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Deck Heroes: Legacy
Deck Heroes, this year's ultimate mobile competitive card game is here!
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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The game is died . When you start the game as a new player, you will enjoy it, but as you progress, it's unfair and boring.Literally no new events and you need money to progress in game. All the people playing the game are just emotionally attached due to the amount time or years they spent on the game. This is a pay to win game. The worst thing is that no matter how much you try to contact the game creators or rate them badly, they don't care. So best is to delete or just don't download game.

07/01/2024 08:29:07

This game was great , but it died when they created cards and heroes that is literally impossible to counter them , nowadays is just a pay to win and cassino so you have to spend tons of money to get any competitive deck

2 0
06/29/2024 01:21:35

I am so glad they fixed the accounts login problem. I love this game so much, and I am addicted to it fr!

0 0
06/27/2024 12:13:49

Amazing until it wasn't. The game randomly deleted my lvl 40 account overwrite my save with a fresh profile and now won't let me switch between my other emails to see if I can find it Edit: I've changed my review from 1 star to five because in the end i was abe to contact support and retrieve my account it took a week but in the end i got it back and the process wasn't hard just a bunch of waiting

06/26/2024 14:08:38

It is getting better but if they bring sky arean back than it would be best

06/25/2024 13:10:15
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