Experience gaming freedom like never before with XBPlay — effortlessly stream your One and Series X/S consoles to your device and immerse yourself in your favorite titles anytime, anywhere. Key Features: - Remote Play: Enjoy gaming wherever you are as XBPlay streams directly to your phone. Navigate with an on-screen gamepad for a seamless mobile gaming adventure. - Physical Controller: Enhance your gaming experience by connecting a physical controller to your phone. XBPlay ensures a smooth transition between console and mobile gaming. - Controller Builder: Tailor your gaming controls with ease using our intuitive Controller Builder. Craft custom full-screen Gamepads for a gaming experience uniquely yours. - Cloud: Embrace remote play without WiFi constraints through XBPlay's innovative cloud gaming feature. Discover the ultimate in gaming flexibility with XBPlay. Compatible with both One and Series X/S consoles, it delivers top-notch streaming quality, supports backward-compatible games, and features rumble-ready Bluetooth controllers for an immersive gaming sensation.