Welcome to KuKu, home for cosplay lovers! KuKu is a community app designed for cosplayers around the world to communicate and interact. Here you can meet different styles and types of cosplayers from all over the world. Role-playing in different fields such as anime characters, online game characters, film and television work characters, etc. — Hot Topic Post a cosplay topic that you like to attract friends who share the same knowledge and hobbies. You can chat with others about your understanding and dressing up in the topic group, and even interact with each other online. —Moments Share your cosplay moments and share your creativity with more like-minded people. You can also participate in other people's dynamic discussions and meet more creative friends. —Group Chat Participate in multi-person interactive chats, share your cosplay ideas, comment on other people's ideas, and make cosplay more fun. KuKu aims to create a communication platform in the cosplay circle, so that more people who are interested in cosplay culture can find like-minded people more easily.