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Step By Step Salah - Namaz
Aplicație utilă pentru a afla modul corect de a oferi pas cu pas Salah cu Azan Audio.
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Version History

  • Version5.7

    Aplicație utilă pentru a afla modul corect de a oferi pas cu pas Salah cu Azan Audio.

    Update Log


    App Description

    Și să stabilească rugăciunea și să se teamă de El. [Coran 6:72] "

    Step by Step Salah este o aplicație islamică pentru smartphone destinată instruirii musulmanilor din întreaga lume despre cum să oferi în mod eficient rugăciuni (Namaz) împreună cu toate informațiile esențiale. Aplicația pas cu pas Salah este un ghid cuprinzător de rugăciune pentru credincioși, pentru a se familiariza cu fiecare aspect al rugăciunilor zilnice, Salat neobligatoriu și altele.

    Unele dintre caracteristicile unice ale acestei aplicații Step by Step Salah (Namaz) sunt:
    • Ilustrație profundă a fiecărui pas făcut în timpul fiecărei Rugăciuni Salat împreună cu Audio
    • Salah Times cu memento Voice Azan
    • Pas cu pas Salah
    • Ștergeți pașii cu descrieri detaliate.
    • Interfață de utilizare ușor de utilizat.
    • Acoperirea tuturor fațetelor interpretării Salah.
    • Esența salah
    • Musulmanii Dua pentru uz zilnic
    • Contorizați Tasbeeh, numărați și salvați Tasbeeh
    • Opțiuni diferite de setări, în funcție de sex și sectă.
    • De asemenea, este oferită opțiunea de partajare pentru a beneficia de alții cu această aplicație de rugăciune utilă.

    Rezultatele învățării acestei aplicații islamice de învățare Namaz sunt împărțite în cinci clase majore cu metodă pas cu pas în timp real:

    1. Rugăciuni zilnice
    Această secțiune povestește despre natura Rakaat (Fard sau Obligatoriu, Sunnah subliniat sau Muʻakkadah, Sunnah Gher Muʻakkadah, Nafl Mustahab și Witr Wajib) care apar în fiecare Rugăciune zilnică cu timp de rugăciune pentru toate cele cinci cinci Namaz obligatorii, adică < i> Fajar, Duhr, Asr, Maghrib și Isha .

    2. Salah ocazional
    În această categorie de aplicații salah pas cu pas, sunt acoperite numărul și tipurile de Rakaat și diferite cereri care apar în Jumma Prayer, Funeral (Namaz e Janazah), Tasbeeh (Salatul Tasbeeh), Salat al Istikhara și Eid.

    3. Pregătire
    În acest segment al aplicației Namaz, credincioșii vor cunoaște caracteristicile necesare asociate învățării regulilor Namaz. Învățăturile sunt răspândite în menținerea unei curățenii complete, a modului de a efectua Wudu, acoperirea tuturor părților corpului și menținerea importanței timpului rugăciunii în minte.

    4. Machiaj
    Această categorie de aplicații salah pas cu pas se referă la conștientizarea musulmanilor cu privire la semnificația realizării ratei Salah, cum să oferiți Qaza Namaz și performanța Salat omis în diferite circumstanțe. De asemenea, îi permite utilizatorului să cunoască greșelile obișnuite care apar în timpul rugăciunilor de rutină.

    5. Timpuri
    Această parte se referă la a face consumatorii de aplicații să se identifice cu timpul corect de rugăciune pentru toate cele cinci Salat obligatorii în aplicația salah pas cu pas. Acesta povestește despre ocazia reală a Namaz pe baza diferitelor surse de informații ale metodelor actuale Locație, Juristic (Hanfi, Shafi), Calcul (WML, Makkad, Karachi, ISNA, Tahran , Egipt) și Latitudine (Bazat pe unghi, Noaptea de mijloc, Un al șaptelea). De asemenea, informează despre viitoarea instanță Namaz în trei sunete Adhan diferite.

