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Xcite Online Shopping App
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The shoppers here are fooled 100%. I have been looking at all these for the last 7 months. Products with 40-50% discount are always out of stock

0 0
07/15/2024 21:54:59

good app 💯

0 0
07/15/2024 15:41:46

تجربة محبطة! الموقع يسمح لك بإضافة المنتجات إلى عربة التسوق ويجعلني أضيع وقتي في إدخال كل التفاصيل ثم يخبرني أن الكمية غير متوفرة. هذا عبث وعدم احترام لوقت العميل. لا أوصي بهذا الموقع أبداً.

07/15/2024 07:36:58

غير دقيق

07/10/2024 00:37:07

AhmedAlfailakawi 🇰🇼👮

07/06/2024 02:05:13

Very buggy app. Doesnt work!!!!

07/06/2024 00:45:21

Very nice

0 0
07/03/2024 06:09:47

I filter the requirements to be specific on the product, when I return back, I again have to fix the filter category again and again, why? Such nonsense, frustrating! And please make it to 'Remember by last position setting' configuration, it's frustrating to scroll again so down to see that same or similar product again, Absolute nonsense

0 0
07/01/2024 18:16:08

Being a loyal customer with alghanim . But sorry to say misleading the customers in terms of offers & advesrtising . The offer in the store shows for a watch with the phone and when checked to purchase it is showing on credit card purchase you will get but the stickers in stores does not mention anything . And when mention the store i will complain they say feel free to compalin but dont expect anything from Alghanim on this that they will take any action.

06/28/2024 19:01:23

Xcite should be partnership with Tabby company for buy now and pay later ... Tabby available in jarir and Lulu ... We House driver 20 no. Visa holders want xcite alghanim shake hands with Tabby ..... 👍 Thanks

06/28/2024 17:59:06
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