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BiciMAD is the public system electric bike run by EMT Madrid.
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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Lentísima aplicación, confusa y además se cae el sistema

07/02/2024 19:00:09

Unfortunately it doesn't work. After setup I cannot unlock any bicycle due to "error 88".

0 0
By Marten
07/01/2024 05:07:55

Simply doesn't work.

0 0
06/30/2024 20:08:25

Horrible app worked once then said Problem with user account (97)

0 0
06/28/2024 00:23:41

Imposible darse da alta. Estoy siguiendo todos los pasos. Después de añadir el sms, da un error, sin más, y vuelve a la pantalla principal. Debería informar del error para poder corregirlo. Update: borre cache, y datos, y por fin pude darme de alta. La aplicación se había vuelto loca y todo el tiempo me pedía los datos de la tarjeta en bucle... Sobre el uso, bien, lo que no entiendo es para que necesita el permiso de Storage. Sugerencia: no dependais de Google Maps.

0 0
06/24/2024 04:21:33

Absolutely horrible app. Wouldnt send me phone code.

06/22/2024 18:56:46

An internal error ocurred 99. 5 passwords diferentes he intentando y yo creo que cascan, tendré que poner bicimad2024 o algo así de clave...

06/16/2024 02:09:37

Not working at all

06/15/2024 18:23:49

I highly recommend not using this app. Waste of time, always crashes, never works. Just walk or take commutes

06/09/2024 20:47:20

Found it impossible to navigate this awful app. After many attempts at navigating the sign up system and failing yo unlock a bike gave up attempting to access a bike. Could not recommend as a tourist looking for a quick cycle. Not helped by my lack of Spanish of course.

0 0
06/06/2024 21:46:42
No data yet.No data yet.
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10 reviews