    6. Tasbeeh Counter
    Numărați Ziker-ul zilnic într-un mod ușor în mod corect și salvați-vă Tasbeeh-ul și creați șablonul zilnic de zikar pentru fiecare zi a aplicației salah pas cu pas.

    Beneficii și binecuvântări:
    Beneficiile și binecuvântările Rugăciunilor (Namaz) sunt incluse în modulul separat al aplicației de ghidare pas cu pas Salah și Namaz. Binecuvântările rugăciunilor acoperă rugăciunile Jumma, rugăciunile funerare, rugăciunile Tasbeeh, Salaat ul Tasbeeh și rugăciunea Eid, toate rugăciunile zilnice. De asemenea, Semnificația rugăciunilor este inclusă în salah pas cu pas.

    Dacă sunteți în căutarea unui ghid complet despre cum să vă rugați Namaz cu ilustrația pas cu pas Salah, descărcați acum această aplicație islamică pentru a afla despre informații adecvate despre performanța Salah.

  • Version5.5

    Aplicație utilă pentru a afla modul corect de a oferi pas cu pas Salah cu Azan Audio.

    Update Log

    Step by Step Salah
    Learn to offer Namaz
    Daily Duas
    Prayer Alarm

    App Description

    Și să stabilească rugăciunea și să se teamă de El. [Coran 6:72] "

    Step by Step Salah este o aplicație islamică pentru smartphone destinată instruirii musulmanilor din întreaga lume despre cum să oferi în mod eficient rugăciuni (Namaz) împreună cu toate informațiile esențiale. Aplicația pas cu pas Salah este un ghid cuprinzător de rugăciune pentru credincioși, pentru a se familiariza cu fiecare aspect al rugăciunilor zilnice, Salat neobligatoriu și altele.

    Unele dintre caracteristicile unice ale acestei aplicații Step by Step Salah (Namaz) sunt:
    • Ilustrație profundă a fiecărui pas făcut în timpul fiecărei Rugăciuni Salat împreună cu Audio
    • Salah Times cu memento Voice Azan
    • Pas cu pas Salah
    • Ștergeți pașii cu descrieri detaliate.
    • Interfață de utilizare ușor de utilizat.
    • Acoperirea tuturor fațetelor interpretării Salah.
    • Esența salah
    • Musulmanii Dua pentru uz zilnic
    • Contorizați Tasbeeh, numărați și salvați Tasbeeh
    • Opțiuni diferite de setări, în funcție de sex și sectă.
    • De asemenea, este oferită opțiunea de partajare pentru a beneficia de alții cu această aplicație de rugăciune utilă.

    Rezultatele învățării acestei aplicații islamice de învățare Namaz sunt împărțite în cinci clase majore cu metodă pas cu pas în timp real:

    1. Rugăciuni zilnice
    Această secțiune povestește despre natura Rakaat (Fard sau Obligatoriu, Sunnah subliniat sau Muʻakkadah, Sunnah Gher Muʻakkadah, Nafl Mustahab și Witr Wajib) care apar în fiecare Rugăciune zilnică cu timp de rugăciune pentru toate cele cinci cinci Namaz obligatorii, adică < i> Fajar, Duhr, Asr, Maghrib și Isha .

    2. Salah ocazional
    În această categorie de aplicații salah pas cu pas, sunt acoperite numărul și tipurile de Rakaat și diferite cereri care apar în Jumma Prayer, Funeral (Namaz e Janazah), Tasbeeh (Salatul Tasbeeh), Salat al Istikhara și Eid.

    3. Pregătire
    În acest segment al aplicației Namaz, credincioșii vor cunoaște caracteristicile necesare asociate învățării regulilor Namaz. Învățăturile sunt răspândite în menținerea unei curățenii complete, a modului de a efectua Wudu, acoperirea tuturor părților corpului și menținerea importanței timpului rugăciunii în minte.

