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Shapez - Factory Game
Create an abstract factory
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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Release Time
Nice but too short

By saidmoglu   

I went through the free 7 levels in like 10 minutes. The full game is only 20 levels and probably too short for the price? Please add more levels.

07/17/2024 16:38:49
Buggy Touch Interface on iPad

By JawnLam   

I love this game. I own it on Steam and I'm looking forward to Sapez 2.
This iPad version has issues with the touch Interface. It never seems to place the object on correct square on the grid. Makes me feel like my iPad has a recalcitrant resistive touch screen that needs to be recalibrated. When I touch on any particular grid location the result shows up on a square the is far from my intend target.
This game is unplayable until that is fixed.

07/16/2024 00:45:44
I love it, but here’s the reason why it’s not five stars

By KellySAHM   

Everything’s perfect about it, but one bug when I tried to place conveyors it glitches out
Like if I try to make a turn, it does anything else, but I wanna do. Can you please fix this bug?

07/11/2024 23:45:19
Good game, bad controls

By Trespassers_William   

The game itself is enjoyable (I have it on pc), but I spent the majority of my time not figuring out the puzzle, but fighting against the controls. The belt would never go where I wanted, deleting was a pain, etc.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/16/2024

Hi, we're sorry to hear that you were not satisfied with the game.
For any issue, please consider reaching out through the in-game chat and we'll do our very best to help!

07/10/2024 19:44:31
Simple and devilishly clever

By Simonwillo   

That sounds counterintuitive but tbh is game is a great example of what you can do with a beautifully simple idea. It’s a really interesting game and you’ve got freedom to figure out your factory as you want. It’s 100% strategy and planning and fixing where you went wrong. It’s a really great phone game.
The controls can be a bit clunky at first but you get used to them. That’s really my only criticism. Well worth the $5, or however much it was.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/16/2024

Thank you for your review!

07/10/2024 19:24:05
LOVE this game, but Constantly Crashing

By MissSweet   

I absolutely LOVE this game. There is something so relaxing and addictive about this game. However, it crashes a lot in the upper levels. By around level 20 it becomes basically unplayable. I’ve played the computer version of this game and it is so much better. I’m hoping the iPad version will get better over time.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/16/2024

Thank you for your review!
For any issue, please consider reaching out through the in-game chat and we'll do our very best to help!

07/10/2024 14:55:16
Conveyer belt issue

By Tintenfisch_1   

I love the game; one thing, these is conveyer belt issue where it do not place in the right orientation. I try to restart the game but it do not fix it. Prob gonna leave it for a sec recently. Wish it will be fixed.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/05/2024

Please make sure that Shapez is updated with the latest version available.
Then, delete the belts in the area with this issue and quit to the menu. Reloading the save should have solved the issue !

07/03/2024 23:45:03
Love the game

By Bobs 16 llkjg   

It’s graphics are great and it’s extremely fun… but you have to pay for u
the full game but besides that it’s very fun… and a bit challenging

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/05/2024

Thank you for your review! As specified in the game description, Shapez is indeed only free up to level 7 so players can try the game and purchase the full content if they like it!

07/03/2024 23:01:09
Too expensive

By Triblock   

This game in awesome but it’s only free on till level 7, I would buy the full version if it wasn’t so expensive 6.99 is too much like 1.99 or 2.99 is way better.

06/26/2024 17:34:44
Fun game; Performance Issues

By Bugamashoo   

I’m having a lot of fun with this game, but I don’t understand why it’s running so poorly on my iPhone 14. I’m getting around 17 frames per second which makes everything feel unresponsive and jittery

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/25/2024

Hi, we're sorry to hear that you were not satisfied with the game.
For any issue, please consider reaching out through the in-game chat and we'll do our very best to help!

06/22/2024 19:24:35
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