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Money Miner
12/12/2023 15:00 Delisted
Kaivossimulaattori: kaivospelit virtuaalisilla btc-elementeillä
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Version History

  • Version3.1.55

    Kaivossimulaattori: kaivospelit virtuaalisilla btc-elementeillä

    Update Log

    Dear users!
    Thank you for your interest in the project and for using Money Miner!

    We have fixed few bugs in this update!

    App Description

    👨💻 Hyvät käyttäjät, olemme keränneet sinulle merkityksellistä tietoa salausvaluutasta. Ole hyvä ja tutustu siihen, toivomme, että se voi auttaa sinua löytämään enemmän tietoa bitcoin-kaivosten maailmasta ja ilmaisista rahat. Nykyään monet ihmiset tietävät kaivosdollarien louhinnasta, ja jo nyt on jotkut bitcoin-miljardöörit, jotka ovat saaneet omaisuutensa ilmaisella btc: llä. Mutta alussa bitcoin-miljardoreita ei ollut ollenkaan. Kaikki on alkanut ideasta.

    Bitcoin-louhinta - prosessi, jossa jokainen bitcoin-valmistaja lisää uusia tapahtumia blockchainiin;

    Blockchain - tietojen tallennustekniikka validoitujen lohkojen luettelon muodossa, jotka kaikki viittaavat edeltäjään, mukaan lukien Genesis-lohko. Se on moderni korkean teknologian tapa ansaita rahaa verkossa;

    Salausvaluutta - digitaalisen valuutan tyyppi (sweatcoin), jonka perusta perustuu salaustekniikkaan. Valuuttakurssit, jotka ovat saavuttaneet suuren suosion: Eetteri, Bitcash, Etn, Monero, Btc, Zrx, Ripple, Sweatcoin, Freebitcoin ja muut valuutat.

    Btc (freebitcoin) - hajautettu digitaalinen valuutta, joka perustuu salaustekniikkaan.

    Cloud mining - prosessi, joka perustuu pilvipalvelimien algoritmeihin.

    Nämä tiedot voivat auttaa sinua ymmärtämään joitain ilmaisen btc-tekniikan näkökohtia paremmin ja mahdollisesti löytämään vaihtoehtoisia tapoja ansaita rahaa verkossa. Tämä btc-kaivosmies on rahan napsauttaja. Nauti kaivosimulaattoriprosessista, joka voi myös rikastuttaa kokemustasi!

    Kuinka tämä bitcoin-kaivosmies toimii?

    Online-kaivossimulaattorin käyttö ei vaadi erityisiä taitoja tai ylimääräisiä btc-asetuksia.

    🚀 Käynnistä prosessi yhdellä napsautuksella. Paina "Käynnistä!" - hyvää työtä! Alku on tehty!
    💰 Virtuaalinen saldosi näkyy näytön yläreunassa. Määrä, jota lisätään jokaisesta suoritetusta jaksosta, ilmestyy «saldo» -sarakkeeseen;

    🔍 On tärkeätä tarkistaa nopeus, joka on merkitty h / s, tämä on keskeinen tekijä koko prosessissa, nopeus löytyy näytön alaosasta.

    💎 Kukkaron kuvan painike auttaa tarkistamaan vähimmäismäärän prosenttimäärän saavuttamisen edistymisen.

    🎁 Voit myös käyttää valikkoa ostamaan lisävahvistimia tai lisäämään nopeutta suorittamalla yksinkertaisia ​​ja jännittäviä tehtäviä!

    Sovelluksen ominaisuudet

    Muista, että on tärkeää tarkistaa etenemistäsi ajoittain, kuten muissakin kaivospeleissä, jotta pystyt valitsemaan sopivan hetken tehokkaalle toiminnalle. Tässä on vinkkejä ja ominaisuuksia, jotka saattavat olla hyödyllisiä sinulle:

    ✅ Suorita päivittäiset tehtävät ja hanki lisäosat nopeuden lisäämiseksi. Täytä yksinkertainen online-kysely tai katso video ja nopeuta kaivostasi!

    ✅ Kokeile lähetysohjelmaamme: lähetä yksilöllinen tarjouskoodi ystävällesi!

    ✅ Puhelin ei ylikuumene, kaikkien työnkulkujen tavallinen nopeus säilyy;

    ✅ Sovellus ei häiritse sinua, päätät aina, kun haluat tarkistaa sen.