    4. Machiaj
    Această categorie de aplicații salah pas cu pas se referă la conștientizarea musulmanilor cu privire la semnificația realizării ratei Salah, cum să oferiți Qaza Namaz și performanța Salat omis în diferite circumstanțe. De asemenea, îi permite utilizatorului să cunoască greșelile obișnuite care apar în timpul rugăciunilor de rutină.

    5. Timpuri
    Această parte se referă la a face consumatorii de aplicații să se identifice cu timpul corect de rugăciune pentru toate cele cinci Salat obligatorii în aplicația salah pas cu pas. Acesta povestește despre ocazia reală a Namaz pe baza diferitelor surse de informații ale metodelor actuale Locație, Juristic (Hanfi, Shafi), Calcul (WML, Makkad, Karachi, ISNA, Tahran , Egipt) și Latitudine (Bazat pe unghi, Noaptea de mijloc, Un al șaptelea). De asemenea, informează despre viitoarea instanță Namaz în trei sunete Adhan diferite.

    6. Tasbeeh Counter
    Numărați Ziker-ul zilnic într-un mod ușor în mod corect și salvați-vă Tasbeeh-ul și creați șablonul zilnic de zikar pentru fiecare zi a aplicației salah pas cu pas.

    Beneficii și binecuvântări:
    Beneficiile și binecuvântările Rugăciunilor (Namaz) sunt incluse în modulul separat al aplicației de ghidare pas cu pas Salah și Namaz. Binecuvântările rugăciunilor acoperă rugăciunile Jumma, rugăciunile funerare, rugăciunile Tasbeeh, Salaat ul Tasbeeh și rugăciunea Eid, toate rugăciunile zilnice. De asemenea, Semnificația rugăciunilor este inclusă în salah pas cu pas.

    Dacă sunteți în căutarea unui ghid complet despre cum să vă rugați Namaz cu ilustrația pas cu pas Salah, descărcați acum această aplicație islamică pentru a afla despre informații adecvate despre performanța Salah.

  • Version5.3

    Aplicație utilă pentru a afla modul corect de a oferi pas cu pas Salah cu Azan Audio.

    Update Log

    Bugs Fixed

    App Description

    And to establish the prayer and fear Him. [Quran 6:72]"

    Step by Step Salah is an Islamic Smartphone application meant for instructing Muslims all over the world about how to effectively offer prayers (Namaz) along with all the essential information. Step by step Salah app is a comprehensive prayer guide for believers to get themselves familiar with every aspect of daily prayers, non-obligatory Salat and others.

    Some of the unique features of this Step by Step Salah (Namaz) app are:
    • In depth illustration of each step taken during every Salat Prayer along with Audio
    • Salah Times with Voice Azan reminder
    • Step by Step Salah
    • Clear steps with detailed descriptions.
    • Easy to use user interface.
    • Covering each and every facet of performing Salah.
    • Essence of salah
    • Muslims Dua’s for daily use
    • Tasbeeh counter, count and save your Tasbeeh
    • Different Settings options depending upon gender and sect.
    • Share option for benefiting others with this useful Prayer App is also provided.

    The learning outcomes of this Islamic application of learn Namaz are divided into five major classes with real time step-by-step method:

    1. Daily Prayers
    This section tells about the nature of Rakaat (Fard or Mandatory, Sunnah Emphasized or Mu`akkadah, Sunnah Gher Mu`akkadah, Nafl Mustahab and Witr Wajib) that come in each Daily Prayer with prayer timings for all 5 five obligatory Namaz, i.e. Fajar, Duhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha.

    2. Occasional Salah
    In this category of step by step salah app the number and kinds of Rakaat and different supplications that come in Jumma Prayer, Funeral (Namaz e Janazah), Tasbeeh (Salatul Tasbeeh), Salat al Istikhara and Eid are covered.

