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QR Code: Barcode Reader
Scanați, generați, salvați, căutați și organizați coduri QR și coduri de bare pentru Android
Version History
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Version History

  • Version1.01.41

    Scanați, generați, salvați, căutați și organizați coduri QR și coduri de bare pentru Android

    Update Log

    - Minor bug fixes and enhancements

    App Description

    Aplicația Scanner de coduri QR și Cititor de coduri de bare oferă cele mai puternice instrumente gratuite pentru scanarea codurilor QR de pe telefonul sau tableta dvs. Android. Cu acest cititor de coduri de bare, puteți scana și recunoaște toate tipurile de coduri folosind camera smartphone-ului dvs.

    Cititorul nostru rapid de coduri de bare pentru Android, vă permite să citiți coduri de bare și să scanați un cod de bare pentru a-l partaja cu prietenii.

    Această aplicație gratuită pentru scanarea codurilor de bare poate salva coduri QR în istorie. Scanați orice cod QR sau cod de bare. QR Reader este cel mai bun cititor de cod QR pentru Android care acceptă toate tipurile de formate de cod QR, inclusiv UPC, ISBN și multe altele.

    De ce ar trebui să utilizați gratuit scanerul de cod QR și cititorul de coduri de bare?
    - Aplicația QR Code acceptă toate formatele QR și coduri de bare.
    - Măriți și micșorați automat
    - Istoricul scanării codurilor QR și codurilor de bare va fi salvat
    - Scanați QR / coduri de bare din galerie
    - Utilizați o lanternă pentru a scana coduri QR și coduri de bare într-un mediu întunecat
    - Nu este nevoie de o conexiune la internet
    - Scanați coduri promoționale și cupoane
    - Scanerul de cod QR vă respectă confidențialitatea și solicită doar permisiunile minime necesare pentru scanarea codurilor de bare.

    Caracteristici unice ale aplicației gratuite de scanare a codurilor QR și coduri de bare:
    Acest scaner de coduri de bare poate scana o mare varietate de coduri de bare, cum ar fi coduri QR, azteci, Code 39s, Code93, Code128, EAN13, EAN8, PDF417, Data Matrix și ITF.

    De asemenea, puteți copia informațiile din cititorul de coduri de bare în clipboard, apoi le puteți lipi în celelalte aplicații.

    Partajați codul QR sau alt cod de bare prin mesaje, SMS sau alte mijloace.

    Găsiți produsul QR Code online sau căutați pe web codul QR.

    Cum se utilizează aplicații gratuite pentru scaner de coduri QR și coduri de bare?
    1. Descărcați gratuit scanerul de cod QR și aplicația de scanare a codurilor de bare QR din magazinul Google Play.
    2. După ce ați descărcat scanerul de cod QR gratuit, trebuie să deschideți aplicația pe dispozitiv.
    3. Îndreptați camera către scanerul de cod QR sau cititorul de coduri de bare.
    4. Aplicația de scanare a codului QR va recunoaște automat codul și poate decoda rezultatul după scanare.
    5. Aplicația Scanner după scanarea codului QR, rezultatele sunt afișate cu opțiuni bazate pe sugestii.

    Pe cât posibil, lucrăm pentru a-l îmbunătăți prin adăugarea de funcții avansate și interesante. Pentru a reuși, avem nevoie de sprijinul dvs. constant.

    Nu ezitați să ne trimiteți întrebările / sugestiile / feedback-ul dvs. la [email protected]. Suntem întotdeauna interesați să auzim de la dvs.

    Descărcați aplicația gratuită QR Code Scanner & Barcode Reader pentru Android și bucurați-vă de cea mai bună scanare pe care o meritați.

  • Version1.01.35

    Scanați, generați, salvați, căutați și organizați coduri QR și coduri de bare pentru Android

    Update Log

    - Minor bug fixes and enhancements

    App Description

    QR code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader app offers the most powerful free tools for scanning QR codes on your Android phone or tablet. With this barcode reader, you can scan and recognize all types of codes using your smartphone\u0027s camera.
    Our fast barcode Reader for Android, lets you read barcodes and scan a barcode to share with your friends.
    This free Barcode scanner app can save QR codes in history. Just scan any QR code or Barcode. QR Reader is the best QR code reader for Android that supports all types of QR code formats, including UPC, ISBN, and more.

