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SBB Mobile
Your personal travel companion for public transport.
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Theoretisch ein Top App, aber dass ich mitten in der App eine Temu Werbung erhalte, die 50% des Screens einnimmt, muss ich nicht verstehen. Vor allem: wieso unnachhaltge Chinawerbung?

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/02/2024

Guten Tag Herr Wirz. Guten Tag. Danke für Ihre Rückmeldung. Wir bedauern, haben Sie sich bei der Nutzung von SBB Mobile über die Werbung geärgert. Sie können die Werbung in SBB Mobile komplett ausschalten. Gehen Sie dazu in der App ins Tab «Profil» -> «Angebote & Werbung». Freundliche Grüsse.

07/01/2024 21:56:50

Ok. Not very respectful of your contacts. Trie to nab them 🥺

0 0
By A Munz
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/02/2024

Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, it does not contain enough information to give you a valid answer. Please complete the feedback. Thank you for your understanding. Kind regards.

07/01/2024 21:54:32

"Pendeln" ist unpraktisch: ich brauche keine Benachrichtigung, wenn der Zug vom Gleis 32 statt 31 fährt. Ich will nur Ausfälle und Verspätungen wissen, das dafür zuverlässig.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/02/2024

Hi there. Thank you for your feedback. I'm pleased that you generally like SBB Mobile. I am happy to take your input on board. Thank you very much for your valuable support. Kind regards

07/01/2024 12:52:24

the must have toolbox for public transport in Switzerland to get the 5th star for the Android version: tickets purchased on the device should be cached within the app until the end of their validity. I was unable to show the ticket when I was in airplane mode implement export to wallet (Google and Samsung) in analogy to iOS. Android users are not 2nd grade users!

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/02/2024

Hello Mr. Harenberg. Thank you for your feedback. I'm pleased that you generally like SBB Mobile. I am happy to take your input on board. Thank you very much for your valuable support. Kind regards

07/01/2024 01:26:29

Die App weist einen schwerwiegenden Fehler auf: Gekaufte Tickets werden nicht mit bereits erworbenen Billetten abgeglichen. Eine App, die Duplikate zulässt, ist grundsätzlich fehlerhaft programmiert. Warum kann diese App nicht überprüfen, ob für denselben SwissPass bereits ein Billett für die gleiche Strecke und Zeit existiert bzw. gekauft wurde?

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/02/2024

Guten Tag Herr Wüst. Danke für Ihre Rückmeldung. Ich nehme den Input gerne auf. Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir nicht alle Wünsche und Anregungen, dann auch effektiv in SBB Mobile umsetzen können. Wir prüfen aber sehr gerne gemachte Vorschläge. Freundliche Grüsse.

06/30/2024 05:07:00

Trash tier programming - it just doesn't work. Tried to create an account and every time I get the same error "An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again later". Useless.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/02/2024

Hi there. Thank you for your feedback. I am sorry to hear about your negative experience. I assume it's about the registration, which happens outside the app on swisspass.ch. Unfortunately, I can't support you with the current information. What specific error message are you receiving? Kind regards

06/30/2024 02:00:48

Thank god for sbb

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/02/2024

Good day. Thank you very much for the praise and the 5* rating. I'm delighted that you like SBB Mobile so much. I wish you continued good travels with our app. Kind regards.

06/29/2024 06:56:45

Sometimes takes forever to load the tickets, while other internet based apps work fine. A Edit: my experience now is that its fast and responsive👍

0 0
By Simi
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/27/2024

Hello. Thank you very much for the adjusted rating. I am pleased that SBB Mobile is working to your complete satisfaction. I hope you continue to enjoy travelling with our app. Kind regards.

06/26/2024 20:24:10

Having used public transport in many countries, this app is simply the best.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/25/2024

Hi there. Thank you very much for the praise and the 5* rating. I'm delighted that you like SBB Mobile so much. I wish you continued good travels with our app. Kind regards.

06/25/2024 15:32:17

Unable to add payment method. It's showing some unexplained errors almost on every screen..

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/25/2024

Hello. Thank you for your feedback. I am sorry to read about your negative experience. Unfortunately, your feedback is very general. Which payment method? At which action, at which point in the app do you receive an error? And which error code exactly? Kind regards.

06/24/2024 22:17:34
No data yet.No data yet.
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