    3. Preparation
    In this segment of Namaz app, the believers will come to know about necessary characteristics associated with learning Namaz rules. The learnings are spread over maintaining complete Cleanliness, how to perform Wudu, Covering all Body parts and keeping importance of Time of the prayer in mind.

    4. Making up
    This category of step by step salah app is all about making Muslims aware of the significance of carrying out Missed Salah, how to offer Qaza Namaz and performance of omitted Salat under different circumstances. It also lets user know about common Mistakes that occur during routine prayers.

    5. Timings
    This part is all about making app consumers identify with the correct prayer timing for all five compulsory Salat in step by step salah app. It tells about the actual occasion of Namaz based on different information sources of current Location, Juristic (Hanfi, Shafi), Calculation methods (WML, Makkad, Karachi, ISNA, Tahran, Egypt) and Latitude (Angle Based, Mid Night, One Seventh). It also informs about the upcoming Namaz instance in three different Adhan Sounds.

    6. Tasbeeh Counter
    Count your daily Ziker in an easy way correctly and save your Tasbeeh and create daily zikar template for each day of step by step salah app.

    Benefits and Blessings:
    Benefits and blessings of Prayers (Namaz) are included in separate module of step by Step Salah and Namaz guide app. Blessings of prayers cover Jumma Prayers, Funeral Prayers, Tasbeeh Prayers, Salaat ul Tasbeeh and Eid Prayer, All Daily Prayers. Also, Significance of prayers are included in Step by step salah.

    If you are looking for a complete guide on how to pray Namaz with step by step Salah illustration, then download this Islamic application now in order to know about adequate information about performance of Salah.

  • Version5.2

    Aplicație utilă pentru a afla modul corect de a oferi pas cu pas Salah cu Azan Audio.

    Update Log

    Ramadan Module added
    Minor bugs fixed

    App Description

    And to establish the prayer and fear Him. [Quran 6:72]\"
    Step by Step Salah is an Islamic Smartphone application meant for instructing Muslims all over the world about how to effectively offer prayers (Namaz) along with all the essential information. Step by step Salah app is a comprehensive prayer guide for believers to get themselves familiar with every aspect of daily prayers, non-obligatory Salat and others.
    Some of the unique features of this Step by Step Salah (Namaz) app are:
    • In depth illustration of each step taken during every Salat Prayer along with Audio
    • Salah Times with Voice Azan reminder
    • Step by Step Salah
    • Clear steps with detailed descriptions.
    • Easy to use user interface.
    • Covering each and every facet of performing Salah.
    • Essence of salah
    • Muslims Dua’s for daily use
    • Tasbeeh counter, count and save your Tasbeeh
    • Different Settings options depending upon gender and sect.
    • Share option for benefiting others with this useful Prayer App is also provided.