    Why Should You Use Free QR Code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader?
    - QR Code App supports all QR and barcode formats.
    - Zoom in and out automatically
    - Scan history for QR Codes and Barcodes will be saved
    - Scan QR / barcodes from the gallery
    - Use a flashlight to scan QR Codes and Barcodes in a dark environment
    - There is no need for an internet connection
    - Scan promotion and coupon codes
    - QR Code Scanner respects your privacy and only asks for the minimal permissions needed to scan your barcodes.
    Unique Features of Free QR Code \u0026 Barcode Scanner App:
    This Barcode scanner can scan a wide variety of barcodes, like QR codes, Aztecs, Code 39s, Code93, Code128, EAN13, EAN8, PDF417, Data Matrix, and ITF.
    You can also copy the information from your barcode reader to your clipboard, then paste it into your other applications.
    Share the QR Code or other barcode via messaging, SMS, or other means.
    Find the QR Code product online or search the web for the QR Code.
    How to use Free QR Code \u0026 Barcode Scanner Apps?
    1. Download the free QR code scanner and QR barcode scanner app from the Google play store.
    2. After you have downloaded the free QR code scanner, you need to open the app on your device.
    3. Point the camera at the QR code scanner or barcode reader.
    4. The QR code scan app will automatically recognize the code and can decode the result after scanning it.
    5. Scanner app after scanning QR code, results are displayed with options based on the suggestions.
    As much as possible, we\u0027re working to make it better by adding advanced and exciting features. In order to succeed, we need your constant support.
    Please feel free to send us your queries/suggestions/feedback at [email protected]. We are always interested in hearing from you.
    Download the Free QR Code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader app for android and enjoy the best scanning that you deserve.

  • Version1.01.29

    Scanați, generați, salvați, căutați și organizați coduri QR și coduri de bare pentru Android

    Update Log

    - Minor bug fixes and enhancements

    App Description

    QR code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader app offers the most powerful free tools for scanning QR codes on your Android phone or tablet. With this barcode reader, you can scan and recognize all types of codes using your smartphone\u0027s camera.
    Our fast barcode Reader for Android, lets you read barcodes and scan a barcode to share with your friends.
    This free Barcode scanner app can save QR codes in history. Just scan any QR code or Barcode. QR Reader is the best QR code reader for Android that supports all types of QR code formats, including UPC, ISBN, and more.

    Why Should You Use Free QR Code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader?
    - QR Code App supports all QR and barcode formats.
    - Zoom in and out automatically
    - Scan history for QR Codes and Barcodes will be saved
    - Scan QR / barcodes from the gallery
    - Use a flashlight to scan QR Codes and Barcodes in a dark environment
    - There is no need for an internet connection
    - Scan promotion and coupon codes
    - QR Code Scanner respects your privacy and only asks for the minimal permissions needed to scan your barcodes.
    Unique Features of Free QR Code \u0026 Barcode Scanner App:
    This Barcode scanner can scan a wide variety of barcodes, like QR codes, Aztecs, Code 39s, Code93, Code128, EAN13, EAN8, PDF417, Data Matrix, and ITF.
    You can also copy the information from your barcode reader to your clipboard, then paste it into your other applications.
    Share the QR Code or other barcode via messaging, SMS, or other means.
    Find the QR Code product online or search the web for the QR Code.
    How to use Free QR Code \u0026 Barcode Scanner Apps?
    1. Download the free QR code scanner and QR barcode scanner app from the Google play store.
    2. After you have downloaded the free QR code scanner, you need to open the app on your device.
    3. Point the camera at the QR code scanner or barcode reader.
    4. The QR code scan app will automatically recognize the code and can decode the result after scanning it.
    5. Scanner app after scanning QR code, results are displayed with options based on the suggestions.
    As much as possible, we\u0027re working to make it better by adding advanced and exciting features. In order to succeed, we need your constant support.
    Please feel free to send us your queries/suggestions/feedback at [email protected]. We are always interested in hearing from you.
    Download the Free QR Code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader app for android and enjoy the best scanning that you deserve.

  • Version1.0.78

    Scanați, generați, salvați, căutați și organizați coduri QR și coduri de bare pentru Android

    Update Log

    - Minor bug fixes and enhancements

    App Description

    QR code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader app offers the most powerful free tools for scanning QR codes on your Android phone or tablet. With this barcode reader, you can scan and recognize all types of codes using your smartphone\u0027s camera.
    Our fast barcode Reader for Android, lets you read barcodes and scan a barcode to share with your friends.
    This free Barcode scanner app can save QR codes in history. Just scan any QR code or Barcode. QR Reader is the best QR code reader for Android that supports all types of QR code formats, including UPC, ISBN, and more.

