Who can use Pocket Ledger?

Debit/Credit Ledger maintenance
Inventory Management
Sales and Invoice Management
Staff Management,
Rental Business,
Daily Collection Business
Suppliers and Traders
Farm Business and a lot more.

Scan barcodes for products and store them in your app database
Create Sales order and Invoice to send it to your clients

Full data can be exported to excel to be used in any other software
Party can be imported in Bulk from using excel

You can print ledger report, Invoice and Products report in PDF and Excel.
You can share the report with your party with Text(sms) or Whatsapp.
Report creation can be based on weekly, monthly six months or date range.
The report can also be viewed directly in you phone too.

Share entry with receipt as pdf, new report for party by category
Receipts images will be stored in Gallery with Pinch and Zoom is added in the receipt image.

For Accounting - Management accounting made easy, know your cash flow & work book balance. No need to calculate your daily sales cash balance manually.
Invoicing : Create stunning PDF invocie and PO to take your business to next level
Reporting Tool - Access your books quickly in case parties want a report, you can easily share a PDF report on WhatsApp with them anywhere on the go.

Manage staff salary - Add a businiess in Pocket Ledger & name it as Salary Book. You can approve/reject entires made by your users

For Individual - Use it as an expense manager & money manager app. Do financial planning & plan your monthly budget.
It will help you prevent excessive spend from your end. Keep a track of pocket money. Cash app is your expense diary or finance notebook.

Create as many Pocket Ledger business in the same app as you like and maintain separate records for each of your ledger accounts.
Generate Report - Easily generate a report and take it out in the form of Excel or google sheets & PDF.

Attach Bills/Receipts - Attach Bill to the party entries by adding bill image with the ledger entry.
Search - Find a record of all cash in and cash out transactions associated with the remark term.

Filter -Tap on the filter to filter data based on year
Use sort to sort your data.

100% Auto Data Backup - All data linked to login id can be accessed from different devices. Your data remains safe in cloud with industry standard ecryption