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Spendee Budget & Money Tracker
Get your money under control with easy-to-use finance manager in your pocket.
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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very good

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/12/2024

Thank you for your review and feedback! 🙌

07/12/2024 15:16:19

Spendee se ha convertido en mi aliado indispensable para gestionar mis finanzas. Su interfaz intuitiva me permite registrar gastos, y visualizar mis finanzas en gráficos claros y completos. Gracias a sus informes detallados, puedo ipuedo identificar áreas donde puedo ahorrar y optimizar mi presupuesto.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/12/2024

Thank you for your amazing review and feedback! We wish you loads of happy years with Spendee and keep going, you are doing a wonderful job! 🙌💚

07/12/2024 03:15:13

for now it's very good! I'd like to see more clearly how much I've got in my account, but I guess this is different.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/11/2024

Thank you for your review and email. 💚

07/10/2024 16:58:58

Not finding it easy to add and remove/edit income and outgoings. Hard to navigate this app. EDIT I knew how to use the app and now with updates its terrible. All good. Cashew app is very similar but better and less glitches.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/10/2024

​You can learn how to use the app on our help desk, please see the link below:
https://help.spendee.com (https://help.spendee.com/). Or you can check the video tutorials:
https://help.spendee.com/article/245-video-tutorials 😎 We hope this might help. 💘

07/10/2024 05:46:57

free version is more than enough to properly track spending!

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/09/2024

Thank you for your five-star review! ✨ We wish you Happy Spendeeing! 💰

07/09/2024 08:53:51

The app is OK. But even after buying the premium subscription you still constantly get adds and popups for buying the subscription. Support confirmed that this is intended, which obviously makes no sense at all!

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/08/2024

Thank you for your review. As we stated, we are properly noting each feedback and complaint regarding the ads to make it more personal for each user, therefore your feedback has been passed to the responsible team. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused!

07/07/2024 18:47:57

Good app. Still exploring it. I like it, easy to use, and no ads.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/06/2024

Thank you for your lovely review and feedback! You made our day. 🌞💛

07/05/2024 10:15:57

Finally the app works again on S24 Ultra and most of the other bugs are fixed. Truly enjoying it now!

3 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/03/2024

Thank you, we are glad to read your five-star review! It means a lot to us and we wish you Happy Spendeeing! 💰

07/02/2024 12:36:50

How to withdraw in pakistan

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/01/2024

Thank you for your review. There is no possibility to withdraw any money from Spendee as transactions are all virtual and Spendee is an app for managing your finances and budgets. Thank you for your understanding, we appreciate it!

07/01/2024 17:19:59

I love this app, but the labels won't work. I can't select a label from the drop down menu :( sad.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/25/2024

Thank you for your review and we apologize for the ongoing issues with the labels. 🙏 This issue is being worked on and will be fixed in the following updates. Please bear with us a little longer, many thanks! 🙌

06/25/2024 10:56:34
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