    The learning outcomes of this Islamic application of learn Namaz are divided into five major classes with real time step-by-step method:
    1. Daily Prayers
    This section tells about the nature of Rakaat (Fard or Mandatory, Sunnah Emphasized or Mu`akkadah, Sunnah Gher Mu`akkadah, Nafl Mustahab and Witr Wajib) that come in each Daily Prayer with prayer timings for all 5 five obligatory Namaz, i.e. Fajar, Duhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha.
    2. Occasional Salah
    In this category of step by step salah app the number and kinds of Rakaat and different supplications that come in Jumma Prayer, Funeral (Namaz e Janazah), Tasbeeh (Salatul Tasbeeh), Salat al Istikhara and Eid are covered.
    3. Preparation
    In this segment of Namaz app, the believers will come to know about necessary characteristics associated with learning Namaz rules. The learnings are spread over maintaining complete Cleanliness, how to perform Wudu, Covering all Body parts and keeping importance of Time of the prayer in mind.
    4. Making up
    This category of step by step salah app is all about making Muslims aware of the significance of carrying out Missed Salah, how to offer Qaza Namaz and performance of omitted Salat under different circumstances. It also lets user know about common Mistakes that occur during routine prayers.
    5. Timings
    This part is all about making app consumers identify with the correct prayer timing for all five compulsory Salat in step by step salah app. It tells about the actual occasion of Namaz based on different information sources of current Location, Juristic (Hanfi, Shafi), Calculation methods (WML, Makkad, Karachi, ISNA, Tahran, Egypt) and Latitude (Angle Based, Mid Night, One Seventh). It also informs about the upcoming Namaz instance in three different Adhan Sounds.
    6. Tasbeeh Counter
    Count your daily Ziker in an easy way correctly and save your Tasbeeh and create daily zikar template for each day of step by step salah app.
    Benefits and Blessings:
    Benefits and blessings of Prayers (Namaz) are included in separate module of step by Step Salah and Namaz guide app. Blessings of prayers cover Jumma Prayers, Funeral Prayers, Tasbeeh Prayers, Salaat ul Tasbeeh and Eid Prayer, All Daily Prayers. Also, Significance of prayers are included in Step by step salah.
    If you are looking for a complete guide on how to pray Namaz with step by step Salah illustration, then download this Islamic application now in order to know about adequate information about performance of Salah.

  • Version5.1

    Aplicație utilă pentru a afla modul corect de a oferi pas cu pas Salah cu Azan Audio.

    Update Log

    Minor bugs fixed

    App Description

    And to establish the prayer and fear Him. [Quran 6:72]"
    Step by Step Salah is an Islamic Smartphone application meant for instructing Muslims all over the world about how to effectively offer prayers (Namaz) along with all the essential information. Step by step Salah app is a comprehensive prayer guide for believers to get themselves familiar with every aspect of daily prayers, non-obligatory Salat and others.
    Some of the unique features of this Step by Step Salah (Namaz) app are:
    • In depth illustration of each step taken during every Salat Prayer along with Audio
    • Salah Times with Voice Azan reminder
    • Step by Step Salah
    • Clear steps with detailed descriptions.
    • Easy to use user interface.
    • Covering each and every facet of performing Salah.
    • Essence of salah
    • Muslims Dua’s for daily use
    • Tasbeeh counter, count and save your Tasbeeh
    • Different Settings options depending upon gender and sect.
    • Share option for benefiting others with this useful Prayer App is also provided.

    The learning outcomes of this Islamic application of learn Namaz are divided into five major classes with real time step-by-step method:
    1. Daily Prayers
    This section tells about the nature of Rakaat (Fard or Mandatory, Sunnah Emphasized or Mu`akkadah, Sunnah Gher Mu`akkadah, Nafl Mustahab and Witr Wajib) that come in each Daily Prayer with prayer timings for all 5 five obligatory Namaz, i.e. Fajar, Duhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha.
    2. Occasional Salah
    In this category of step by step salah app the number and kinds of Rakaat and different supplications that come in Jumma Prayer, Funeral (Namaz e Janazah), Tasbeeh (Salatul Tasbeeh), Salat al Istikhara and Eid are covered.
    3. Preparation
    In this segment of Namaz app, the believers will come to know about necessary characteristics associated with learning Namaz rules. The learnings are spread over maintaining complete Cleanliness, how to perform Wudu, Covering all Body parts and keeping importance of Time of the prayer in mind.
    4. Making up
    This category of step by step salah app is all about making Muslims aware of the significance of carrying out Missed Salah, how to offer Qaza Namaz and performance of omitted Salat under different circumstances. It also lets user know about common Mistakes that occur during routine prayers.
    5. Timings
    This part is all about making app consumers identify with the correct prayer timing for all five compulsory Salat in step by step salah app. It tells about the actual occasion of Namaz based on different information sources of current Location, Juristic (Hanfi, Shafi), Calculation methods (WML, Makkad, Karachi, ISNA, Tahran, Egypt) and Latitude (Angle Based, Mid Night, One Seventh). It also informs about the upcoming Namaz instance in three different Adhan Sounds.
    6. Tasbeeh Counter
    Count your daily Ziker in an easy way correctly and save your Tasbeeh and create daily zikar template for each day of step by step salah app.
    Benefits and Blessings:
    Benefits and blessings of Prayers (Namaz) are included in separate module of step by Step Salah and Namaz guide app. Blessings of prayers cover Jumma Prayers, Funeral Prayers, Tasbeeh Prayers, Salaat ul Tasbeeh and Eid Prayer, All Daily Prayers. Also, Significance of prayers are included in Step by step salah.
    If you are looking for a complete guide on how to pray Namaz with step by step Salah illustration, then download this Islamic application now in order to know about adequate information about performance of Salah.