    Why Should You Use Free QR Code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader?
    - QR Code App supports all QR and barcode formats.
    - Zoom in and out automatically
    - Scan history for QR Codes and Barcodes will be saved
    - Scan QR / barcodes from the gallery
    - Use a flashlight to scan QR Codes and Barcodes in a dark environment
    - There is no need for an internet connection
    - Scan promotion and coupon codes
    - QR Code Scanner respects your privacy and only asks for the minimal permissions needed to scan your barcodes.
    Unique Features of Free QR Code \u0026 Barcode Scanner App:
    This Barcode scanner can scan a wide variety of barcodes, like QR codes, Aztecs, Code 39s, Code93, Code128, EAN13, EAN8, PDF417, Data Matrix, and ITF.
    You can also copy the information from your barcode reader to your clipboard, then paste it into your other applications.
    Share the QR Code or other barcode via messaging, SMS, or other means.
    Find the QR Code product online or search the web for the QR Code.
    How to use Free QR Code \u0026 Barcode Scanner Apps?
    1. Download the free QR code scanner and QR barcode scanner app from the Google play store.
    2. After you have downloaded the free QR code scanner, you need to open the app on your device.
    3. Point the camera at the QR code scanner or barcode reader.
    4. The QR code scan app will automatically recognize the code and can decode the result after scanning it.
    5. Scanner app after scanning QR code, results are displayed with options based on the suggestions.
    As much as possible, we\u0027re working to make it better by adding advanced and exciting features. In order to succeed, we need your constant support.
    Please feel free to send us your queries/suggestions/feedback at [email protected]. We are always interested in hearing from you.
    Download the Free QR Code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader app for android and enjoy the best scanning that you deserve.

  • Version1.0.67

    Scanner de cod QR gratuit, cititor de cod QR și Reader de coduri de bare pentru Android

    Update Log

    - Minor bug fixes and enhancements

    App Description

    QR code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader app offers the most powerful free tools for scanning QR codes on your Android phone or tablet. With this barcode reader, you can scan and recognize all types of codes using your smartphone\u0027s camera.
    Our fast barcode Reader for Android, lets you read barcodes and scan a barcode to share with your friends.
    This free Barcode scanner app can save QR codes in history. Just scan any QR code or Barcode. QR Reader is the best QR code reader for Android that supports all types of QR code formats, including UPC, ISBN, and more.

    Why Should You Use Free QR Code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader?
    - QR Code App supports all QR and barcode formats.
    - Zoom in and out automatically
    - Scan history for QR Codes and Barcodes will be saved
    - Scan QR / barcodes from the gallery
    - Use a flashlight to scan QR Codes and Barcodes in a dark environment
    - There is no need for an internet connection
    - Scan promotion and coupon codes
    - QR Code Scanner respects your privacy and only asks for the minimal permissions needed to scan your barcodes.
    Unique Features of Free QR Code \u0026 Barcode Scanner App:
    This Barcode scanner can scan a wide variety of barcodes, like QR codes, Aztecs, Code 39s, Code93, Code128, EAN13, EAN8, PDF417, Data Matrix, and ITF.
    You can also copy the information from your barcode reader to your clipboard, then paste it into your other applications.
    Share the QR Code or other barcode via messaging, SMS, or other means.
    Find the QR Code product online or search the web for the QR Code.
    How to use Free QR Code \u0026 Barcode Scanner Apps?
    1. Download the free QR code scanner and QR barcode scanner app from the Google play store.
    2. After you have downloaded the free QR code scanner, you need to open the app on your device.
    3. Point the camera at the QR code scanner or barcode reader.
    4. The QR code scan app will automatically recognize the code and can decode the result after scanning it.
    5. Scanner app after scanning QR code, results are displayed with options based on the suggestions.
    As much as possible, we\u0027re working to make it better by adding advanced and exciting features. In order to succeed, we need your constant support.
    Please feel free to send us your queries/suggestions/feedback at [email protected]. We are always interested in hearing from you.
    Download the Free QR Code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader app for android and enjoy the best scanning that you deserve.

  • Version1.0.60

    Scanner de cod QR gratuit, cititor de cod QR și Reader de coduri de bare pentru Android

    Update Log

    - Minor bug fixes and enhancements

    App Description

    Scanner de cod QR gratuit, cititor de cod QR și Reader de coduri de bare pentru Android

  • Version1.0.45

    Scanner de cod QR gratuit, cititor de cod QR și Reader de coduri de bare pentru Android

    Update Log

    - Added ability to add uploaded icon to QR code
    - Minor bug fixes and enhancements

    App Description

    QR code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader app offers the most powerful free tools for scanning QR codes on your Android phone or tablet. With this barcode reader, you can scan and recognize all types of codes using your smartphone\u0027s camera.
    Our fast barcode Reader for Android, lets you read barcodes and scan a barcode to share with your friends.
    This free Barcode scanner app can save QR codes in history. Just scan any QR code or Barcode. QR Reader is the best QR code reader for Android that supports all types of QR code formats, including UPC, ISBN, and more.