    Hyvät käyttäjät, työskentelemme jatkuvasti tämän projektin eteen vastaamaan odotuksiasi. Kun avaat sovelluksen, voit myös hyväksyä tietosuojakäytännön: sinun on luettava se, asetettava rasti ja napsautettava Seuraava.

    Olemme nuori joukkue ja arvostamme todella tukeasi! Tiimimme pyrkii parantamaan projektien laatua tehdäkseen niistä kiehtovampaa ja haastavampaa. On olemassa uusia kaivospelejä ja sovelluksia, jotka odottavat sinua! 🏆

    ✍Odotamme palautetta, jonka voit lähettää sähköpostiisi: [email protected]

    🔥Liity meihin ja lataa bitcoin miner nyt!

    Money Miner -joukkue

  • Version3.1.49

    Kaivossimulaattori: kaivospelit virtuaalisilla btc-elementeillä

    Update Log

    Dear users!
    Thank you for your interest in the project and for using Money Miner!

    We have fixed few bugs in this update!

    App Description

    👨💻 Dear users, we have gathered relevant information about cryptocurrency for you. Please, get acquainted with it, we hope it may help you to discover more about the world of bitcoin mining and free money. Nowadays many people know about mining dollars and there are already some bitcoin billionaire who’ve made their fortune on free btc. But in the beginning there were no bitcoin billionaires at all. It’s all begun with an idea.

    Bitcoin mining – the process where every bitcoin maker adds new transactions to the blockchain;

    Blockchain – data storage technology in the form of a list of validated blocks, all of which refer to their predecessor including the Genesis block. It’s a modern high-tech way to earn money online;

    Cryptocurrency – type of digital currency (sweatcoin), the foundation of which is based on cryptographic methods. Currencies, which have gained high level of popularity: Ether, Bitcash, Etn, Monero, Btc, Zrx, Ripple, Sweatcoin, Freebitcoin and other currencies.

    Btc (freebitcoin) – a decentralized digital currency based on cryptography.

    Cloud mining – the process, based on algorithms of cloud servers.

    This information may help you to understand some aspects of free btc technology better and possibly discover some alternative ways to earn money online. This btc miner is a money clicker. Enjoy mining simulator process, which can also enrich your experience!

    How does this bitcoin miner work?

    The use of our online mining simulator doesn’t require any special skills or additional btc settings.

    🚀 Launch the process in one click. Press "Start!" – good job! A start has been made!

    💰 Your virtual balance will appear at the top of the screen. The amount, which will be increased for each completed cycle will appear in the column called «balance»;

    🔍 It's important to check the speed, which is marked as h/s, this is a key factor in the whole process, speed could be found at the bottom of the screen.

    💎 The button with the image of the purse helps to check the progress of getting the percent of the minimum amount.

    🎁 Also you can use menu to purchase additional boosters or you can increase the speed by completing simple and exciting tasks!

    Features of the app

    Remember that it's important to check your progress from time to time, like in other mining games, so you’ll be able to choose a suitable moment for an effective action. Here are some tips and features that may come in handy to you:

    ✅ Complete daily tasks and get boosters to increase the speed. Complete a simple online questionnaire or watch a video and accelerate your miner!

    ✅ Try our referral program: send a unique promotional code to your friend!

    ✅ Your phone won't overheat, the usual speed of all workflows will remain;

    ✅ The app won't bother you, you decide whenever you want to check it.

    Dear users, we're constantly working on this project to meet your expectations. When you open the application, you can also agree with the privacy policy: you need to read it, put a tick and click "next."

    We’re a young team and we really appreciate your support! Our team strives to improve the quality of the projects to make them more captivating and challenging. There are new mining games and applications, which lay ahead of you! 🏆

    ✍We're looking forward to get your feedback, which you can send to our email: [email protected]

    🔥Join us and download bitcoin miner right now!

    Best wishes,
    Money Miner Team

  • Version3.1.46

    Kaivossimulaattori: kaivospelit virtuaalisilla btc-elementeillä

    Update Log

    Dear users!
    Thank you for your interest in the project and for using Money Miner!

    We have fixed few bugs in this update!

    App Description

    👨💻 Dear users, we have gathered relevant information about cryptocurrency for you. Please, get acquainted with it, we hope it may help you to discover more about the world of bitcoin mining and free money. Nowadays many people know about mining dollars and there are already some bitcoin billionaire who’ve made their fortune on free btc. But in the beginning there were no bitcoin billionaires at all. It’s all begun with an idea.