  • Version4.5

    Aplicație utilă pentru a afla modul corect de a oferi pas cu pas Salah cu Azan Audio.

    Update Log

    Adhan Issue fixed
    Improved version
    Minor bugs fixed

    App Description

    And to establish the prayer and fear Him. [Quran 6:72]"
    Step by Step Salah is an Islamic Smartphone application meant for instructing Muslims all over the world about how to effectively offer prayers (Namaz) along with all the essential information. Step by step Salah app is a comprehensive prayer guide for believers to get themselves familiar with every aspect of daily prayers, non-obligatory Salat and others.
    Some of the unique features of this Step by Step Salah (Namaz) app are:
    • In depth illustration of each step taken during every Salat Prayer along with Audio
    • Salah Times with Voice Azan reminder
    • Step by Step Salah
    • Clear steps with detailed descriptions.
    • Easy to use user interface.
    • Covering each and every facet of performing Salah.
    • Essence of salah
    • Muslims Dua’s for daily use
    • Tasbeeh counter, count and save your Tasbeeh
    • Different Settings options depending upon gender and sect.
    • Share option for benefiting others with this useful Prayer App is also provided.

    The learning outcomes of this Islamic application of learn Namaz are divided into five major classes with real time step-by-step method:
    1. Daily Prayers
    This section tells about the nature of Rakaat (Fard or Mandatory, Sunnah Emphasized or Mu`akkadah, Sunnah Gher Mu`akkadah, Nafl Mustahab and Witr Wajib) that come in each Daily Prayer with prayer timings for all 5 five obligatory Namaz, i.e. Fajar, Duhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha.
    2. Occasional Salah
    In this category of step by step salah app the number and kinds of Rakaat and different supplications that come in Jumma Prayer, Funeral (Namaz e Janazah), Tasbeeh (Salatul Tasbeeh), Salat al Istikhara and Eid are covered.
    3. Preparation
    In this segment of Namaz app, the believers will come to know about necessary characteristics associated with learning Namaz rules. The learnings are spread over maintaining complete Cleanliness, how to perform Wudu, Covering all Body parts and keeping importance of Time of the prayer in mind.
    4. Making up
    This category of step by step salah app is all about making Muslims aware of the significance of carrying out Missed Salah, how to offer Qaza Namaz and performance of omitted Salat under different circumstances. It also lets user know about common Mistakes that occur during routine prayers.
    5. Timings
    This part is all about making app consumers identify with the correct prayer timing for all five compulsory Salat in step by step salah app. It tells about the actual occasion of Namaz based on different information sources of current Location, Juristic (Hanfi, Shafi), Calculation methods (WML, Makkad, Karachi, ISNA, Tahran, Egypt) and Latitude (Angle Based, Mid Night, One Seventh). It also informs about the upcoming Namaz instance in three different Adhan Sounds.
    6. Tasbeeh Counter
    Count your daily Ziker in an easy way correctly and save your Tasbeeh and create daily zikar template for each day of step by step salah app.
    Benefits and Blessings:
    Benefits and blessings of Prayers (Namaz) are included in separate module of step by Step Salah and Namaz guide app. Blessings of prayers cover Jumma Prayers, Funeral Prayers, Tasbeeh Prayers, Salaat ul Tasbeeh and Eid Prayer, All Daily Prayers. Also, Significance of prayers are included in Step by step salah.
    If you are looking for a complete guide on how to pray Namaz with step by step Salah illustration, then download this Islamic application now in order to know about adequate information about performance of Salah.