    Why Should You Use Free QR Code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader?
    - QR Code App supports all QR and barcode formats.
    - Zoom in and out automatically
    - Scan history for QR Codes and Barcodes will be saved
    - Scan QR / barcodes from the gallery
    - Use a flashlight to scan QR Codes and Barcodes in a dark environment
    - There is no need for an internet connection
    - Scan promotion and coupon codes
    - QR Code Scanner respects your privacy and only asks for the minimal permissions needed to scan your barcodes.
    Unique Features of Free QR Code \u0026 Barcode Scanner App:
    This Barcode scanner can scan a wide variety of barcodes, like QR codes, Aztecs, Code 39s, Code93, Code128, EAN13, EAN8, PDF417, Data Matrix, and ITF.
    You can also copy the information from your barcode reader to your clipboard, then paste it into your other applications.
    Share the QR Code or other barcode via messaging, SMS, or other means.
    Find the QR Code product online or search the web for the QR Code.
    How to use Free QR Code \u0026 Barcode Scanner Apps?
    1. Download the free QR code scanner and QR barcode scanner app from the Google play store.
    2. After you have downloaded the free QR code scanner, you need to open the app on your device.
    3. Point the camera at the QR code scanner or barcode reader.
    4. The QR code scan app will automatically recognize the code and can decode the result after scanning it.
    5. Scanner app after scanning QR code, results are displayed with options based on the suggestions.
    As much as possible, we\u0027re working to make it better by adding advanced and exciting features. In order to succeed, we need your constant support.
    Please feel free to send us your queries/suggestions/feedback at [email protected]. We are always interested in hearing from you.
    Download the Free QR Code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader app for android and enjoy the best scanning that you deserve.

  • Version1.0.44

    Scanner de cod QR gratuit, cititor de cod QR și Reader de coduri de bare pentru Android

    App Description

    QR code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader app offers the most powerful free tools for scanning QR codes on your Android phone or tablet. With this barcode reader, you can scan and recognize all types of codes using your smartphone\u0027s camera.
    Our fast barcode Reader for Android, lets you read barcodes and scan a barcode to share with your friends.
    This free Barcode scanner app can save QR codes in history. Just scan any QR code or Barcode. QR Reader is the best QR code reader for Android that supports all types of QR code formats, including UPC, ISBN, and more.

    Why Should You Use Free QR Code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader?
    - QR Code App supports all QR and barcode formats.
    - Zoom in and out automatically
    - Scan history for QR Codes and Barcodes will be saved
    - Scan QR / barcodes from the gallery
    - Use a flashlight to scan QR Codes and Barcodes in a dark environment
    - There is no need for an internet connection
    - Scan promotion and coupon codes
    - QR Code Scanner respects your privacy and only asks for the minimal permissions needed to scan your barcodes.
    Unique Features of Free QR Code \u0026 Barcode Scanner App:
    This Barcode scanner can scan a wide variety of barcodes, like QR codes, Aztecs, Code 39s, Code93, Code128, EAN13, EAN8, PDF417, Data Matrix, and ITF.
    You can also copy the information from your barcode reader to your clipboard, then paste it into your other applications.
    Share the QR Code or other barcode via messaging, SMS, or other means.
    Find the QR Code product online or search the web for the QR Code.
    How to use Free QR Code \u0026 Barcode Scanner Apps?
    1. Download the free QR code scanner and QR barcode scanner app from the Google play store.
    2. After you have downloaded the free QR code scanner, you need to open the app on your device.
    3. Point the camera at the QR code scanner or barcode reader.
    4. The QR code scan app will automatically recognize the code and can decode the result after scanning it.
    5. Scanner app after scanning QR code, results are displayed with options based on the suggestions.
    As much as possible, we\u0027re working to make it better by adding advanced and exciting features. In order to succeed, we need your constant support.
    Please feel free to send us your queries/suggestions/feedback at [email protected]. We are always interested in hearing from you.
    Download the Free QR Code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader app for android and enjoy the best scanning that you deserve.