    Bitcoin mining – the process where every bitcoin maker adds new transactions to the blockchain;

    Blockchain – data storage technology in the form of a list of validated blocks, all of which refer to their predecessor including the Genesis block. It’s a modern high-tech way to earn money online;

    Cryptocurrency – type of digital currency (sweatcoin), the foundation of which is based on cryptographic methods. Currencies, which have gained high level of popularity: Ether, Bitcash, Etn, Monero, Btc, Zrx, Ripple, Sweatcoin, Freebitcoin and other currencies.

    Btc (freebitcoin) – a decentralized digital currency based on cryptography.

    Cloud mining – the process, based on algorithms of cloud servers.

    This information may help you to understand some aspects of free btc technology better and possibly discover some alternative ways to earn money online. This btc miner is a money clicker. Enjoy mining simulator process, which can also enrich your experience!

    How does this bitcoin miner work?

    The use of our online mining simulator doesn’t require any special skills or additional btc settings.

    🚀 Launch the process in one click. Press "Start!" – good job! A start has been made!

    💰 Your virtual balance will appear at the top of the screen. The amount, which will be increased for each completed cycle will appear in the column called «balance»;

    🔍 It's important to check the speed, which is marked as h/s, this is a key factor in the whole process, speed could be found at the bottom of the screen.

    💎 The button with the image of the purse helps to check the progress of getting the percent of the minimum amount.

    🎁 Also you can use menu to purchase additional boosters or you can increase the speed by completing simple and exciting tasks!

    Features of the app

    Remember that it's important to check your progress from time to time, like in other mining games, so you’ll be able to choose a suitable moment for an effective action. Here are some tips and features that may come in handy to you:

    ✅ Complete daily tasks and get boosters to increase the speed. Complete a simple online questionnaire or watch a video and accelerate your miner!

    ✅ Try our referral program: send a unique promotional code to your friend!

    ✅ Your phone won't overheat, the usual speed of all workflows will remain;

    ✅ The app won't bother you, you decide whenever you want to check it.

    Dear users, we're constantly working on this project to meet your expectations. When you open the application, you can also agree with the privacy policy: you need to read it, put a tick and click "next."

    We’re a young team and we really appreciate your support! Our team strives to improve the quality of the projects to make them more captivating and challenging. There are new mining games and applications, which lay ahead of you! 🏆

    ✍We're looking forward to get your feedback, which you can send to our email: [email protected]

    🔥Join us and download bitcoin miner right now!

    Best wishes,
    Money Miner Team

  • Version3.1.39

    Kaivossimulaattori: kaivospelit virtuaalisilla btc-elementeillä

    App Description

    👨💻 Dear users, we have gathered relevant information about cryptocurrency for you. Please, get acquainted with it, we hope it may help you to discover more about the world of bitcoin mining and free money. Nowadays many people know about mining dollars and there are already some bitcoin billionaire who’ve made their fortune on free btc. But in the beginning there were no bitcoin billionaires at all. It’s all begun with an idea.

    Bitcoin mining – the process where every bitcoin maker adds new transactions to the blockchain;

    Blockchain – data storage technology in the form of a list of validated blocks, all of which refer to their predecessor including the Genesis block. It’s a modern high-tech way to earn money online;

    Cryptocurrency – type of digital currency (sweatcoin), the foundation of which is based on cryptographic methods. Currencies, which have gained high level of popularity: Ether, Bitcash, Etn, Monero, Btc, Zrx, Ripple, Sweatcoin, Freebitcoin and other currencies.

    Btc (freebitcoin) – a decentralized digital currency based on cryptography.

    Cloud mining – the process, based on algorithms of cloud servers.

    This information may help you to understand some aspects of free btc technology better and possibly discover some alternative ways to earn money online. This btc miner is a money clicker. Enjoy mining simulator process, which can also enrich your experience!

    How does this bitcoin miner work?

    The use of our online mining simulator doesn’t require any special skills or additional btc settings.

    🚀 Launch the process in one click. Press "Start!" – good job! A start has been made!

    💰 Your virtual balance will appear at the top of the screen. The amount, which will be increased for each completed cycle will appear in the column called «balance»;

    🔍 It's important to check the speed, which is marked as h/s, this is a key factor in the whole process, speed could be found at the bottom of the screen.

