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Simple Music Player
Simple music player with minimal functionality
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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Even for the simplicity and ads free, this app deserves 5 star.

0 0
07/15/2024 01:09:41

This is the PERFECT mp3 player in these modern times. Because 99.9% of mp3 player apps todays are nothing but a bunch of ads bombared on your face. But this app builts different. Its like you're playing your favorite song using a classic mp3 player on your first android phone wayback 2013 lmao. THIS IS THE BEST OF ALL THE BEST!

07/14/2024 00:27:15

This music Player is very very good in small size

0 0
07/13/2024 15:45:16

Not all hero wear a cape just like the dev of this app. This app can be use offline even if you're connected there no ads that will pop up. Keep up the good work.

07/13/2024 13:51:06

Found the app that I needed very minimal no ads at all just amazing music player for phone that don't come with music players

07/12/2024 14:37:31

best app

0 0
07/12/2024 10:11:05

Very good music player simple and good

0 0
07/12/2024 09:25:35

Simple to use & no ads?? THANK YOU!!

07/11/2024 13:01:17

Very nice app .. thish app no add . Thish app give 5 star

0 0
07/11/2024 11:58:19

I just hope that in the playing queue, i can jump to where the currently playing song is. Also number the songs in the playing queue making the playing song number 0, this helps a lot when navigating the queue so i do not get lost or have to scroll, yeah there isn't a scroll wheel either.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/11/2024

Good point.

07/10/2024 21:58:02
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