  • Version1.0.37

    Scanner de cod QR gratuit, cititor de cod QR și Reader de coduri de bare pentru Android

    Update Log

    - Minor bug fixes and enhancements

    App Description

    This QR code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader app offers the most powerful tools for scanning QR codes. With this barcode reader, you can scan and recognize all types of codes using your smartphone\u0027s camera.
    With Fast and Barcode Reader for Android, you can read barcodes and scan a barcode to share with your friends.
    A free Barcode scanner app can save QR codes in history. Just scan any QR code or Barcode. This is the best QR code reader for Android that supports all types of QR code formats, including UPC, ISBN, and more.
    Why Should You Use Free QR Code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader?
    - QR Code App supports all QR and barcode formats.
    - Zooming in and out automatically
    - Scan history for QR Codes and Barcodes will be saved
    - Scan QR / barcodes from the gallery
    - Use a flashlight to scan QR Codes and Barcodes in a dark environment
    - There is no need for an internet connection
    - Scan promotion and coupon codes
    - QR Code Scanner respects your privacy and only asks for the minimal permissions needed to scan your barcodes.
    Unique Features Of Free QR Code \u0026 Barcode Scanner App :
    This Barcode scanner can scan a wide variety of barcodes, like QR codes, Aztecs, Code 39s, Code93, Code128, EAN13, EAN8, PDF417, Data Matrix, and ITF.
    You can also copy the information from your barcode reader to your clipboard, then paste it into your other applications.
    Share the QR Code or other barcode via messaging, SMS, or other means.
    Find the QR Code product online or search the web for the QR Code.
    How to use Free QR Code \u0026 Barcode Scanner Apps?
    1. Download the free QR code scanner and QR barcode scanner app from the Google play store.
    2. After you have downloaded the free QR code scanner, you need to open the app on your device.
    3. Point the camera at the QR code scanner or barcode reader.
    4. The QR code scan app will automatically recognize the code and can decode the result after scanning it.
    5. Scanner app after scanning QR code, results are displayed with options based on the suggestions.
    As much as possible, we\u0027re working to make it better by adding advanced and exciting features. In order to succeed, we need your constant support.
    Please feel free to send us your queries/suggestions/feedback at [email protected]. We are always interested in hearing from you.
    Download the Free QR Code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader app for android and enjoy the best scanning that you deserve.

  • Version1.0.35

    Scanner de cod QR gratuit, cititor de cod QR și Reader de coduri de bare pentru Android

    Update Log

    - Minor bug fixes and enhancements

    App Description

    This QR code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader app offers the most powerful tools for scanning QR codes. With this barcode reader, you can scan and recognize all types of codes using your smartphone\u0027s camera.
    With Fast and Barcode Reader for Android, you can read barcodes and scan a barcode to share with your friends.
    A free Barcode scanner app can save QR codes in history. Just scan any QR code or Barcode. This is the best QR code reader for Android that supports all types of QR code formats, including UPC, ISBN, and more.
    Why Should You Use Free QR Code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader?
    - QR Code App supports all QR and barcode formats.
    - Zooming in and out automatically
    - Scan history for QR Codes and Barcodes will be saved
    - Scan QR / barcodes from the gallery
    - Use a flashlight to scan QR Codes and Barcodes in a dark environment
    - There is no need for an internet connection
    - Scan promotion and coupon codes
    - QR Code Scanner respects your privacy and only asks for the minimal permissions needed to scan your barcodes.
    Unique Features Of Free QR Code \u0026 Barcode Scanner App :
    This Barcode scanner can scan a wide variety of barcodes, like QR codes, Aztecs, Code 39s, Code93, Code128, EAN13, EAN8, PDF417, Data Matrix, and ITF.
    You can also copy the information from your barcode reader to your clipboard, then paste it into your other applications.
    Share the QR Code or other barcode via messaging, SMS, or other means.
    Find the QR Code product online or search the web for the QR Code.
    How to use Free QR Code \u0026 Barcode Scanner Apps?
    1. Download the free QR code scanner and QR barcode scanner app from the Google play store.
    2. After you have downloaded the free QR code scanner, you need to open the app on your device.
    3. Point the camera at the QR code scanner or barcode reader.
    4. The QR code scan app will automatically recognize the code and can decode the result after scanning it.
    5. Scanner app after scanning QR code, results are displayed with options based on the suggestions.
    As much as possible, we\u0027re working to make it better by adding advanced and exciting features. In order to succeed, we need your constant support.
    Please feel free to send us your queries/suggestions/feedback at [email protected]. We are always interested in hearing from you.
    Download the Free QR Code Scanner \u0026 Barcode Reader app for android and enjoy the best scanning that you deserve.

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