    💎 The button with the image of the purse helps to check the progress of getting the percent of the minimum amount.

    🎁 Also you can use menu to purchase additional boosters or you can increase the speed by completing simple and exciting tasks!

    Features of the app

    Remember that it's important to check your progress from time to time, like in other mining games, so you’ll be able to choose a suitable moment for an effective action. Here are some tips and features that may come in handy to you:

    ✅ Complete daily tasks and get boosters to increase the speed. Complete a simple online questionnaire or watch a video and accelerate your miner!

    ✅ Try our referral program: send a unique promotional code to your friend!

    ✅ Your phone won't overheat, the usual speed of all workflows will remain;

    ✅ The app won't bother you, you decide whenever you want to check it.

    Dear users, we're constantly working on this project to meet your expectations. When you open the application, you can also agree with the privacy policy: you need to read it, put a tick and click "next."

    We’re a young team and we really appreciate your support! Our team strives to improve the quality of the projects to make them more captivating and challenging. There are new mining games and applications, which lay ahead of you! 🏆

    ✍We're looking forward to get your feedback, which you can send to our email: [email protected]

    🔥Join us and download bitcoin miner right now!

    Best wishes,
    Money Miner Team

  • Version3.1.35

    Kaivossimulaattori: kaivospelit virtuaalisilla btc-elementeillä

    Update Log

    Dear users!
    Thank you for your interest in the project and for using Money Miner!
    New Bonus Tasks are available!

    App Description

    👨💻 Dear users, we have gathered relevant information about cryptocurrency for you. Please, get acquainted with it, we hope it may help you to discover more about the world of bitcoin mining and free money. Nowadays many people know about mining dollars and there are already some bitcoin billionaire who’ve made their fortune on free btc. But in the beginning there were no bitcoin billionaires at all. It’s all begun with an idea.
    Bitcoin mining – the process where every bitcoin maker adds new transactions to the blockchain;
    Blockchain – data storage technology in the form of a list of validated blocks, all of which refer to their predecessor including the Genesis block. It’s a modern high-tech way to earn money online;
    Cryptocurrency – type of digital currency (sweatcoin), the foundation of which is based on cryptographic methods. Currencies, which have gained high level of popularity: Ether, Bitcash, Etn, Monero, Btc, Zrx, Ripple, Sweatcoin, Freebitcoin and other currencies.
    Btc (freebitcoin) – a decentralized digital currency based on cryptography.
    Cloud mining – the process, based on algorithms of cloud servers.
    This information may help you to understand some aspects of free btc technology better and possibly discover some alternative ways to earn money online. This btc miner is a money clicker. Enjoy mining simulator process, which can also enrich your experience!
    How does this bitcoin miner work?
    The use of our online mining simulator doesn’t require any special skills or additional btc settings.
    🚀 Launch the process in one click. Press \"Start!\" – good job! A start has been made!
    💰 Your virtual balance will appear at the top of the screen. The amount, which will be increased for each completed cycle will appear in the column called «balance»;
    🔍 It\u0027s important to check the speed, which is marked as h/s, this is a key factor in the whole process, speed could be found at the bottom of the screen.
    💎 The button with the image of the purse helps to check the progress of getting the percent of the minimum amount.
    🎁 Also you can use menu to purchase additional boosters or you can increase the speed by completing simple and exciting tasks!
    Features of the app
    Remember that it\u0027s important to check your progress from time to time, like in other mining games, so you’ll be able to choose a suitable moment for an effective action. Here are some tips and features that may come in handy to you:
    ✅ Complete daily tasks and get boosters to increase the speed. Complete a simple online questionnaire or watch a video and accelerate your miner!
    ✅ Try our referral program: send a unique promotional code to your friend!
    ✅ Your phone won\u0027t overheat, the usual speed of all workflows will remain;
    ✅ The app won\u0027t bother you, you decide whenever you want to check it.
    Dear users, we\u0027re constantly working on this project to meet your expectations. When you open the application, you can also agree with the privacy policy: you need to read it, put a tick and click \"next.\"
    We’re a young team and we really appreciate your support! Our team strives to improve the quality of the projects to make them more captivating and challenging. There are new mining games and applications, which lay ahead of you! 🏆
    ✍We\u0027re looking forward to get your feedback, which you can send to our email: [email protected]
    🔥Join us and download bitcoin miner right now!
    Best wishes,
    Money Miner Team

  • Version3.1.34

    Kaivossimulaattori: kaivospelit virtuaalisilla btc-elementeillä

    Update Log

    Dear users!
    Thank you for your interest in the project and for using Money Miner!
    We've made the Video Booster upgradable!

