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Itemtopia Inventory
Organized Inventory, Homes, Collections and Valuables
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When trying to add a new location, the "save" button is under the status bar and is non-functional. QC in UI design, please...

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/16/2024

Kyle, On some devices with our latest update, this was an issue until reported. Is this still occurring? We have no other reports of this and it should no longer be an issue. Please email support or use the Ap to contact Support.

07/13/2024 21:15:35

If your a casual user or even a semi-frequent user with a limited budget this is NOT for you. As good of a cataloging, inventory, tracker type app Itemtopia is, is is VERY over priced. Again, this is probably the best app of its kind on the playstore. Unfortunately the free/basic plan is ridiculously limited in every aspect that this might as well be listed as a paid or premium only app.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/13/2024

Hello Ben, We agree. This is why a Lite version is coming out as there are things we do which are far superior than any other app. But, many do not need these things. Our Lite version is for casual or non sophisticated users. So hang tight. With a week or two, Lite will be approved for the store.

07/13/2024 01:18:37

Free? Tried in July2024. Not usable without constant redirection to the upgrade screen.

1 0
By D MacD
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/01/2024

Hi DMacD. The pop up for allowing you to join occurs at open, but can be closed with the X in the top right. Once you add 5 things within a module or 20 items, it is a choice to join. We have a few options here. Was there something specific we can help you with?

07/01/2024 08:01:48
No data yet.No data yet.
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