When it is hard and sad, the hand reaches for the Glass. This is not surprising, because there are a lot of useful things inside: juicy facts, stories about self-development, motivating videos and practical advice on how to learn to enjoy life. Every day - a new piece of useful and inspiring information.

You are lucky, there is a glass for everyone. Choose that in the glass, and go.

* Russiano
Section "Psychology" will help to understand the mysterious Russian soul. Learn to look for motivation and strength within yourself. We talk about the techniques, theories, research, psychological tests. We help find a way out of difficult life situations, improve relationships with loved ones.

* Americano
Eat, pray, love, and read the Travel section. On the countries, the people and the cities. Useful tips, lifehacks and news feed for those who like to discover new lands.

* Espresso
No extra water, just squeeze out the experiments and facts in the "Science" section. The windows of Overtona, wormholes, and the rule of ten thousand hours - we tell in simple language about the complex.

* Latte
"Beauty and Health" - articles and tips about proper nutrition and healthy lifestyles, useful recipes and secrets grandmother Agafi.

* Cappuccino
Fragrant mix in "Art" - cinema, painting, music, poetry, literature. New and good old classics.

* Frappuccino
Cold, like the heart of your ex, section "Life". Candid stories of celebrities and those who got into difficult life situations. Sometimes the real story of a person will teach more than a psychologist's reception.

* Luwak
Not available. Perhaps there is only a funny fact in the section "Interesting."

If you did not find your Glass - try the section "Self-development". We will show you how to find a vocation and motivation, organize time and life, acquire good habits. Let's try a couple of meditative practices.

The authors of the Glass talk about what they love. Among them are graduated psychologists, collectors of countries, journalists, phytoes who know a lot about healthy nutrition. Someone on himself felt that it is better not to get into some stories, and honestly tells about it.

Fill the Glass and change your life.