    App Description

    👨💻 Dear users, we have gathered relevant information about cryptocurrency for you. Please, get acquainted with it, we hope it may help you to discover more about the world of bitcoin mining and free money. Nowadays many people know about mining dollars and there are already some bitcoin billionaire who’ve made their fortune on free btc. But in the beginning there were no bitcoin billionaires at all. It’s all begun with an idea.
    Bitcoin mining – the process where every bitcoin maker adds new transactions to the blockchain;
    Blockchain – data storage technology in the form of a list of validated blocks, all of which refer to their predecessor including the Genesis block. It’s a modern high-tech way to earn money online;
    Cryptocurrency – type of digital currency (sweatcoin), the foundation of which is based on cryptographic methods. Currencies, which have gained high level of popularity: Ether, Bitcash, Etn, Monero, Btc, Zrx, Ripple, Sweatcoin, Freebitcoin and other currencies.
    Btc (freebitcoin) – a decentralized digital currency based on cryptography.
    Cloud mining – the process, based on algorithms of cloud servers.
    This information may help you to understand some aspects of free btc technology better and possibly discover some alternative ways to earn money online. This btc miner is a money clicker. Enjoy mining simulator process, which can also enrich your experience!
    How does this bitcoin miner work?
    The use of our online mining simulator doesn’t require any special skills or additional btc settings.
    🚀 Launch the process in one click. Press \"Start!\" – good job! A start has been made!
    💰 Your virtual balance will appear at the top of the screen. The amount, which will be increased for each completed cycle will appear in the column called «balance»;
    🔍 It\u0027s important to check the speed, which is marked as h/s, this is a key factor in the whole process, speed could be found at the bottom of the screen.
    💎 The button with the image of the purse helps to check the progress of getting the percent of the minimum amount.
    🎁 Also you can use menu to purchase additional boosters or you can increase the speed by completing simple and exciting tasks!
    Features of the app
    Remember that it\u0027s important to check your progress from time to time, like in other mining games, so you’ll be able to choose a suitable moment for an effective action. Here are some tips and features that may come in handy to you:
    ✅ Complete daily tasks and get boosters to increase the speed. Complete a simple online questionnaire or watch a video and accelerate your miner!
    ✅ Try our referral program: send a unique promotional code to your friend!
    ✅ Your phone won\u0027t overheat, the usual speed of all workflows will remain;
    ✅ The app won\u0027t bother you, you decide whenever you want to check it.
    Dear users, we\u0027re constantly working on this project to meet your expectations. When you open the application, you can also agree with the privacy policy: you need to read it, put a tick and click \"next.\"
    We’re a young team and we really appreciate your support! Our team strives to improve the quality of the projects to make them more captivating and challenging. There are new mining games and applications, which lay ahead of you! 🏆
    ✍We\u0027re looking forward to get your feedback, which you can send to our email: [email protected]
    🔥Join us and download bitcoin miner right now!
    Best wishes,
    Money Miner Team

  • Version3.1.33

    Kaivossimulaattori: kaivospelit virtuaalisilla btc-elementeillä

    Update Log

    Dear users!
    Thank you for your interest in the project and for using Money Miner!
    We have added new booster in this update!