  • Version3.7

    Aplicație utilă pentru a afla modul corect de a oferi pas cu pas Salah cu Azan Audio.

    Update Log

    Minor bugs fixed

    App Description

    And to establish the prayer and fear Him. [Quran 6:72]"
    Step by Step Salah is an Islamic Smartphone application meant for instructing Muslims all over the world about how to effectively offer prayers (Namaz) along with all the essential information. Step by step Salah app is a comprehensive prayer guide for believers to get themselves familiar with every aspect of daily prayers, non-obligatory Salat and others.
    Some of the unique features of this Step by Step Salah (Namaz) app are:
    • In depth illustration of each step taken during every Salat Prayer along with Audio
    • Salah Times with Voice Azan reminder
    • Step by Step Salah
    • Clear steps with detailed descriptions.
    • Easy to use user interface.
    • Covering each and every facet of performing Salah.
    • Essence of salah
    • Muslims Dua’s for daily use
    • Tasbeeh counter, count and save your Tasbeeh
    • Different Settings options depending upon gender and sect.
    • Share option for benefiting others with this useful Prayer App is also provided.

    The learning outcomes of this Islamic application of learn Namaz are divided into five major classes with real time step-by-step method:
    1. Daily Prayers
    This section tells about the nature of Rakaat (Fard or Mandatory, Sunnah Emphasized or Mu`akkadah, Sunnah Gher Mu`akkadah, Nafl Mustahab and Witr Wajib) that come in each Daily Prayer with prayer timings for all 5 five obligatory Namaz, i.e. Fajar, Duhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha.
    2. Occasional Salah
    In this category of step by step salah app the number and kinds of Rakaat and different supplications that come in Jumma Prayer, Funeral (Namaz e Janazah), Tasbeeh (Salatul Tasbeeh), Salat al Istikhara and Eid are covered.
    3. Preparation
    In this segment of Namaz app, the believers will come to know about necessary characteristics associated with learning Namaz rules. The learnings are spread over maintaining complete Cleanliness, how to perform Wudu, Covering all Body parts and keeping importance of Time of the prayer in mind.
    4. Making up
    This category of step by step salah app is all about making Muslims aware of the significance of carrying out Missed Salah, how to offer Qaza Namaz and performance of omitted Salat under different circumstances. It also lets user know about common Mistakes that occur during routine prayers.
    5. Timings
    This part is all about making app consumers identify with the correct prayer timing for all five compulsory Salat in step by step salah app. It tells about the actual occasion of Namaz based on different information sources of current Location, Juristic (Hanfi, Shafi), Calculation methods (WML, Makkad, Karachi, ISNA, Tahran, Egypt) and Latitude (Angle Based, Mid Night, One Seventh). It also informs about the upcoming Namaz instance in three different Adhan Sounds.
    6. Tasbeeh Counter
    Count your daily Ziker in an easy way correctly and save your Tasbeeh and create daily zikar template for each day of step by step salah app.
    Benefits and Blessings:
    Benefits and blessings of Prayers (Namaz) are included in separate module of step by Step Salah and Namaz guide app. Blessings of prayers cover Jumma Prayers, Funeral Prayers, Tasbeeh Prayers, Salaat ul Tasbeeh and Eid Prayer, All Daily Prayers. Also, Significance of prayers are included in Step by step salah.
    If you are looking for a complete guide on how to pray Namaz with step by step Salah illustration, then download this Islamic application now in order to know about adequate information about performance of Salah.