuel and tolls. Not much good, as one of the only reasons I use via Michelin is for toll prices yet the app does not include this information, major oversight by the developers in my opinion!

0 0
06/05/2024 14:12:04
No data yet.No data yet.
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10 reviews