    App Description

    👨💻 Dear users, we have gathered relevant information about cryptocurrency for you. Please, get acquainted with it, we hope it may help you to discover more about the world of bitcoin mining and free money. Nowadays many people know about mining dollars and there are already some bitcoin billionaire who’ve made their fortune on free btc. But in the beginning there were no bitcoin billionaires at all. It’s all begun with an idea.
    Bitcoin mining – the process where every bitcoin maker adds new transactions to the blockchain;
    Blockchain – data storage technology in the form of a list of validated blocks, all of which refer to their predecessor including the Genesis block. It’s a modern high-tech way to earn money online;
    Cryptocurrency – type of digital currency (sweatcoin), the foundation of which is based on cryptographic methods. Currencies, which have gained high level of popularity: Ether, Bitcash, Etn, Monero, Btc, Zrx, Ripple, Sweatcoin, Freebitcoin and other currencies.
    Btc (freebitcoin) – a decentralized digital currency based on cryptography.
    Cloud mining – the process, based on algorithms of cloud servers.
    This information may help you to understand some aspects of free btc technology better and possibly discover some alternative ways to earn money online. This btc miner is a money clicker. Enjoy mining simulator process, which can also enrich your experience!
    How does this bitcoin miner work?
    The use of our online mining simulator doesn’t require any special skills or additional btc settings.
    🚀 Launch the process in one click. Press \"Start!\" – good job! A start has been made!
    💰 Your virtual balance will appear at the top of the screen. The amount, which will be increased for each completed cycle will appear in the column called «balance»;
    🔍 It\u0027s important to check the speed, which is marked as h/s, this is a key factor in the whole process, speed could be found at the bottom of the screen.
    💎 The button with the image of the purse helps to check the progress of getting the percent of the minimum amount.
    🎁 Also you can use menu to purchase additional boosters or you can increase the speed by completing simple and exciting tasks!
    Features of the app
    Remember that it\u0027s important to check your progress from time to time, like in other mining games, so you’ll be able to choose a suitable moment for an effective action. Here are some tips and features that may come in handy to you:
    ✅ Complete daily tasks and get boosters to increase the speed. Complete a simple online questionnaire or watch a video and accelerate your miner!
    ✅ Try our referral program: send a unique promotional code to your friend!
    ✅ Your phone won\u0027t overheat, the usual speed of all workflows will remain;
    ✅ The app won\u0027t bother you, you decide whenever you want to check it.
    Dear users, we\u0027re constantly working on this project to meet your expectations. When you open the application, you can also agree with the privacy policy: you need to read it, put a tick and click \"next.\"
    We’re a young team and we really appreciate your support! Our team strives to improve the quality of the projects to make them more captivating and challenging. There are new mining games and applications, which lay ahead of you! 🏆
    ✍We\u0027re looking forward to get your feedback, which you can send to our email: [email protected]
    🔥Join us and download bitcoin miner right now!
    Best wishes,
    Money Miner Team

  • Version3.1.31

    Kaivossimulaattori: kaivospelit virtuaalisilla btc-elementeillä

    Update Log

    Dear users!
    Thank you for your interest in the project and for using Money Miner!
    We have fixed few bugs in this update!

    App Description

    Kaivossimulaattori: kaivospelit virtuaalisilla btc-elementeillä

  • Version3.1.30

    Kaivossimulaattori: kaivospelit virtuaalisilla btc-elementeillä

    Update Log

    Dear users!
    Thank you for your interest in the project and for using Money Miner!
    We have fixed Boosters issues in this update!

    App Description

    👨💻 Dear users, we have gathered relevant information about cryptocurrency for you. Please, get acquainted with it, we hope it may help you to discover more about the world of bitcoin mining and free money. Nowadays many people know about mining dollars and there are already some bitcoin billionaire who’ve made their fortune on free btc. But in the beginning there were no bitcoin billionaires at all. It’s all begun with an idea.
    Bitcoin mining – the process where every bitcoin maker adds new transactions to the blockchain;
    Blockchain – data storage technology in the form of a list of validated blocks, all of which refer to their predecessor including the Genesis block. It’s a modern high-tech way to earn money online;
    Cryptocurrency – type of digital currency (sweatcoin), the foundation of which is based on cryptographic methods. Currencies, which have gained high level of popularity: Ether, Bitcash, Etn, Monero, Btc, Zrx, Ripple, Sweatcoin, Freebitcoin and other currencies.
    Btc (freebitcoin) – a decentralized digital currency based on cryptography.
    Cloud mining – the process, based on algorithms of cloud servers.
    This information may help you to understand some aspects of free btc technology better and possibly discover some alternative ways to earn money online. This btc miner is a money clicker. Enjoy mining simulator process, which can also enrich your experience!
    How does this bitcoin miner work?
    The use of our online mining simulator doesn’t require any special skills or additional btc settings.
    🚀 Launch the process in one click. Press "Start!" – good job! A start has been made!
    💰 Your virtual balance will appear at the top of the screen. The amount, which will be increased for each completed cycle will appear in the column called «balance»;
    🔍 It's important to check the speed, which is marked as h/s, this is a key factor in the whole process, speed could be found at the bottom of the screen.
    💎 The button with the image of the purse helps to check the progress of getting the percent of the minimum amount.
    🎁 Also you can use menu to purchase additional boosters or you can increase the speed by completing simple and exciting tasks!
    Features of the app
    Remember that it's important to check your progress from time to time, like in other mining games, so you’ll be able to choose a suitable moment for an effective action. Here are some tips and features that may come in handy to you:
    ✅ Complete daily tasks and get boosters to increase the speed. Complete a simple online questionnaire or watch a video and accelerate your miner!
    ✅ Try our referral program: send a unique promotional code to your friend!
    ✅ Your phone won't overheat, the usual speed of all workflows will remain;
    ✅ The app won't bother you, you decide whenever you want to check it.
    Dear users, we're constantly working on this project to meet your expectations. When you open the application, you can also agree with the privacy policy: you need to read it, put a tick and click "next."
    We’re a young team and we really appreciate your support! Our team strives to improve the quality of the projects to make them more captivating and challenging. There are new mining games and applications, which lay ahead of you! 🏆
    ✍We're looking forward to get your feedback, which you can send to our email: [email protected]
    🔥Join us and download bitcoin miner right now!
    Best wishes,
    Money Miner Team

  • Version3.0.29

    Kaivossimulaattori: kaivospelit virtuaalisilla btc-elementeillä

    Update Log

    Dear users!
    Thank you for your interest in the project and for using Money Miner!
    We have fixed Shop issues in this update!

    App Description

    👨💻 Dear users, we have gathered relevant information about cryptocurrency for you. Please, get acquainted with it, we hope it may help you to discover more about the world of bitcoin mining and free money. Nowadays many people know about mining dollars and there are already some bitcoin billionaire who’ve made their fortune on free btc. But in the beginning there were no bitcoin billionaires at all. It’s all begun with an idea.
    Bitcoin mining – the process where every bitcoin maker adds new transactions to the blockchain;
    Blockchain – data storage technology in the form of a list of validated blocks, all of which refer to their predecessor including the Genesis block. It’s a modern high-tech way to earn money online;
    Cryptocurrency – type of digital currency (sweatcoin), the foundation of which is based on cryptographic methods. Currencies, which have gained high level of popularity: Ether, Bitcash, Etn, Monero, Btc, Zrx, Ripple, Sweatcoin, Freebitcoin and other currencies.
    Btc (freebitcoin) – a decentralized digital currency based on cryptography.
    Cloud mining – the process, based on algorithms of cloud servers.
    This information may help you to understand some aspects of free btc technology better and possibly discover some alternative ways to earn money online. This btc miner is a money clicker. Enjoy mining simulator process, which can also enrich your experience!
    How does this bitcoin miner work?
    The use of our online mining simulator doesn’t require any special skills or additional btc settings.
    🚀 Launch the process in one click. Press "Start!" – good job! A start has been made!
    💰 Your virtual balance will appear at the top of the screen. The amount, which will be increased for each completed cycle will appear in the column called «balance»;
    🔍 It's important to check the speed, which is marked as h/s, this is a key factor in the whole process, speed could be found at the bottom of the screen.
    💎 The button with the image of the purse helps to check the progress of getting the percent of the minimum amount.
    🎁 Also you can use menu to purchase additional boosters or you can increase the speed by completing simple and exciting tasks!
    Features of the app
    Remember that it's important to check your progress from time to time, like in other mining games, so you’ll be able to choose a suitable moment for an effective action. Here are some tips and features that may come in handy to you:
    ✅ Complete daily tasks and get boosters to increase the speed. Complete a simple online questionnaire or watch a video and accelerate your miner!
    ✅ Try our referral program: send a unique promotional code to your friend!
    ✅ Your phone won't overheat, the usual speed of all workflows will remain;
    ✅ The app won't bother you, you decide whenever you want to check it.
    Dear users, we're constantly working on this project to meet your expectations. When you open the application, you can also agree with the privacy policy: you need to read it, put a tick and click "next."
    We’re a young team and we really appreciate your support! Our team strives to improve the quality of the projects to make them more captivating and challenging. There are new mining games and applications, which lay ahead of you! 🏆
    ✍We're looking forward to get your feedback, which you can send to our email: [email protected]
    🔥Join us and download bitcoin miner right now!
    Best wishes,
    Money Miner Team

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